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State of the Nation in Health Research & Innovation …A view from HealthCareCAN.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the Nation in Health Research & Innovation …A view from HealthCareCAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the Nation in Health Research & Innovation …A view from HealthCareCAN

2 Overview Why does Health Research matter to us (positioning)? What are the challenges? What are the opportunities? What are our asks? What are the considerations? Discussion….

3 Why does Health Research Matter to Us (positioning)?

4 Engine for economic growth and prosperity Research hospitals among Canada’s innovation leaders. Only group of innovation leaders with growth 2013/14-2014/15 Currently have 60,000 research staff, students, scientists Total of $2.6B in research funding per year Over 6000 research and innovation successes 2012-2015 $245 M of research funding from CIHR in 2014-2015, increased from $212 M in 2013-2014 23% of all university publications co-authored with hospitals.

5 Advancing the Health Research & Innovation Agenda Health: health research saves lives, creates new medicines and technologies, addresses public health issues, and modernizes the health system. Prosperity: CIHR supports over 13,000 investigators and attracts world-leading clinicians and scientists to the benefit of our patients, health system and economy. #

6 Evidence of Research ROI to Date Innovation SensationInnovation Sensation: “A one-stop shop for information about the research and innovation successes taking place in Canada’s academic healthcare organizations.” Research 2 RealityResearch 2 Reality: “A groundbreaking initiative that shines a spotlight on world-class scientists engaged in innovative and leading edge research in Canada.” Healthier Wealthier Smarter: “Discover real stories featuring researchers and patients discussing the practical benefits of health research to Ontarians.” Healthier Wealthier Smarter #

7 What are the research & innovation challenges (lay of the land)?

8 1. Recognize and Coordinate Multiplicity of Players

9 2. Healthy Eco-system: Balancing Supply Push - Demand Pull

10 “WHEREAS Parliament recognizes….that Canada should be an internationally acknowledged leader in contributing to …health research”…and that excellence in health research is fundamental to improving the health of Canadians and of the wider global community”. 3. CIHR Diagnostic: too big a mandate; too little budget

11 #

12 3. CIHR Diagnostic: Falling behind internationally #

13 4. Signs/symptoms of unhealthy research ecosystem (examples) Top Scientists: Funding only 150 of 400 outstanding scientists through the new Foundation Scheme grants Shortfalls: Leaving supervisors of 956 staff and students to find solutions to a $173 million funding shortfall Allocations: Allocating 30% of funds to more applied initiatives, thereby reducing funding for researchers Training: Cutting the MD/PhD and other training programs without a replacement plan. Commercialization: ending PoP commercialization program without providing alternatives. Full costs of research: under recognized role of patient care organizations in research with domino effects (GST, TFW etc. #

14 4. Signs/symptoms…cont’d Evidence to inform care: Cancelling the Cochrane Collaboration for which Canada is known globally Peer review: Changing the peer review process to reduce in-person meetings and discussion Rejection rates: Rejecting 80-95% of funding applications, including those deemed outstanding Matching funds: Requiring applicants to find matching funding for their grant applications Structure of institutes: Changing the advisory and funding capacity of its 13 institutes Young scientists: Average age of first CIHR grant =42 #

15 5. Biggest problem… poor morale #

16 What are the opportunities?

17 What are some opportunities? New Government Liberal Platform Mandate Letters Pre-budget consultations Health Accord “Crises” (burning platforms in research)

18 Are ‘sunny days’ ahead for research & innovation? # Minister of Science “Examine options to strengthen …support for fundamental research” Minister of Innovation, Science & Economic Development “Develop an innovation agenda that includes…” Minister Health “Advance pan Canadian collabo- ration on health innovation..” Minister of Finance “work to ensure that tax measures encourage innovation…”.

19 What are our (many) asks?

20 1. Short term & CIHR? 1. CIHR takes steps to deliberately re-capture the trust and support of the scientists it funds Letter from Dr. Beaudet…Address Peer Review Process issues Hold a blue sky forum with scientists? VPRs efforts to assist scientists (meetings in Jan and Feb) 2. Ask Government to restore inflation & success rates (“stabilize the patient”) then invest in innovation (transport patient”) through: $150 M in 2016 (inflation since 2010)*, $300 M in 2017 (inflation + peer reviewed research)*, $450 M in 2018 (inflation + peer reviewed + innovation)* * Based on CIHR estimates #

21 2. Longer term & general? 1. Strategic investments Modernize granting council budgets (CIHR, CFI)? Invest in an innovation fund (per Naylor up to $1B annually over 5 yrs) but not a new agency? 2.Strategic coordination Create a Health and Life Sciences Roundtable (Coordination)? Canadian Health Innovation Network (HCC brokering role to bring together healthcare innovation stakeholders)? 3.Strategic policy Embed research and innovation considerations in health accord? Recognize AHSCs as part of the research ecosystem? Better alignment of tax and health policy (HST/GST issue)? For full list see “Fact Sheet: What action is needed…?” #

22 Discussion and Implications for H 10

23 Where will H10 start? Some considerations… What is H 10 ’s proposed legacy goal? Canada’s AHSCs as national resources with special federal funding and policy considerations What are proposed short and longer term goals? General (i.e. health accord) and specific issues (i.e. GST, CIHR). What are the HealthCareCAN Board’s priorities? (1) Health Accord; (2) research and innovation issues; (3) infrastructure What’s topical (now)? Health Accord, Federal Budget, PM’s speech Christmas Eve: “what metrics can we use to demonstrate public investments make a difference”?

24 Questions for discussion? 1.Are H 10 members comfortable with overall strategic direction (i.e. short and longer term asks)? 2.What issue(s) should H 10 focus on as we plan for February 24 th Hill event? 3. How would H 10 like to introduce itself as a group? #

25 Next Steps…

26 Preliminary proposal… 1.Staff to follow up on results of meeting. 2.Package to H 10 CEOs and VPRs by 9 th. 3. Next H 10 teleconference on February 16, 2016 4. First meeting on Parliament Hill proposed for Feb 24. #

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