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Grips - Automatic Editing1 Sacramento City College Engineering Design Technology.

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1 Grips - Automatic Editing1 Sacramento City College Engineering Design Technology

2 Grips - Automatic Editing2 Objectives u Use grips to do automatic editing with the STRETCH, COPY, MOVE, ROTATE, SCALE and MIRROR commands.grips u Identify the system variables for automatic editing. u Perform automatic editing with the Properties window.Properties u Use the property painter to match object properties.

3 Grips - Automatic Editing3 Objectives u Chapter 11 discussed various editing commands. u Move, copy, break, rotate, trim, extend, etc. u This chapter takes editing a further step by using Grips.Grips.

4 Grips - Automatic Editing4 Grips u In AutoCAD, grips are features on an object that are highlighted with a small box.grips are featureshighlighted with a small box u The grips on a line are the endpoint and the midpoint. u When you select an object, the grips are automatically activated.

5 Grips - Automatic Editing5 Grips u When grips are activated and no command is active, a pick box is located at the intersection of the screen crosshairs.grips are activatedno command is active u Picking an object activates the grips. Pickingactivates the grips. u The grip box for text is located at the insertion point. insertion point.

6 Grips - Automatic Editing6 Grips u Grip settings are accessed by u the “Selection” tab of the “Tools” “Options” dialog box. u Or u typing GR or DDGRIPS at the Command: prompt.

7 Grips - Automatic Editing7

8 8

9 9 Grips u To turn grips ON or OFF: u Pick “Enable grips” to turn grips on and off under “Tools” “Options” u or u Set the “GRIPS” system variable at the Command: prompt.

10 Grips - Automatic Editing10 Grips u Pick “Enable grips within blocks” to have grips displayed on every sub-object of a block. u When this check box is off, the grip location for a block is the insertion point of the block. u Grips in blocks can also be controlled with the GRIPBLOCK system variable.

11 Grips - Automatic Editing11 Grips u The color of grips can be changed using the drop down box. u Unselected grips are grips that are displayed when you first select an object. u A square with a color outline. u Sometimes called “warm” grips. u Are blue by default.

12 Grips - Automatic Editing12

13 Grips - Automatic Editing13 Grips u Selected grips are grips that you have picked. u Are a “filled in” square. u Are sometimes called “hot” grips. u Are red by default.

14 Grips - Automatic Editing14

15 Grips - Automatic Editing15 Grips u If more than one object is selected, u and u Those objects have warm grips, u then u They are all affected by what you do with the hot grips.

16 Grips - Automatic Editing16 Grips u Remove highlighted objects from the selection set by holding down the [Shift] key and picking the object to be removed. u The highlighting goes away, but the grips remain. u These are called “cold grips”.

17 Grips - Automatic Editing17 Grips u Objects with “cold grips” are not affected by what you do to objects with “warm grips”. u The object can be added to the selection set again by picking it again.

18 Grips - Automatic Editing18 Grips u GRIPCOLOR system variable controls the color of “warm grip” u GRIPHOT system variable controls the color of “hot grips”.

19 Grips - Automatic Editing19

20 Grips - Automatic Editing20 Grips u Grip Size u Grip Size scroll bar in the Selection tab of the Options dialog box lets you change the size of the grip box. u Change the grip size to whatever works best for your drawing. u Very small grip boxes may be difficult to pick. u However, the grips may overlap if they are too large.

21 Grips Grips - Automatic Editing21

22 Grips - Automatic Editing22

23 Grips - Automatic Editing23

24 Grips - Automatic Editing24 Grips u The GRIPSIZE system variable sets the size of the grip. u The default is 3. u Enter GRIPSIZE at the Command: prompt and then type a desired size in pixels.

25 Grips - Automatic Editing25 Grips u The Pickbox Size scroll bar lets you adjust the size of the pick box. u The PICKBOX system variable controls the size of the pickbox. u The desired size is set in pixels.

26 Grips - Automatic Editing26

27 Grips - Automatic Editing27

28 Grips - Automatic Editing28 Using Grips u To activate grips, u Move the pick box to the desired object and pick. u The object is highlighted and u The unselected (warm) grips are displayed.

29 Grips - Automatic Editing29 Using Grips u To select a grip u Move the pick box to the desired grip and u Pick it. u The crosshairs snap to a grip. u When you pick a grip the command line shows the following prompt: u ** STRETCH ** u Specify stretch point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]:

30 Grips - Automatic Editing30 Using Grips u The STRETCH command is activated. u Move the cursor to make the selected object stretch.

31 Grips - Automatic Editing31 Using Grips u The STRETCH command is activated. u Move the cursor to make the selected object stretch. u Pick the middle grip of a line or arc, or the center grip of a circle, to move the object.

32 Grips - Automatic Editing32 Using Grips u Other Options u Base point. u Type B and press [Enter] to select a new base point. u Copy. u Type C and press [Enter] if you want to make one or more copies of the selected object. u Undo. u Type U and press [Enter] to undo the previous operation. u eXit. u Type X and press [Enter] to exit the command.

33 Grips - Automatic Editing33 Using Grips u When you eXit the menu u The selected (hot) grip is gone, but u The unselected (warm) grips remain. u You can also use the [Esc] key to cancel the command. u Canceling twice [Esc] [Esc] removes the selected and the unselected grips and returns the Command: prompt.

34 Grips - Automatic Editing34 Using Grips u You can u Pick objects individually, or u Use a window or crossing box. u You can make more than one grip hot at the same time by holding down the [Shift] key as you pick the grips.

35 Grips - Automatic Editing35 Using Grips u General Rules and Guidelines for grips: u Be sure the GRIPS system variable is on. u Pick an object or group of objects to activate grips. u Objects in the selection set are highlighted.

36 Grips - Automatic Editing36 Using Grips u General Rules and Guidelines for grips: u Pick a warm grip to make it hot. u Make multiple grips hot by holding the [Shift] key while picking warm grips.

37 Grips - Automatic Editing37 Using Grips u If more than one object has hot grips, they are all affected by the editing commands.

38 Grips - Automatic Editing38 Using Grips u Remove objects from the selection set u Hold down the [Shift] key u Pick the objects u Makes the grips cold. u Return objects to the selection set u Pick them again. u Remove hot grips from the selection set u Press the [Esc] key to cancel.

39 Grips - Automatic Editing39 Using Grips u To remove all grips from selection set u Press [Esc] [Esc] key or u Right-click and u Select Deselect All from the shortcut menu to remove all grips.

40 Grips - Automatic Editing40

41 Grips - Automatic Editing41 Using Grips u When editing with grips, you can enter coordinates to help improve your accuracy. u Any of the coordinate entry methods will work when using grips. u Absolute Cartesian. u Relative Cartesian. u Polar Coordinates.

42 Grips - Automatic Editing42 Using Grips u You can also use the MOVE, ROTATE, SCALE, and MIRROR commands to automatically edit objects. u Pick the object. u Select one of the grips. u The Command prompt change to u ** STRETCH **.

43 Grips - Automatic Editing43 Using Grips u When you see the ** STRETCH ** command, u Press [Enter] to cycle through the command options: u ** STRETCH ** u Specify stretch point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]: ** MOVE ** u Specify move point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]: ** ROTATE **

44 Grips - Automatic Editing44 Using Grips u Specify rotation angle or [Base point/Copy/Undo/Reference/eXit]: ** SCALE ** u Specify scale factor or [Base point/Copy/Undo/Reference/eXit]: ** MIRROR **

45 Grips - Automatic Editing45 Using Grips u You can also enter the first two characters of the desired command from the keyboard. u MO for MOVE. u Ml for MIRROR. u RO for ROTATE. u SC for SCALE. u ST for STRETCH.

46 Grips - Automatic Editing46 Using Grips u AutoCAD also allows you to right-click and access a grips shortcut menu. u This menu is only available AFTER a grip has been turned into a selected (hot) grip.

47 Grips - Automatic Editing47 Using Grips u The shortcut menu allows you to access the five grip editing options without using the keyboard. u Pick from the shortcut menu either u Move u Mirror u Rotate u Scale u Stretch

48 Grips - Automatic Editing48 Using Grips u Base Point option in the shortcut menu. u Allows you to select another base point other than the selected (hot) grip.

49 Grips - Automatic Editing49 Using Grips u The shortcut menu also provides direct access to the Copy option. u The Undo option closes the shortcut menu and returns to the current grip activity.

50 Grips - Automatic Editing50 Using Grips u The Properties... option. u Selecting this opens the Properties window. u You can change properties of the objects being edited. u Selecting the Exit option closes the grips shortcut menu and removes the hot grip.

51 Grips - Automatic Editing51 Moving Objects with Grips The MOVE Option

52 Grips - Automatic Editing52 Moving Objects Automatically u To move an object with grips u Select the object u Pick a grip to use as the base point u Press [Enter] to cycle through the commands until you get to this prompt: u ** MOVE ** u Specify move point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]:

53 Grips - Automatic Editing53 Moving Objects Automatically u The selected grip becomes the base point. u Move the object to a new point by picking the new location.

54 Grips - Automatic Editing54 Moving Objects Automatically u If you u accidentally pick the wrong grip u or u want to have a base point other than the selected grip, u Type B u press [Enter] for the Base point option u and u pick a new base point.

55 Grips - Automatic Editing55 Copying Objects With Grips The COPY Option

56 Grips - Automatic Editing56 The COPY Option u The Copy option is found in each of the editing commands. u Stretch u Move u Rotate u Scale u Mirror

57 Grips - Automatic Editing57 The COPY Option u Under STRETCH, the Copy option allows you to make multiple copies of the object you are stretching. u Hold down the [Shift] key while performing the first STRETCH operation to access the Multiple mode.

58 Grips - Automatic Editing58 The COPY Option u The prompt looks like this: u ** STRETCH (multiple) ** u Specify stretch point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]:.

59 Grips - Automatic Editing59 The COPY Option u The Copy option in the MOVE command is the true form of the COPY command. u Activate the Copy option by typing C: u ** MOVE **

60 Grips - Automatic Editing60 The COPY Option u Specify move point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]: C u ** MOVE (multiple) ** u Specify move point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]: (make as many copies as desired) u (enter X, press [Esc], or select Exit-from the grips shortcut menu to exit)

61 Grips - Automatic Editing61 The COPY Option u Holding down the [Shift] key while performing the first MOVE operation also puts you in the Copy mode. u The Copy option works similarly in each of the editing commands. (!) u Try it with each to see what happens.

62 Grips - Automatic Editing62 The COPY Option u When in the STRETCH or MOVE commands, you can also access the Copy option directly by picking the right mouse button to open the grips shortcut menu.

63 Grips - Automatic Editing63 The COPY Option u When in the Copy option of the MOVE command, if you make the first copy followed by holding the [Shift] key, the distance of the first copy automatically becomes the snap spacing for additional copies.

64 Grips - Automatic Editing64 Rotating Objects With Grips The ROTATE Option

65 Grips - Automatic Editing65 Rotating an Object Automatically u To automatically rotate an object: u Select the object u Pick a grip to use as the base point u Press [Enter] until you see this prompt: u ** ROTATE ** u Specify rotation angle or [Base point/Copy/Undo/Reference/eXit]:

66 Grips - Automatic Editing66 Rotating an Object Automatically u Move the pointing device to rotate the object. u Pick the desired rotation point, u OR u Enter a rotation angle at the Command: prompt.

67 Grips - Automatic Editing67 Rotating an Object Automatically u Type R and press [Enter] if you want to use the Reference option. u The Reference option may be used when the object is already rotated at a known angle and you want to rotate it to a new angle. u The reference angle is the current angle u The new angle is the desired angle.

68 Grips - Automatic Editing68 Scaling Objects With Grips The SCALE Option

69 Grips - Automatic Editing69 Scaling an Object Automatically u If you want to scale an object with grips, cycle through the editing options until you get this prompt: u ** SCALE ** u Specify scale factor or [Base point/Copy/Undo/Reference/eXit]: u Move the screen cursor and pick when the object is dragged to the desired size.

70 Grips - Automatic Editing70 Scaling an Object Automatically u You can also enter a scale factor to automatically increase or decrease the scale of the original object. u You can use the Reference option if you know a current length and a desired length. u The selected base point remains in the same place when the object is scaled.

71 Grips - Automatic Editing71 Mirroring Objects With Grips The MIRROR Option

72 Grips - Automatic Editing72 Mirroring an Object Automatically u To mirror an object using grips, u the selected grip becomes the first point of the mirror line. u Press [Enter] to cycle through the editing commands until you get this prompt: u ** MIRROR ** u Specify second point or [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]:

73 Grips - Automatic Editing73 Mirroring an Object Automatically u Use the Base point option to reselect the first point of the mirror line. u Pick another grip or any point on the screen as the second point of the mirror line.

74 Grips - Automatic Editing74 Mirroring an Object Automatically u Unlike the standard MIRROR command, the automatic MIRROR command does not give you the option to delete the old objects. u The old objects are deleted automatically. u If you want to keep the original object while mirroring, use the Copy option in the MIRROR command.

75 Grips - Automatic Editing75 Basic Editing vs. Automatic Editing

76 Grips - Automatic Editing76 Basic Editing u Basic editing allows you to first enter a command and then select the desired object to be edited.

77 Grips - Automatic Editing77 Basic Editing u The Selection modes are of the Selection tab in the Options dialog box allow you to control the way that you use editing commands.

78 Grips - Automatic Editing78 Basic Editing u Noun/verb selection u Normally, you type the edit command, and then select the object. u When noun/verb selection check box is activated, you pick the object first and then enter a command. u The pickbox is displayed at the screen cross hairs.

79 Grips - Automatic Editing79 Basic Editing u Noun/verb selection u The PICKFIRST system variable can also be used to set the noun/verb selection.

80 Grips - Automatic Editing80 Basic Editing u Use Shift to add to selection. u This box changes the way AutoCAD selects objects. u When this check box is off, every object or group of objects you select is highlighted and added to the selection set. u When this check box is on, to add additional items to the selection, hold down the [Shift] key.

81 Grips - Automatic Editing81 Basic Editing u Use Shift to add to selection. u Turning on the PICKADD system variable does the same thing as turning on this feature.

82 Grips - Automatic Editing82 Basic Editing u Press and Drag u Same functionality as turning on the PICKDRAG system variable. u With Press and Drag on, you create a selection window by picking the first corner, then moving the cursor while holding down the pick button. u Release the pick button when you have the desired selection window.

83 Grips - Automatic Editing83 Basic Editing u Press and Drag u By default, this option is off. u You must pick both the first and second corner of the desired selection window.

84 Grips - Automatic Editing84 Basic Editing u Implied windowing u By default, this option is on. u You can automatically create a window by picking the first point and moving the cursor to the right to pick the second point. u A crossing box can also be made by picking the first point and moving the cursor to the left to pick the second point.

85 Grips - Automatic Editing85 Basic Editing u Implied windowing u The PICKAUTO system variable provides the same functionality. u The windowing will not work if PICKDRAG is on.

86 Grips - Automatic Editing86 Basic Editing u Object Grouping u Option controls whether or not AutoCAD recognizes grouped objects as singular objects. u When off, the individual elements of a group can be selected for separate editing without having to first explode the group. (!)

87 Grips - Automatic Editing87 Basic Editing u Associative Hatch u The default is off u When off, if an associative hatch is moved, the hatch boundary does not move with it. u To move the boundary with the hatch, turn the associative hatch on.

88 Grips - Automatic Editing88 Basic Editing u The Properties Window u An object or several objects can be edited automatically using the Properties window.

89 Grips - Automatic Editing89 Basic Editing u The Properties Window u Pick the Properties button form the Standard toolbar u OR u Pick Properties from the Modify pull-down menu u OR u Type MO, CH, PROPS, or PROPERTIES at the Command: prompt.

90 Grips - Automatic Editing90 Basic Editing u The Properties Window u You can also toggle the Properties window on and off using the [Ctrl] + [1] key combination. u After selecting the objects, you can also access the Properties window by right-clicking and selecting Properties from the shortcut menu.

91 Grips - Automatic Editing91 Basic Editing u The Properties Window u To close the Properties window, click on the small “x”.

92 Grips - Automatic Editing92 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u AutoCAD 2000 allows you to edit more than one drawing at a time. u You can copy objects from one drawing into another drawing.

93 Grips - Automatic Editing93 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u The Windows functions copy and paste can be used to copy objects from one drawing to another. u To use this feature, the object that you intend to copy must be selected with grips. u Once selected, right-click to access the shortcut menu.

94 Grips - Automatic Editing94 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u The short cut menu has two options: u Copy u Copy with Base Point

95 Grips - Automatic Editing95 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u Copy u Takes selected objects from AutoCAD and places them on the Windows Clipboard to be sued in another application or another AutoCAD drawing. u Copy with Base Point u Also copies objects to the Clipboard, but allows you to specify a base point to position the copied object when it is pasted. u Select a logical base point (corner or center).

96 Grips - Automatic Editing96 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u Once you have copied the object, make the second drawing active by clicking on it. u Right-click to display the shortcut menu. u Three paste options exist: u Paste u Paste as block u Paste to Original Coordinates

97 Grips - Automatic Editing97 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u Paste u Pastes any Clipboard information into the current drawing. u If the Copy with Base Point option was used to place objects in the Clipboard, then the objects being pasted are attached to the cross hairs at the specified basepoint.

98 Grips - Automatic Editing98 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u Paste as block u This option “joins” all objects in the Clipboard when they are pasted into the drawing. u The pasted objects act like a block in that they are single objects joined together to form one object. u EXPLODE to break apart.

99 Grips - Automatic Editing99 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u Paste to Original Coordinates u This option pastes the objects from the Clipboard to the same coordinates at which they were located in the original drawing.

100 Grips - Automatic Editing100 Editing Between Multiple Drawings u You can also drag and drop objects between drawings. u Make both drawings visible on the screen. u Select the object and press and hold the pick button u Move the cursor into the other drawing and release the pick button. u The object is automatically copied into the second drawing.

101 Grips - Automatic Editing101 Matching Properties u The MATCHPROP command u allows you to copy properties from one object to one or more objects. u It can be done in the same drawing or between drawings.

102 Grips - Automatic Editing102 Matching Properties u To access the MATCHPROP command u Select the Match Properties button in the Standard toolbar u OR u Select Match Properties from the Modify pull- down u OR u Type MA, MATCHPROP or PAINTER at the Command: prompt.

103 Grips - Automatic Editing103 Matching Properties u AutoCAD prompts you for the source object. u The source object is the one that has all the properties you would like to copy to another object. u Once selected, AutoCAD displays the properties it will paint to the destination object.

104 Grips - Automatic Editing104 Matching Properties u The prompt reads: u Current active settings: Color Layer Ltype Ltscale Lineweight Thickness PlotStyle Text Dim Hatch. u Select destination object(s) or [Settings]: u This allows you to pick the object you want to receive the properties of the source object.

105 Grips - Automatic Editing105 Matching Properties u The prompt reads: u Current active settings: Color Layer Ltype Ltscale Lineweight Thickness PlotStyle Text Dim Hatch. u Select destination object(s) or [Settings]: u This allows you to pick the object you want to receive the properties of the source object.

106 Grips - Automatic Editing106 Matching Properties u If you want the properties painted to all objects u Type ALL at this prompt. u To change the properties to be painted, access the Settings option by typing “S”.

107 Grips - Automatic Editing107 Matching Properties u The Property Settings dialog box now appears, showing the types of properties that can be painted.

108 Grips - Automatic Editing108 Matching Properties u Basic Properties u Lists the general properties of the selected object. u Deselect a property for it NOT to be copied. u All active properties are transferred.

109 Grips - Automatic Editing109 Matching Properties u Special Properties u You can paint over dimension styles, text styles, and hatch patterns. u These properties are replaced in the destination object if the check boxes are active.

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