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7th RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 5th July 2007, Krakow, Poland.

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Presentation on theme: "7th RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 5th July 2007, Krakow, Poland."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 5th July 2007, Krakow, Poland

2 2 Agenda Agenda Items Rapporteur 9.001.Arrival and registration All 9.152.Opening -Approval of the agenda -Approval of minutes 6 th RCC Co-chairs 9.303.Preparation -Preparation of the Implementation Group/Task Force Meeting -Overview of agenda items to be covered AEEG, E-Control, RCC (All) 10.154.AOB All 10.305.Closure Co-chairs

3 3 Implementation Task Forces Implementation TFResponsibleResult until Best-practice standardised bulletin boardTSOEnd June/ beginning of July Summary of planned investments in the region (incl. Storage) TSOEnd June/ beginning of July Removing remaining obstacles to implementation of IPA/OBA TSO & ShippersEnd June/ beginning of July Best practice provision of OSS serviceTSOEnd June/ beginning of July REETSRCCEnd June/ beginning of July Hub development as regional balancing market Hub operators EFET, Eurelectric, shippers End June/ beginning of July

4 4 Preparation of the Implementation Group/Task Force Meeting Review of TOR for implementation task forces  Contents  Feasibility Review of progress made by implementation task forces  Progress made up to date  Implementation in the region  Role model character for rest of EU  Coherence and convergence Reporting of progress made up and until now  Quarterly reports & Press strategy: Focus: Investment

5 5 Overview of agenda items to be covered  Best-practice standardised bulletin board  Introduction & TORs  Report by responsible implementation group members/TSOs  Summary of planned investments in the region (incl. Storage)  First assessement of responses to the survey (E-Control)  Removing remaining obstacles to implementation of IPA/OBA  IPA/OBA overview (E-Control) based on GTE interoperability report  Report by TSOs/Shippers  Best practice provision of OSS service  Introduction: TOR and general OSS concept (E-Control)  Report by TSOs/Shippers  Regional Entry Exit Tariff System  Report by RCC (AEEG, Sergio Ascari)  Hub development as regional balancing market  Report by EFET/Eurelectric

6 6 Any other business-AOB Proposed date of next meeting  Suggestion: Next meeting in End of September in Maribor  Key: Progress report by implementation group members  Regulators only to facilitate the process Joint Working Group (JWG) Meeting with EC  17th July 2007, Brussels  Topics to be covered: GGPOS, Transparency, Transit & Transmission, Art. 22 exemptions  Update on GRI developments (if required) Context of regional activities  Next Madrid Forum on 16th/17th October 2007  Update on issues regarding transparency (Outcome of recent survey)  Coherence and convergence as key issues

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