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EDUC 2130 Exploring Teaching & Learning William G. Huitt, Ph.D. Last Revised: January 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUC 2130 Exploring Teaching & Learning William G. Huitt, Ph.D. Last Revised: January 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUC 2130 Exploring Teaching & Learning William G. Huitt, Ph.D. Last Revised: January 2008

2 Introduction Designed to introduce psychological principles as they apply to teaching and learning. A required course in Area F for the BS degree in Education.

3 Introduction Course has no prerequisites It is recommended that students have: Completed ENGL 1001 & 1002 Completed PSYC 2500 or 2700 Completed EDUC 2110 and/or 2120

4 Course Grades All>2.5<2.5 #%#%#% A1214122100 B2732254427 C22261628621 D5600518 F110014 W 21471450 total8510057672833

5 Introduction The course objectives support the College of Education Conceptual Framework Principles at an introductory level. Two principles are the primary focus of this course: Principle 2--The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.

6 Introduction The course objectives support the College of Education Conceptual Framework Principles at an introductory level. Two principles are the primary focus of this course: Principle 4--The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

7 Course Objectives What is teaching and learning and how are these impacted by changing social and cultural conditions? How is school learning measured and what are some of the major factors that influence it? What does it mean to be a professional educator and how can I prepare to become one?

8 Course Objectives What are some of the domains of human development that are important for adult success in the 21 st century? How have I myself (i.e., the teacher candidate) learned in school, and how do I learn most effectively? How do student factors (e.g., motivation, family and cultural background, temperament and learning preferences, prior knowledge and experiences) impact student learning in educational settings?

9 Course Objectives What are the major theories of learning and what principles of learning can be derived from each one? How do teaching practices and instructional structures impact student learning in educational settings? How may I use this knowledge as a future educational professional to inform my professional planning and decision-making so as to maximize learning of all types in all students?

10 Topics I. Introduction A.Purpose and objectives of course B. Working in the public schools C. Definitions II. Objectives of schooling A. Master basic skills B. Contribute to society C. Develop individual potential

11 Topics III. Need for a scientific approach A. Ways of knowing B. Types of studies 1. Descriptive 2. Correlational 3. Experimental

12 Topics IV.Model of the Teaching/Learning Process V. Becoming a professional educator VI. Human growth and development

13 Topics VII. Theories of Learning A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Social Cognition

14 Topics VIII. Guiding the Instructional Process A. Planning B. Instruction C. Management D. Evaluating learning

15 Topics V. Motivation A. Theories of motivation B. Increasing student motivation

16 Attendance Students are expected to attend all class sessions. A student who is absent more than 10% of class sessions will have his or her grade reduced one letter grade. A student who misses more than 20% of class sessions will receive a grade of “F” for the course.

17 Field Experience A course requirement is that students spend 2 clock hours per week as aides to teachers in the public school system for a total of 10 hours. Requirement will be met by being a teacher's aide in a local school and observing videotapes of teachers and students in regular classroom settings which contain black and white students of both sexes. Students will make postings of their interactions and reflections on the WebCT bulletin board.

18 Ethical Conduct Each student is required to show proof of professional liability insurance. This may be done privately or by joining one of the professional educational organizations having a local chapter at VSU. Students are expected to adhere to the Code of Ethics developed by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission while engaged in their field experience.

19 Students With Disabilities Valdosta State University will make arrangements for students who require special assistance due to a disability. If you require some assistance, please let me know. You must be registered with the Access Office to receive special consideration for taking tests.

20 Electronic Devices The use of cell phones and other communication devices in the classroom is distracting to the instructor and other students. A student whose cell phone goes off or who uses the cell phone in class will be counted as absent for that class period. Any student who anticipates using a communication device because of a potential emergency should contact the instructor prior to class.

21 Grading 1. Ten quizzes 80% 2. Cumulative Final Exam (Replaces 2 Quiz Grades) 3. Three WebCT bulletin board postings 10% (Posted weekly) 4. Five bulletin board postings related 5% to classroom observations 5. Two article critiques 5%

22 Extra Credit Up to ten points extra credit may be earned by critiquing one or more of the following: 1. research articles from education or psychology journals, 2. cassette or video tapes, 3. computer software or web pages dealing with issues related to the teaching-learning process. The points will be added to a test grade.

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