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School Based New Apprenticeships Paul Cook 9726 1694.

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1 School Based New Apprenticeships Paul Cook 9726 1694

2 Swinburne’s Administration  All TAFEs have a different ‘set up’. Swinburne has decentralised administration model. The majority of administration of Apprentices & Trainees is conducted within the Departments.  Swinburne has spent time with stakeholders to ensure processes are streamlined.

3 General comments  SBNAs are one of the many Pathways  Many SBNAs convert into Full Time New Apprenticeships.  Utilise your stakeholders: Great support from Jenny McComb-vetEAST and Jennifer Ebden-Hope-MEGT & OELLEN

4 Issues for TAFES  Training Plans  Students undertaking VCAL or VCE at Swinburne are not eligible for SBNAs as they are not enrolled under the relevant Education Act.

5 Issues cont.  Where do SBNAs sit? With VET Coordinator, with VCAL Coordinator? If Training Contract signed then sit with Apprenticeships & Traineeships  In 2005,104 SBNAs=6% of Apprenticeship/Traineeships  In 2006, 55 SBNAs=5% of Apprenticeship/Traineeships  Small % of overall apps/trainees, yet time consuming.

6 Issues cont.  Enrolled in VET then convert to SBNAs. Enrolment issues.  Enrolled in SBNA group with no employer, at what point do we ‘draw the line in the sand’.  How do we deal with the ‘ones’-Painting & Decorating, Food Processing (Wine).

7 Issues cont.  The uncertainty regarding what marks a student is entitled too is complicated and usually second hand information.  VASS requirements for result entry timelines do not correspond with QLSsystems regarding cut off periods within TAFE. This creates problems for the coordinators as they have to make decisions and judgment calls regarding result entries in October, which is two months before the cut off point for TAFE result entries.

8 New Apprenticeships Team-Contacts WEB: Telephone: 1300 368 777 Email:

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