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Gross nutrient balances: German experiences Volker Appel, BMELV-425 WORKING PARTY "AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT" OF THE STANDING.

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Presentation on theme: "Gross nutrient balances: German experiences Volker Appel, BMELV-425 WORKING PARTY "AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT" OF THE STANDING."— Presentation transcript:


2 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 2 Introduction Nutrient use in agriculture  high importance for understanding interactions between agriculture and environment Plant production requires an adequate supply of nutrients in the soil ↨ Concerns about the environmental effects of nutrient surpluses (NO 3 - in ground water, emission of trace gases, P concentrations in surface waters)  Nitrogen balance = indicator in National Sustainability Strategy

3 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 3 Calculation of regional nutrient balances The following results come from …. SCANUBA = Scale dependent nutrient balances German TAPAS 2007 action on calculating regional soil surface N balances (Julius Kühn-Institute / University of Gießen, 2008)

4 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 4 Input and output variables of the national German N balance average 2000 - 2005 NITROGEN INPUTS [%] Mineral fertilisers Organic fertilisers Livestock manure Atmospheric deposition Biological nitrogen fixation Seeds and planting material NITROGEN OUTPUTS [%] Cereals Oil crops Legumes Industrial crops Other crops Harvested fodder crops Pasture

5 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 5 Assumptions 1.Nitrogen pool in the soil will remain unchanged. 2.Nitrogen losses by soil erosion / nitrogen enrichment due to sedimented material are unaccounted for. 3.Gaseous NO und N 2 emissions from nitrification and denitrification processes in soils are not included in the balance. 4.Non biotic nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere will not be considered.

6 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 6 Data sources use data, yield/ha, livestock numbers: agricultural statistics 2.milk yield, regional share of different animal housing systems, volatilised NH 3 and N 2 O: National Inventory Report 2006 3.nitrogen input by deposition : „National implementation of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution“ 2007 4.N-coefficients: Ordinance on Fertilisation (Düngeverordnung) and publications by Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (KTBL)

7 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 7 Computation procedure I Data on mineral fertilizer: reliable only at national level (and for large NUTS 1 regions)  1st step: calculation of Total N demand of crops at NUTS 3 = f (acreage, yield) 2nd step: Mineral N fertilisation = Total N demand of crops - livestock manure*deduction factor - organic fertilizer - legume N fixation (Assumption: farmers account for 100 % of N supplied, except livestock manure)

8 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 8 Computation procedure II 3rd step: Compute deduction factor at national level, solving the last equation in reverse direction ↔ values between 0.15 and 0.4 (for different years) 4th step: Insert deduction factor into above equation to compute mineral fertilzer quantities at NUTS 3 level 5th step: Insert these data into the nitrogen balance

9 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 9 Gross N balance 2003Net N balance 2003

10 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 10 Problems within this approach Data gaps relevant at regional level: mineral fertiliser imports / exports of livestock manure organic secondary raw material yield of several field crops and permanent crops Assumption of optimal (100 %) use of mineral fertiliser  transfer of environmental problems to livestock manure. Uniform deduction factor for livestock manure!

11 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 11 Possible ways forward Improve quality and remove uncertainties of single elements of the balance equation: site conditions ↔ N demand of crops check „top-down-approach“ with „bottom-up-approach“ using farm accountancy data → derive input/output coefficients and transfer functions (OSTERBURG/SCHMIDT/GAY, 2004; OSTERBURG/SCHMIDT, 2008) _______________________________________ Keep in mind: cost-benefit-ratio!

12 WP Agriculture and environment, 11-12 Dec, 2008 12 N balance surplus for Germany sector balance, kg/ha UAA (3 year moving average) Source: Destatis, Sustainable Development in Germany - Indicator Report 2008 for the National Sustainability Strategy

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