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Teams in Organizations

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1 Teams in Organizations
Chapter 13 Teams in Organizations Ryan McVay/Getty Images

2 Module 13.1: Types of Teams Reasons for increased use of teams:
Work can be performed concurrently rather than sequentially Innovation & creativity promoted Enable quick, effective development/delivery of products & services Organizations learn & retain learning more effectively

3 Groups & Teams: Definitions
Groups include members who may work together or may just share some resources Teams include members whose tasks are interdependent; Work towards a common goal & share responsibility for outcomes (Sundstrom et al., 1990) Groups & Teams have too much in common for any grand distinctions

4 Quality circles (Guzzo & Dickson, ’96)
Types of Teams Quality circles (Guzzo & Dickson, ’96) Typically involve 6-12 employees who meet regularly to identify problems/generate ideas Positive outcomes in short term but gains not sustained over time (honeymoon effect) Decreasingly popular in US Why? John A. Rizzo/Getty Images

5 Types of Teams (cont’d)
Project teams (Guzzo & Dickson, ’96) “ad hoc” or “x functional” Created to solve particular problem Disbanded after problem solved or project completed Raise some organizational challenges – multiple reporting relationships. What’s needed to make them work? (Gersick, ’90) Expertise Mgt support Autonomy

6 Types of Teams (cont’d)
Production teams Consist of front-line employees who produce a tangible output Autonomous work group: Type of production team with control over a variety of functions Research findings unclear, more research is necessary John A. Rizzo/Getty Images

7 Virtual Teams Composed of widely dispersed members working together toward a common goal; linked through technology Pose several advantages to organizations Trust is a critical concern; Increase via: Virtual-collaboration, virtual-socialization, and virtual-communication behaviors

8 A Specialized Team: Airline Cockpit Crew
Benefit from an organizational context that provides: Challenging objectives An education system An information system

9 Team Autonomy Levels Participatory Limited decision making
(e.g. Quality Circles) Limited decision making (e.g Production teams) Self-managed Discretion within bounds Self-lead Most autonomous (broad discretion)

10 Module 13.2: A Model of Team Effectiveness
Input-Process-Output Model Enables understanding of how teams perform & how to maximize performance Figure 13.1 The Input-Process-Output Model of Team Effectiveness Source: Adapted from Gladstein (1984).

11 Team Inputs Organizational context Team task Team composition
(Goodman, et al.) necessary resources Technology, Rewards, etc. Team task Task to be performed Team composition Attributes of team members (KASOs) (Stevens & Campion, ’93) p. 552 Teamwork test Shared mental models What are important traits? (Barry & stewart,’97) Team diversity Demographic & psychological diversity

12 (Barrick, Stewart, Neubert & Mount, ‘98)
Study: 51 work teams: Criterion: Supervisor ratings High cognitive ability High Consicentiousness, Emotional Stability Agreeableness

13 Team Processes Norms Communication & coordination Cohesion
Informal rules of a team Communication & coordination Social loafing Cohesion Degree of desire to remain in team Decision making Groupthink

14 Team member well-being
Team Outputs Team performance Often reflected in objective measures Team innovation Team member well-being

15 Module 13.3: Special Issues in Teams
Team appraisal & feedback Should provide team with information needed to identify team problems & further develop team capabilities Extent to which team behaviors & outputs can be measured must be considered ProMES

16 Team-role theory (Belbin, 1993)
Effective teams contain a combination of individuals capable of working in 9 team roles Used predominantly in Europe & Australia Plant Resource investigator Coordinator Shaper Monitor evaluator Team-Worker Implementer Completer Specialist

17 Team Development Changes occur in teams as they develop over time
5 stages of development 1. Orientation (forming) 2. Conflict (storming) 3. Structure (norming) 4. Work (performing) 5. Dissolution (adjourning) PhotoLink/Getty Images

18 Team Training Involves coordinating performance of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal 3 Strategies Cross-training Team coordination training Team leader training

19 Cultural Issues in Teams
Applying Hofstede’s cultural dimensions Implications for teams Individualism vs. collectivism Long-term vs. short-term orientation Effect of cultural & national backgrounds of team members

20 Teams and Culture Teams tend to be well-received in collectivistic cultures Picture 13.4

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