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Age of Absolutism  After Exploration-European nations had vast overseas empires and wealth  Exploring nations become superpowers  Strengthens Kings.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Absolutism  After Exploration-European nations had vast overseas empires and wealth  Exploring nations become superpowers  Strengthens Kings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Absolutism  After Exploration-European nations had vast overseas empires and wealth  Exploring nations become superpowers  Strengthens Kings into absolute monarchs: Spain, France, England

2 France’s Background  Last ½ of 15 th c. –France enjoyed a period of peace. Had driven out English and were able to solidify powerHad driven out English and were able to solidify power  Peace doesn’t last  Rivalry with Charles V of Spain and religious conflict plunged France into turmoil 1500’s torn by war1500’s torn by war

3 Religious Strife  1560s-1590s-war btw Catholic (majority) and Huguenots.  St. Bartholomew’s Day (Catholic holiday- Aug. 24, 1572)-Hugenots and Catholic nobles gathered for royal wedding.  Led by Catholics-3,000 Huguenots slaughtered. Over next few days-1,000s more killed.Over next few days-1,000s more killed. Complete breakdown in FranceComplete breakdown in France

4 Henry IV  1 st ruler of Bourbon Monarchs  1589-Henry IV-Huguenot prince inherited the throne  4 years-fought against Cath. opposition to gain control of France.  Converts to Catholicism BUT-issues Edict of Nantes-granting religious toleration and other freedoms.

5 Henry IV cont.  Wants to repair France-Expands role of govt-royal officials administered justice, improved roads, built bridges, and revived agriculture.  Reduces influence of nobles and helps set stage for Absolutism

6 Louis XIII  Inherits throne at 9 in 1610 and rules until 1643 (2 nd Bourbon Monarch)  France is violent and divided  Cardinal Richelieu is appointed chief minister: helps crush power of nobles and Protestants and makes Louis XIII an absolute monarch of unified and peaceful France

7 30 Years War  1618-1648 religious war between Catholic Spain and Austria vs. Protestant North German kingdoms and Netherlands  France helps Protestants to weaken Spain-but it was very costly

8 Louis XIV  Inherits throne at 5 in 1643-inherits a powerful/unified France and makes it a superpower (3 rd Bourbon Monarch)  Works with Cardinal Mazarin who was appointed by Richelieu as Chief Minister  1648-1653 Fronde-civil war: uprising of nobles, merchants, peasants, and the urban poor to protect royal power.  Mazarin dies in 1661-Louis XIV is 23-and he decides to rule for himself.  Believed in divine right to rule- “I am the State”--Known as Sun King

9 Absolute Monarch  During reign-didn’t call meeting of Estates General  Expanded bureaucracy and appointed intendents-royal officials who collected taxes, recruited soldiers, and carried out his policies.  jobs for wealthy middle- class  Strengthens army into best of Europe  State fed, trained, paid and supplied up to 300,000 soldiers.

10 Colbert Builds France’s Finances  Jean-Baptiste Colbert-imposed mercantilist policies to bolster the economy.  New lands for faming, encouraged industry, built luxury trading.  Imposed high tariffs on imported goods  Regulated trade to the colonies  Helped make France wealthy  BUT Louis XIV’s court and foreign wars were too expensive even for Colbert’s genius policies

11 Louis XIV  Made France wealthy, powerful, cultural, intellectual center of Europe.  Builds Palace of Versailles: most extravagant palace in Europe  Housed 10,000 people so Louis could directly control lives of feudal nobility Gave them a home, protection, and huge tax breakGave them a home, protection, and huge tax break Participate in levee: daily ritualParticipate in levee: daily ritual  Fine paintings, statues, chandeliers, mirrors, royal gardens, flowers, trees etc.  Symbolizes-wealth and power



14 Louis XIV’s successes  Accomplishments in 72 year reign  1. Turned France’s army into the strongest in Europe-helps in both foreign and domestic conflicts  2. Created wealth for France through strengthening of economy  3. Established trading outposts in America and Canada

15 Louis XIV’s failures  1. Unfair tax system: don’t tax nobles and clergy and heavily tax peasants  2. Religious beliefs: Devout Catholic- revoked Edict of Nantes- result=emigration of 100,00-200,000 Huguenots to other European countries

16 Louis XIV’s failures cont.  3. War of Spanish succession 1701-1713: Charles II of Spain dies without heir and France and Austria have claim to throne  Throne passed to Phillip of Anjou-King Louis XIV’s grandson  Netherlands, England, and Austria fought Spain and France for right to throne-ends with Treaty of Utrecht-Phillip remains king-but France and Spain can never unite as one  Louis XIV’s failures set stage for French Revolution

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