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Prosser JROTC September Newsletter Welcome to our JROTC program, I am C/LTC Texcahua the Battalion Commander. As your Battalion Commander, I am expecting.

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Presentation on theme: "Prosser JROTC September Newsletter Welcome to our JROTC program, I am C/LTC Texcahua the Battalion Commander. As your Battalion Commander, I am expecting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prosser JROTC September Newsletter Welcome to our JROTC program, I am C/LTC Texcahua the Battalion Commander. As your Battalion Commander, I am expecting your cooperation in keeping this Battalion the best in the city. We have many Service Learning Projects, ceremonies, competitions, and other activities that you are highly encouraged to engage in. In this program you are also encouraged to be a part of our Drill Team, Color Guard, and the D&B Corps. All of which are more than outstanding. You will be challenged, but you have the support of the Battalion Staff, the rest of the upperclassmen, and I. We are one of the greatest Battalion in the city, and now you have a chance to make it even better. -C/LTC Texcahua


3 Over 600 students, faculty, family, and friends participated in our 2 nd annual Unity Walk. Everyone vowed to keep our community free from violence. Everyone enjoyed their walk and ended the rally with a party behind the school.

4 Cadets of the Month: September C/Cpt. Estrada C/Palafox These Cadets have been chosen to be Cadets of the Month for the month of September. They have shown their commitment, dedication, and leadership towards the JROTC program. Please congratulate these outstanding cadets Happy Birthday S-1 Vega! Vega was surprised with a lovely cake given to her by our Battalion Staff and was sung to by some of our fellow cadets. Project By the Battalion S-5 C/1st LT Cordero

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