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Food Contamination Foodborne Illnesses. Contamination  Most foodborne illnesses are caused by contaminants  Contaminants: substance that may be harmful.

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1 Food Contamination Foodborne Illnesses

2 Contamination  Most foodborne illnesses are caused by contaminants  Contaminants: substance that may be harmful that has accidentally gotten into food.  Microorganisms: living substance so small that it can only be seen by a microscope  Foods contaminated by microorganisms do not always look, smell or taste bad.

3 Bacteria  Single celled or non-cellular microorganisms  Causes many foodborne illnesses  Live almost everywhere, but not all are harmful

4 Bacterial Illnesses  Campylobacteriosis  E.Coli  Listeriosis  Perfingens poisoning  Salmonellosis  Shigellosis  Vibrio Infection  2 others: Botulism and Staphyloccocal Poisoning  Caused by toxins produced by the bacteria

5 Symptoms  Vary depending on type of bacteria  May take from 30 minutes to 30 days to develop after eating the food  Common symptoms include: Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, fever and vomiting  Botulism Symptoms: Double Vision, Inability to swallow, speech difficulty, respiratory paralysis.  Death rate is high, but it can be treated

6 Parasites  Microorganisms that need another organism (host) to live  Hogs and red meat are often infected with Toxoplasma gondii  Cause Toxoplasmosis: damages central nervous system  Caused by eating undercooked meat from infected animals

7 Hepatitis A  Raw shellfish can transmit Hepatitus A  Begins with nausea, vomiting and fever  Severe cases end in death  Heat Resistant  The best way to avoid Hepatitis A is to buy shellfish from trusted commercial sources

8 Assignment  Complete the Foodborne Illness Match Up.

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