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Body Systems.

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1 Body Systems

2 Levels of Organization
ATOMS (basic building block of matter) CELLS (building blocks of life) TISSUES (a group of similar cells that work together to perform a common function)

3 Levels of Organization
ORGANS (a group of two or more types of tissues working together to perform a specific function) ORGAN SYSTEMS (a group of organs that work together to carry out major activities or processes)

4 ORGANISMS (a complete being)
Level of Organization ORGANISMS (a complete being)

5 Body Systems Circulatory System Nervous System Respiratory System
Digestive System Endocrine System Skeletal system Excretory System Muscular System Immune System Reproductive System Integumentary

6 Homeostasis What is homeostasis?
A state of biological balance in an organism. What are some examples of how human body systems work together to maintain homeostasis? Allow students time to record the definition of homeostasis in their science notebooks.

7 Feedback Loop Information sent to… CONTROL CENTER
Control center determines and sends output to… EFFECTOR-delivers response from control center RECEPTOR—senses the change (sensor) Stimulus produces a change Ask: What are the features you notice about the feedback loop? Student answers should include noticing a stimulus, receptor, control center, output, and effector. Response goes back to influence stimulus amount and return to homeostasis IMBALANCE Homeostasis Variable

8 Negative vs. Positive Feedback Mechanisms
What do you think is the difference between a negative feedback mechanism and a positive feedback mechanism? Negative: Goal is to return to “normal” by shutting off or reducing the original stimulus Examples: body temperature regulation, breathing rate and blood pressure Positive: Goal is to stray farther from “normal” by increasing the original stimulus Examples: childbirth and blood clotting

9 Circulatory System

10 This process is called circulation.
Circulatory System The main parts of the Circulatory system are the; veins capillaries arteries heart Arteries – carry (oxygenated) blood away from the heart Veins – carry (deoxygenated) blood back to the heart from parts of the body This process is called circulation.

11 Nervous System The nervous system is the control center of the human body. It is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It receives and interprets stimuli and transmits impulses to organs. Your brain uses the information it receives to coordinate all of your actions and reactions.

12 Overview of a vertebrate nervous system

13 Structure of a vertebrate neuron
What are the functions of: dendrites, axons, myelin sheath, synapses?

14 Respiratory System

15 Respiratory System The respiratory system's
function is to allow oxygen exchange through all parts of the body When we inhale, the body takes in the oxygen that it needs . Exhaling removes the carbon dioxide that it doesn't need. Includes: mouth, nose, lungs and diaphargm.

16 Digestive System Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are more easily absorbed into a blood stream, for instance. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach has a low pH, which allows enzymes to work more efficiently. After some time, the resulting thick liquid is called chyme. Chyme will go through the small intestine, where 95% of absorption of nutrients occurs, through the large intestine, and are eliminated during defecation. -systems-go/

17 Endocrine System This system regulates, coordinates, and controls hormones, body functions, and secretions in the blood. Secretions help control moods, growth, development, and metabolism. made up of : Hypothalamus Pituitary gland thyroid gland Thymus Ovaries Testis adrenal glands

18 Types of Hormones Protein hormones Steroid hormones Polar
Can they go through the cell membrane? Steroid hormones Made from cholesterol

19 How can hormones maintain homeostasis?
Negative Feedback

20 Skeletal System

21 Types of Skeletal Systems
Exoskeleton – hard, waxy coverings on outside of some invertebrates’ bodies. Endoskeleton 1. Supports the body 2. Protects internal organs 3. Provides for movement 4. Stores minerals 5. Where blood is made How Many Bones? Total = 206 bones

22 Excretory System

23 Excretory System (Urinary)
the removal of waste substances from the body Kidneys Sweat glands Blood passes through the kidneys 300 times a day Lungs Rectum (digestive)

24 Excretory Primary organ for the excretory system are the Kidneys
The kidneys balance the volume of fluids and minerals in the body. This balance in the body is called homeostasis Blood passes through the kidneys 300 times a day

25 Muscular System

26 Muscular System composed of skeletal smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue
Muscular Movement: Voluntary movement is moving by choice: running, dancing , typing Involuntary movement is moving without thinking: heart beating, breathing, reflex

27 Reproductive System This system ensures that humans are able to reproduce and survive as a species. It is made up of organs such as the uterus, penis, ovaries, and testes.

28 Immune System What is the function of the immune system?

29 First Line of Defense Blocking germs from getting in in the first place Skin Mucous membranes Low pH in stomach

30 Second Line of Defense Attacks invaders when they get in
Not specific – kills all cells that aren’t supposed to be there Phagocytotic WBC Fever Inflammation

31 Third Line of Defense Specific – attacks a specific invader (antigen)
Examples – cold, flu, measels Antigens – cause a specific immune response Made up of white blood cells (lymphocytes) B cells – Humoral Response T cells – Cell-Mediated Response

32 Helper T-Cells A macrophage (phagocytotic WBC) eats an invader
It wears surface proteins of the bacteria The Helper T-Cell that can fight this infection recognizes the surface protein The Helper T-Cell organizes B Cells and Cytotoxic T-Cells ** Helper T-Cells are Coordinators **

33 B Cells Make antibodies;
Antibodies prevent invader from infecting new cells Lock and key fit (Invader)

34 HIV attacks Helper T-Cells
Very low Helper T Cell Can’t fight infections

35 Integumentary System A system consisting of the skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands that protects the body and controls body temperature.

36 Systems working together
Regulation (Homeostasis) Nervous, Endocrine and Respiratory Nutrient Absorption Digestive, Circulatory and Excretory Reproduction Reproductive and Endocrine Defense Skeletomuscular, Integumentary and Immune

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