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Lebensraum as Policy Investigating Geopolitics in Nazi Germany Ashley Allen 4 November 2014 Technology-Enhanced Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Lebensraum as Policy Investigating Geopolitics in Nazi Germany Ashley Allen 4 November 2014 Technology-Enhanced Learning."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lebensraum as Policy Investigating Geopolitics in Nazi Germany Ashley Allen 4 November 2014 Technology-Enhanced Learning

3 Introducing the Main Points: Video

4 Main Point #1:

5 Main Point #2

6 What is Lebensraum?

7 Why did Nazi Germany implement Lebensraum policies? 1. Impact of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918)

8 Why did Nazi Germany implement Lebensraum policies? 2. A new enemy in the interwar period: Communism in the Soviet Union

9 1. The seizure of territory through militaristic and “diplomatic” means 2. The prevention of the spread of Communism through land seizure 3. The elimination of peoples living natively in newly-acquired lands 4. A strong nostalgia for the past

10 1. Seizure of territory through militaristic and “diplomatic” means Important terms to remember: Anschluss, Sudetenland, annexation, seizure by force, German- Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

11 2. Preventing the spread of Communism through land seizure Important terms to remember: Communism, territorial expansion, settlement

12 3. Eliminating peoples living natively in Newly-Acquired lands Important terms to remember: Displacement, slave labor, extermination, “final solution”

13 4. A strong nostalgia for the past Important terms to remember: Nostalgia, romanticize, agrarianism

14 What was Hitler’s End Game? Hitler = okay with war as cost to achieve lebensraum Important questions to consider: ▫Did Hitler and lebensraum cause World War II? ▫What scale of war was Hitler expecting?

15 Assessment Questions: Can be answered in traditional or UDL formats! What are the literal and contextual definitions of lebensraum? Why did Hitler use lebensraum as a geopolitical policy? Do you think Hitler’s lebensraum-based policies were a primary cause of WWII? Can you think of any modern- day geopolitical policies that are similar to lebensraum?

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