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To play, start slide show and click on circle Excel 1 Excel 2 Excel 3 Excel 4 Excel 5 1 2 4 3 5 Excel 6 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 55 5 1 2 3.

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2 To play, start slide show and click on circle

3 Excel 1 Excel 2 Excel 3 Excel 4 Excel 5 1 2 4 3 5 Excel 6 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 55 5 1 2 3 4 5 Excel 7 1 2 3 4 5

4 Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!

5 1 Each cell has an address that is made up of its column letter and row number. False Click here for answer back True or FAle

6 2 Excel is a computer program by? back Click here for answer Microsoft Adobe, Microsoft, G-Metrix

7 3 To merge cells and center text, highlight t6he cells you want to merge and from the Home tab, Alignment group, select? back Click here for answer Merge & Center Create Single Cell, Merge & Center

8 4 back Click here for answer Increase Indent To move text closer to the cell border, select which icon? Increase Indent - Decrease Indent

9 5 back Click here for answer Beginning Inventory + Purchases – Ending Inventory * Cost of Inventory Item Cost of Goods Sold Formula

10 1 The amount of money that a business makes after subtracting the cost of goods Sold back Click here for answer.Gross Profit eOQ Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit

11 2 Excel allows you to create formulas using Built Ins and back Click here for answer Your Own Custom formulas

12 3 back Click here for answer Column Width To manually resize the width of a column, right click on the column heading and select?

13 4 back Click here for answer Currency, Comma, Percent Which formats can be applied to numbers in Excel? Currency, comma, fraction, percent

14 5 back Click here for answer As many as you want How many worksheets can you add to an Excel spreadsheet?

15 1 The following 4 items are needed for a VLOOKUP. Which one is missing? Look Up Value Table Array Range Look Up back Click here for answer Column Index Number

16 2 What can you use in Excel to make data entry faster and more accurate? It works by telling Excel to look at the value in the cell and then puts information in another cell. back Click here for answer VLOOKUP

17 3 Formula for determining how much inventory a business should order is called? back Click here for answer Economic Order Quantity

18 4 back Click here for answer Cells Information entered into spaces in Excel are called?

19 5 back Click here for answer Ordering Cost The costs for ordering inventory.

20 1 In order to create formulas that work, you need to khow the math rules for Order of ? back Click here for answer Operations

21 2 When the text is too long to fit into a column, you can use which button? back Click here for answer Wrap Text

22 3 Business customers can pay with cash, check, credit card and ? back Click here for answer Invoice System

23 4 The cost of keeping inventory on hand is known as? back Click here for answer Carrying Costs

24 5 back Click here for answer Drop Down List If you want to make it easier on an Excel user to input a selection into a cell and make a spreadsheet easier to use and more efficient, use ???

25 1 Instructions in Excel that tell it how to manipulate data. back Click here for answer Formula

26 2 When typing in a formula, use this symbol for multiplication. back Click here for answer * (asterick)

27 3 When typing in a formula, the first think you should type in is? back Click here for answer =

28 4 back Click here for answer / (slash) The symbol used in an Excel formula for division is?

29 5 When using subtraction in an Excel formula, what symbol do you use? back Click here for answer - (dash)

30 1 When typing a formula in Excel, the symbol for exponents is? back Click here for answer ^ (caret)

31 2 The amount of inventory that a business knows that it will need for the upcoming year. back Click here for answer Annual Demand

32 3 How many steps are how the invoice system works? back Click here for answer 3 steps

33 4 back Click here for answer A & B Which statements are true? A.Inventory is the merchandise that a business sells to its customers. B.Inventory can also be the supplies that a company uses to produce items that it sells. C.Inventory is the LEAST valuable thing that a company owes.

34 5 How would you type the following math problem in Excel? 7 + 4 X 3 back Click here for answer =7+4*3

35 1 back Click here for answer A B and C In what ways does Excel has the ability to: A. Organize Information B. Format Information C. Calculate Information

36 2 Which statement about an INVOICE is false? A.A document that your business uses to bill your customer B.Lists the goods or services that you sold C.Processes information about the amount due. D.Tracks how much inventory you have in stock. back Click here for answer D

37 3 back Click here for answer Parenthesis When applying the rules for the Order of Oerpations, the first step is to perform operations within ?

38 4 back Click here for answer Multiplication & Division When applying the rules for the order of operations, the third step is to perform problems involving?

39 5 back Click here for answer Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint What folders should you have in your I drive? A few other items to note: Know all 4 steps of the Order of Operations

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