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Marital Resiliency Skills Training

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1 Marital Resiliency Skills Training
Justin Loffredo Lakeside Fire Department

2 Marital Resiliency Skills Program Proposal
The Department of Homeland Security in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services are announcing a RFP for marital resiliency skills training. The RFP will be for $1,000,000 over four years. Eligible cities need a pilot program in place with positive results.

3 Key Concepts Traumatic Stress Disorder including acute, chronic and post Marital and family resiliency First responder stress management Community resiliency

4 History Firefighters and police officers are exposed to traumatic incidents that can cause post traumatic effects. Incidents of PTSD occur in 6%-32% of first responders. This condition lends itself to increased mental stress with effects on all aspects of employee’s lives.

5 Adverse effects of PTSD
Dysfunctional marriage Suicide Children effected Illness Divorce Domestic violence Inappropriate officer conduct




9 Rationale Resiliency counseling will yield many positive effects
Clinicians, policy makers, and researchers alike have called for the development of evidence based conjoint and family treatments for PTSD Provide resistance and resiliency to the marital relationship

10 The Program

11 Program Leaders Police officers Firefighters
Employee Assistance Program

12 Program Evaluation Was it effective? Evaluation Feedback Reevaluation

13 Program Integration Existing intervention programs “Primed” employees
Used in ICS structure Familiarize and strengthen partners to adverse occurrences

14 Barriers to Implementation
Stereotypes Employee resistance Time constraints Apathy

15 What will be gained from marital resiliency training?
Reduction of stress Appropriate officer conduct Reduction in family stress Happier employees Increased production Decreased sick leave Greater public image Lower divorce rates Well adjusted children

16 Any questions?

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