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US Project Plan for MICE Mark Palmer Peter Garbincius, Alan Bross, Rich Krull Fermilab November 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "US Project Plan for MICE Mark Palmer Peter Garbincius, Alan Bross, Rich Krull Fermilab November 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Project Plan for MICE Mark Palmer Peter Garbincius, Alan Bross, Rich Krull Fermilab November 24, 2014

2 Introduction This talk will review: Step IV US Deliverables –Construction Status –PRY Re-Cap –Comments on Risks Cooling Demonstration US Deliverables –Planning and Major Milestones –Prototyping –Engineering Design and Critical Issues Conclusion Peter Garbincius’ talk will cover budget details, risk register status, etc. Alan Bross’ talk will cover technical details MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20152

3 STEP IV STATUS MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20153

4 MICE-US Step IV Construction Status Step IV Fabrication and Major Deliverables –Spectrometer Solenoids (2) – Delivered to RAL –LiH Absorber – Delivered to RAL –LH 2 Absorber and Safety Windows 2 Absorber Windows + 1 Spare Delivered to RAL Safety Windows – 2 types: –1 Safety Window Type 1 + 1 Spare Delivered to RAL –1 Safety Window Type 2 + 1 Spare Delivered to RAL –But destructive testing now required for safety windows… –Will deliver all remaining spares to RAL –Partial Return Yoke South Frame & Wall Delivered to RAL North Frame & Wall ETA in Liverpool  April 27 –Installation and Commissioning Spectrometer Solenoids Fiber Trackers PRY MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20154

5 Update on the PRY “Saga” At November MPB/RLS Review –Typhoons and snowstorms had delayed material delivery at the time of the review Delivery was further delayed by work slow-down at Port of Los Angeles (contract disputes) Our High-Level Response (utilizing internally held contingency funds) –Review and update plan to minimize chance of installation issues at RAL (added scope in US effort) –Work with fabricator to expedite schedule (overtime) –Utilize targeted air shipments to roughly preserve overall schedule (pay premiums) MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20155

6 PRY Specific Actions 1.Validate equivalence of the two sets of support frames Enable one set of frames to be used for preliminary installation checks and survey at RAL While second set of frames could be used for full vertical fit-up checks of South and North walls at vendor 2.Air ship first set of frames to RAL Used to verify both North and South frame fit-up in Hall and shimming requirements Installed in South location for receipt of South Wall 3.Air ship South Wall to RAL Full fit-up carried out prior to shipping in US Expedited packaging by shipper at vendor location Ready for immediate installation upon arrival at RAL 4.Expedited Fabrication Release of funds for vendor overtime to ensure full machining order completed ASAP Vendor willing to shift jobs between contractors to utilize available machines and optimize schedule 5.Sea shipment for North Wall, North Frame, End Plates Very modest impact on target schedule  expending additional funds to avoid a few days impact not worthwhile Costs reduced by ~2x by weight relative to air shipment MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20156 Represents ~1/3 rd of total PRY Mass

7 Key PRY Milestones MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20157 Nov `14 MPB Date Added Milestone Date Current Date ETA Liverpool Now 4/27/15 Re-plan to minimize installation risk at RAL Re-plan enabled a more rapid installation upon arrival than originally envisioned Again expect to benefit from a more rapid installation than originally planned to bring overall schedule back in line with contingency-loaded plan. As feared at Nov MPB, additional delivery delays were incurred before all PRY material in hand

8 The PRY “Bottom Line” MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20158 1.Overall, suitable application of project-held contingency will result in overall completion with only minor variance from schedule presented at the November MPB Meeting. 2.Release of contingency funds to achieve overall schedule in line with nominal contingency rates. 3.A strong focus on maintaining an efficient integration process has been crucial.

9 Comments on Step IV Risks Fit-up and acceptance requirements for PRY largely mitigated PRY installation risks –Fit-up risks have been retired Major remaining Step IV risk is associated with magnet commissioning MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 20159

10 COOLING DEMONSTRATION STATUS MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 201510

11 MICE-US Cooling Demonstration Construction Planning & Milestones Planning and Major Milestones –Have extensively reviewed RLS since Nov MPB –Have updated key BOEs (time and cost) –Overall cost and Risk reasonably stable (see talk by Peter G.) –Modest schedule adjustments Mainly planning cleanup due to the large scale of the re-planning presented at Nov MPB Internal milestones have changed at the 1-quarter level Delivery milestones have changed at the 1-month level MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 201511 3 months

12 MICE-US Cooling Demonstration Prototyping Prototyping Tests –201 MHz RF Cavity in MTA Characterized with B=0 (no issues found) Now preparing for tests in B-field (key milestone: May 29, 2015) –RF Module components Updated actuator design Final tweaks to coupler design –New clamp design to enable easier rotation to achieve proper coupling –Cover plate to minimize vacuum connection at coupler cooling line penetration MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 201512 Coupler New RF Cavity Tuner Actuator Prototype

13 MICE-US Cooling Demonstration Engineering Design & Critical Issues I RF Module Design –Critical interface milestones successfully passed since last review Resulted in RF Module design being a minimal variant from present Single Cavity Test System –Preliminary design review held in January Revised vacuum requirements and vacuum system design were the principal focus –Engineering design review planned for end of this month (delayed due to conflict with final dates for this review) After sign-off, vacuum vessel and general hardware procurement will begin –Updates to schedule since last review have resulted in All individual components being ready in Fall 2015 Full assembly to start immediately after the new year (i.e., 2016) Plan is to deliver 2 complete modules to RAL by mid-2016 –Fully assembled and ready for high power processing –Preparation in the US will include initial bakeout and low-power characterization –Delivery is roughly 1 month later than envisioned at Nov MPB – furthermore the UK installation date has now moved earlier, thus reducing our schedule slack to ~3 months –Critical issue then becomes the deployment and commissioning plan at RAL US team strongly supports plan to commission modules and RF stations before installation on MICE beam-line Requires an aggressive strategy in the MICE Hall and STFC support Offers only plausible route to doing full-power checkout/conditioning with all hardware readily accessible MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 201513

14 MICE-US Cooling Demonstration Engineering Design & Critical Issues II PRY Extension –Critical interface milestone (maximum cooling channel length) successfully passed since last review –Steel pre-orders (JFE) are now in place with expected delivery late in the US FY (~September) Based on lessons learned with Step IV Procurement –Must finalize interface and final design issues in time to award fabrication contracts by August 2015 Conflicts between Step IV integration and Cooling Demonstration planning are significant and must be actively managed MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 201514

15 CONCLUSION MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 201515

16 Closing Comments Step IV Integration Effort has remained on track since last MPB/RLS review –Has required aggressive management of US contingency options and attention to ensuring efficient installation Cooling Demonstration –US Cost and Risk estimates remain stable –Some adjustments (relatively minor) to construction schedule Critical Issues –Maintaining the focus on efficient integration and commissioning of Step IV –Ensuring that critical engineering milestones for the Cooling Demonstration hardware are not allowed to slip (even with Step IV conflicts) –Developing a consistent and effective integration and commissioning plan for the Cooling Demonstration MICE Project Board and Resource-Loaded Schedule Review | April 16-17, 201516

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