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Can help you compare data. A convenient method to display every piece of data by showing the digits of each number.

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Presentation on theme: "Can help you compare data. A convenient method to display every piece of data by showing the digits of each number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can help you compare data. A convenient method to display every piece of data by showing the digits of each number.

2 28 4 Stem Leaf Leaf: The last digit on the right of the number. Stem: The digit or digits that remain when the leaf is dropped. Look at the number 284 The leaf is the last digit formed: the number 4. The stem is the remaining digits when the leaf is dropped: the number 28. The stem with the leaf forms the number 284. = 284

3 Here are the scores from two periods of math class. Students took the same test. Period 1: 77 79 85 58 97 94 82 81 75 63 60 92 75 98 83 58 72 57 70 81 Period 2: 57 60 88 85 79 70 65 98 97 59 58 65 62 77 77 75 73 69 82 81

4 Period 1: 76 79 85 58 97 94 82 81 75 63 60 92 75 98 83 58 72 57 70 81 StemLeaf Notice that the data (numerical facts) are numbers between 57-98. Create the stem by listing numbers from 5-9. 5678956789 69 5 8 74 21 5 30 2 5 8 3 8 2 7 0 1 StemLeaf 5678956789 7 7 8 0 3 0 2 5 5 6 9 1 1 2 3 5 2 4 7 8 Rearrange the leaf in numerical order from least to greatest

5 Period 2: 57 60 88 85 79 70 65 98 97 59 58 65 62 77 77 75 73 69 82 81 Stem Leaf Notice that the data (numerical facts) are numbers between 57-98. Create the stem by listing numbers from 5-9. 5678956789 90 8 7 87 52 7 05 1 7 9 3 9 2 8 5 5 StemLeaf 5678956789 7 8 9 0 2 5 5 9 0 3 5 7 7 9 1 2 5 8 7 8 Rearrange the leaf in numerical order from least to greatest

6 Both classes are very similar in test scores. Overall period 1 scored better. The lowest grade was a 57 in both classes. The highest score was a 98 in both classes. The median score for the 20 test scores from period 1 is between a 76 and 79. The median test score for period 2 is between a 73 and 75. Both distributions are symmetric. Both have the highest peak within the 70-79 interval. There are no outliers in either period. Stem Leaf - Period 1 5678956789 7 8 9 0 2 5 5 9 0 3 5 7 7 9 1 2 5 8 7 8 StemLeaf - Period 2 5678956789 7 7 8 0 3 0 2 5 5 6 9 1 1 2 3 5 2 4 7 8

7 Age of United states Presidents at their First Inauguration: 57 61 57 57 58 57 61 54 68 51 49 64 50 48 65 52 56 46 54 49 50 47 55 54 42 51 56 55 51 54 51 60 62 43 55 56 61 52 69 64 (Through the 40 th presidency) StemLeaf Notice that the data (numerical facts) are numbers between 42- 69. Create the stem by listing numbers from 4-6. 456456 9 07 9 1 7771 6 68 8 442 8 41 0 7 45 2 161541 50 3 56 2 2 194

8 2 3 6 7 8 9 9 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 0 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 8 9 StemLeaf 456456 Rearrange the leaf in numerical order from least to greatest Age of United states Presidents at their First Inauguration: 57 61 57 57 58 57 61 54 68 51 49 64 50 48 65 52 56 46 54 49 50 47 55 54 42 51 56 55 51 54 51 60 62 43 55 56 61 52 69 64 (Through the 40 th presidency)

9 2 3 6 7 8 9 9 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 0 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 8 9 StemLeaf: Age of United States Presidents at their First Inauguration (through the 40 th Presidency) 456456 Rearrange the leaf in numerical order from least to greatest It is easy to interpret or analyze information from the Stem-and-Leaf. 1.How many presidents were 51 years old at their inauguration? 2.What age is the youngest president to be inaugurated? 3.What is the age of the oldest president to be inaugurated? 4.How many presidents were 40-49 years old at their inauguration? 23 42 69 7 7

10 Drawing a Stem and Leaf Plot PRICES OF TENNIS SHOES: 82, 69, 25, 55, 75, 88, 99, 64, 82, 125, 70

11 Drawing a Stem and Leaf Plot PRICES OF TENNIS SHOES: 82, 69, 25, 55, 75, 88, 99, 64, 82, 125, 70 Our first step is to write the numbers in order from least to greatest.

12 Drawing a Stem and Leaf Plot Our next step is to draw a table with two columns - one for stems and one for leaves PRICES OF TENNIS SHOES: 25, 55, 64, 69, 70, 75, 82, 82, 88, 99, 125

13 Drawing a Stem and Leaf Plot PRICES OF TENNIS SHOES: 25, 55, 64, 69, 70, 75, 82, 82, 88, 99, 125 StemsLeaves Our next step is to fill in the table. Remember the stem represents the numbers in the tens and hundreds places and the leaves represent the numbers in the ones place

14 PRICES OF TENNIS SHOES: StemsLeaves 2 5 3 4 5 5 6 4 9 7 0 5 8 2 2 8 9 9 10 11 12 5 In a stem and leaf plot, you don ’ t skip numbers in the stems. If there is no leaf for a stem, then you leave it blank (stems 3, 4, 10, 11)

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