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‘Outstanding Mentoring Practice’ UCET – Wednesday 4 th November – 10.10 to 11.10 Room: C7, Birmingham Hilton Metropole ‘UCET and Teacher Education – Going.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Outstanding Mentoring Practice’ UCET – Wednesday 4 th November – 10.10 to 11.10 Room: C7, Birmingham Hilton Metropole ‘UCET and Teacher Education – Going."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Outstanding Mentoring Practice’ UCET – Wednesday 4 th November – 10.10 to 11.10 Room: C7, Birmingham Hilton Metropole ‘UCET and Teacher Education – Going Forward in Partnership‘ Paul Taylor – Deputy, Secondary PGCE SD and Core – University of Warwick Matthew Connor-Hemming, John Curry and Cathy Hamer from The Blue Coat School, Coventry

2 Aims: *To provide an insight into Warwick’s process for capturing and nurturing Outstanding Mentoring Practice *To encourage self-reflection using Warwick’s own ITE KPI document

3 Audit of service – key findings 13/14 What was understood by the term Mentoring at Warwick university and among partner schools? How could we ensure coherence and consistency across so many schools? How could we get ‘buy-in’ from schools to see the value of auditing and organisational reflection? What might Outstanding mentoring look like in practice? How could we capture and promote Outstanding Professional and Subject Mentors?

4 Outstanding Mentoring … reflection Group/paired task … List some of the key qualities you would expect to see in an Outstanding mentor …

5 Outstanding Mentors … as defined by our trainees:


7 Role of Professional Mentor Build a Philosophy of Collaboration Advocate for ITT (School/Provider/Alliance) Recruit Trainees (School Direct) Select, Train & Support SMs Audit of ITT provision (KPI) Wider Professional Training of Trainees Arrange Complimentary & Primary placements Assessment of Trainees

8 Key Principles of Successful Professional Mentoring Partnership Preparation Personalisation Pupil Progress Protection

9 Our School’s Long Term Vision A community that provides Christian Education with Care, by being a community: In which students achieve academically, artistically and culturally, no matter what their starting point; That cares for everyone, making a real long term difference to their lives; That excels in setting the highest personal standards in manners, honesty and integrity.

10 Partnership

11 Preparation What are the key elements of training a PM could provide as part of the training year?

12 Preparation: Professional Mentor Sessions DateTopicNotes 9/9/13Cognitive Development, Child Protection & Subject Studies Pupil Track 23/9/13Teaching Constructs – Planning, components, objectives Pupil Track 07/10/13MA – School based subject focus 21/10/13Teaching Constructs – Questioning, Active Learning, Starters, Plenary OCTOBER HALF TERM 11/11/13Inclusive Teaching 25/11/13Assessment & Evaluation 09/12/13Job Applications/Interviews CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY 06/1/14The Pastoral Role & Subject Development 20/1/14Statutory Reporting & Parent Consultations 03/2/14Preparing for the Complementary Placement FEBRUARY HALF TERM 24/2/14 – 31/3/14 COMPLEMENTARY PLACEMENT 07/4/14Review Complementary Placement & Launch PEER OBSERVATIONS EASTER HOLIDAY 05/5/14Subject Enhancement & Review PEER OBSERVATIONS 19/5/14Preparation for Final AssessmentBring PDP MAY HALF TERM 9/6/14Review of the Year 23/6/14Career Entry Profiles, the NQT Year & CPD

13 Personalisation

14 Pupil Progress

15 Protection Case study: You have recruited a seemingly able and very personable trainee to follow the SD (Training) programme in History at your school starting in September. Unfortunately, the school were unable to fill a vacancy for a full time teacher in that subject for September. Without consulting you, the trainee has been approached by the Deputy Head in your school to teach a number of classes per week without a qualified teacher attached to the class. The trainee has come to see you as they are concerned about this request and the impact it could have on their training year. In your role as PM, how would you respond to this situation?

16 Key Principles of Successful Professional Mentoring Partnership Preparation Personalisation Pupil Progress Protection

17 Question Time Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in relation to the role of Professional Mentor in supporting School Direct and PGCE Core trainees. Christian Education with Care

18 Contact Details: Matthew Connor-Hemming Assistant Headteacher – External Relations Blue Coat School, Coventry 024 7622 3542 ext: 1208

19 The key to being a successful Subject Mentor Considerations in the first instance: Selection of candidates Support from Warwick Time Supernumerary Ongoing considerations: Positive relationships Honesty Choice of lessons, teachers & ability Support from Warwick

20 From a trainee’s perspective … Subject Mentor essentials: Honesty, support and encouragement in lesson observations and meetings Does the boring stuff (paperwork, liaison and extra curricular) Daily access for advice and mentoring A positive working relationship based on trust and respect Professional Mentor essentials: Caters in school training with what is happening at university (keeps it relevant) Provides time with other trainees to share ideas and discuss worries Again, does all the boring stuff (paperwork, liaison and extra curricular) Provides another layer of support and trusted guidance

21 Mentoring Audit - process


23 Capturing and sharing findings …


25 The Outstanding Mentor The Outstanding Provider The Outstanding TF The Outstanding HEI Provider The Outstanding Trainee Outstanding Practitioner

26 Partnership: Co-constructed and co-delivered programme Annual Conference – mentor voices and experience Mentor training led by mentors Mentor training at university and bespoke in Alliances Subject Hubs of Excellence – 21 Subjects SD Alliance Days – 15 Alliances Warwick and Secondary Partners – Strategic planning together (WaSP)

27 What next? Ofsted feedback on Mentoring … National Mentoring Standards … Ever shifting landscape …

28 And finally … Any questions? Contact me: Paul Taylor – Deputy Course Leader and Mentoring t: +44 (0)24 765 24417 e.g.: Centre for Professional Education | University of Warwick | Coventry | CV4 8EE | UK

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