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November 14, 2014. Password: Minnie2 * Grant update * CTE Grant * Discussion – Courses Requiring Assessments * AVID Update.

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Presentation on theme: "November 14, 2014. Password: Minnie2 * Grant update * CTE Grant * Discussion – Courses Requiring Assessments * AVID Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 14, 2014

2 Password: Minnie2

3 * Grant update * CTE Grant * Discussion – Courses Requiring Assessments * AVID Update

4 Selection and Prioritization of Assessment Creation

5 * Does your district plan to use fee-based assessments to meet the EOY requirement? Brevard – difficult to find proven methods of using these tests. Topic for FADAC. Flagler model for AP exams. Would like to balance performance & participation. Industry certs – yes/no, pass/fail. Can be taken once very 90 days, and don’t know how many times students took test. Tiered method: student might be qualified to take industry certification one year, but might not be qualified to use the next. Seminole won’t use – approach to AP is open enrollment. High number of non-proficient students from state tests in course, so don’t want to use for teacher evaluation. * Does your district plan to require students in courses assessed by a fee-based EOY to take the assessment? * Does your district plan to develop a separate assessment for students who do not take the fee-based assessment? Seminole – yes. Developed a local assessment for each course. Will administer a final exam to take the place of a 4 th quarter test. Just * If your district plans to use fee-based assessments, will they be used for teacher evaluation? * If your district plans to develop separate assessments, will they be used for teacher evaluation?

6 * Which (please select all that apply) is your district using to prioritize courses for EOY creation? * Graduation requirement * Student enrollment * Number of teachers * Number of teachers teaching course at least 50% of the day

7 Development/Creation of Assessments

8 * Are items written by teachers? Non-loadbearing staff (coaches, etc.)? District-level staff? * Are test blueprints written by teachers? Non- loadbearing staff (coaches, etc.)? District-level staff? * Are test forms created by teachers currently teaching the course? Teachers not currently teaching the course? Non-loadbearing staff (coaches, etc.)? District-level staff? * Where available, do you plan to use test blueprints created by CFAC or other districts? With or without review? * Where available, do you plan to use test forms created by CFAC or other districts? With or without review?

9 * Do you have policies on the minimum number of test items per assessment? * Which of the following item types can your assessments contain? Multiple choice, performance tasks, short answer/extended response * If you plan to use items with media, are you administering on the computer? Or will media be played by the teacher (class tests in sync)? * Do you plan to use technology-enhanced items on your assessment?

10 Final Exam, Grading, and Standard Setting Policies

11 * Is your district using EOYs as the final exam for the course? * Does your district require a final exam for all high school courses? Middle school? Elementary? * Are courses with an existing assessment exempt from final exam requirements? * AP * IB * Industry certification

12 * Will EOYs count as 30% of student grades? * Will EOYs count as 20% of student grades? * Will EOYs count as test grades? * Will EOYs not count as test grades? * Will teachers determine how much EOYs count toward student grades?

13 * Will teachers be allowed to set cut scores for EOYs in year 1? In future years? * Will the district set cut scores for EOYs based on score distribution to reflect FSA, EOC, or other related test? * Will the district set cut scores for EOYs based on score distribution to reflect student grades in course? * Will the district set cut scores for EOYs based on performance outcomes (criterion referenced)? * If criterion referenced cut scores, will these be selected before or after administration of EOY?

14 * If your tests contain items that require hand scoring, will teachers score their own students’ responses? * Will teachers score other teachers’ student responses? * Will teachers serve on a team to score responses? * Will the district score responses? * Will the district hire a vendor to score responses?

15 Test Administration & Security

16 * Will district EOY administration be 100% paper- based? * Will district EOY administration be 100% computer-based? * Will district determine which EOYs will be administered as PBT vs. CBT? Will schools? * If a combination of PBT and CBT, how will your district prioritize EOYs for computer-based administration? * Courses expensive to assess through paper (i.e. Visual Arts or courses that require color copies) * Courses requiring media items or TE items * Core content area courses (for preparation for FSA)

17 * Will district-developed EOYs have the same security measures as state assessments? * Will district-developed EOYs have the same security measures as state assessments, with the exception of performance tasks/open response items? * Will tests be assigned via testing platform at district level? School level? By teacher? * Will paper-based tests be photocopied and distributed by district? By school (test coordinator or administrator)? By teacher? * Will paper-based tests be stored after administration? * Will paper-based tests be destroyed after administration? If so, by school staff or by district staff?

18 Assessment Improvement/Review

19 * Will a reliability statistic be calculated for each district EOY? By your platform (automatically calculated) or by district staff? * Will test forms be examined for factor structure? By district staff? By outside contractor?l * Do you have a psychometrician or other staff member with the knowledge/ability to do this?

20 * Will item analysis be conducted for each district EOY? * Will you be calculating difficulty (p-value)? If so, will this be calculated by your platform? District staff? Outside contractor? * Will you be calculating point bi-serial (discrimination)? If so, will this be calculated by your platform? District staff? Outside contractor? * Will you be examining items for DIF? If so, will this be calculated by your platform? District staff? Outside contractor?

21 Exemptions & High School Specific Policies

22 * Will your district allow GPA or grade-based exemptions for high school in 2014-15? In 2015-16? * Will your district allow high school seniors to leave school early? * Will you administer an EOY earlier to seniors than to other students? * If you will administer the EOY earlier to seniors, will you administer the same EOY later to other students?

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