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The Early Twentieth Century Art through the First World War.

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1 The Early Twentieth Century Art through the First World War

2 The Continuation of Modernism… ► The Three Revolutions that affected the art of the 19 th century continue to influence the artists of the 20 th century. ► At the turn of the century, a new idea arose in art called the avant garde, a military term used to promote the idea that art should push conservative boundaries. ► Avant garde art at the onset of the 20 th century sought new innovations in the ideas of form and color. ► Avant garde art after WWII up to today continues to push boundaries in form, subject matter, media, and content. Ernst Kirchner, Street, Berlin. 1913.

3 Welcome to the 2Qth century...time to review mimesis and abstraction!


5 Fauvism ► French term for “Wild Beasts”. ► First of many 20 th century art movements. ► Short-lived style known for bold use of color, flat distorted figures, and curved lines.Not concerned with the accurate or mimetic depiction of reality. ► Seen as an experiment, but notable for freeing color from reality.

6 Matisse, The Joy of Life,oil on canvas, 1905-1906

7 Analytic Cubism ► Art that is concerned with deconstructing objects in order to study and understand them.Also concerned with shifting space and perspective. ► Abstraction of subject matter to the point of being unrecognizable.Another path leading to non-representational art. ► Devoid of color and emotional associations to focus on FORM. ► Style created by Picasso and Braque. Picasso, Woman Playing the Mandolin, 1909.

8 The Progression of Analytic Cubism Cezanne, Gardanne, 1885-1886.Post Impressionist work.

9 The Progression of Analytic Cubism Braque, Houses at l’Estaque, 1908.

10 The Progression of Analytic Cubism Braque, The Portuguese, 1911.

11 Picasso, Les Demoiselle d’Avignon, oil on canvas, 1907.

12 Futurism ► Italian movement inspired by the Cubists. ► Added a sense of speed, motion, and machine mechanics to the shifting planes and multiple vantage points of Cubism. ► Use of diagonal lines, repetition, and rhythm to capture the speed of the modern world. Marcel duChamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, 1912.

13 DuChamp had a GREAT sense of humor (in my opinion) and had himself photographed descending a staircase in the 1950s.I personally am glad he opted to stay clothed.

14 CHAPTER 22 Frida Kahlo. The Two Fridas m/people/frida-kahlo- 9359496/videos

15 In World War II Nazi’s stole artwork and some of it was destroyed. The Rape of Europa

16 Chapter 23: Postwar Modern Movements in the West

17 Abstract Expressionism: a culmination of the expressive tendencies in painting from Fauvism, German Expressionism, and the automatic Methods of Surrealism. -The horrors of world war II led artist to rethink the relationship between art and life. Jackson Pollock. Autumn Rhythm. Action Painting: is a style of painting in which paint is spontaneously dribbled, splashed or smeared onto the canvas, rather than being carefully applied

18 Robert Rauschenberg: Monogram ASSEMBLAGE: In their effort to re-engage art with ordinary life, these artists created loose conglomerations of seemingly random objects. -Rauschenberg began combining ordinary objects and collage materials with Abstract Expressionistic brushwork in what he called “combine-paintings.”

19 Andy Warhol: Marilyn Diptych POP ART: flowered most brilliantly in the United States, but it first appeared in London, where a ground of young artists made collages with images cut from popular magazines. m/people/andy-warhol- 9523875

20 Donald Judd Untitled 1967 MINIMAL ART: In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a number of artists aimed to create art that would exclude subject matter, symbolic meanings, personal content, and hidden messages of any kind. ultimedia/audios/3/85

21 Conceptual Art: -an idea takes the place of the art object -was an outgrowth of Minimalism Joseph Kosuth One and Three Chairs “Rather than making things, Conceptual artists present us with enough information so that we grasp the concept they have in mind.

22 Yoko Ono

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