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Reading Let’s Dance. vocabulary H en-cy-clo-pe-dia encyclopedia n. 百科全书 H or-di-na-ry ordinary adj. 平常的,普通的 H ge-ne-ra-tion generation n. 代,一代 H u-nique.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Let’s Dance. vocabulary H en-cy-clo-pe-dia encyclopedia n. 百科全书 H or-di-na-ry ordinary adj. 平常的,普通的 H ge-ne-ra-tion generation n. 代,一代 H u-nique."— Presentation transcript:

1 reading Let’s Dance

2 vocabulary H en-cy-clo-pe-dia encyclopedia n. 百科全书 H or-di-na-ry ordinary adj. 平常的,普通的 H ge-ne-ra-tion generation n. 代,一代 H u-nique unique adj. 独特的,唯一的 H no-ble noble adj. 贵族的, 高贵的 n. 贵族 H ball-room ballroom n. 舞厅,跳舞场 H im-mi-grant immigrant adj. 移民的,移居的 H tan-go tango n. 探戈舞 H pea-cock peacock n. 孔雀

3 vocabulary H waltz n. 华尔兹舞 H type n. 类型,种类 H skip v. 跳,蹦 H tap dancing 踢踏舞 H sword n. 剑 H Swan Lake ( 芭蕾舞剧 ) 天鹅湖 H back and forth 往返,来回

4 disco Do you remember these?

5 classical ballet

6 Chinese folk dance

7 waltz

8 breakdance

9 Listen to the music extracts and identify the dances in the box. H E.g. I Chinese folk danceChinese folk dance H II ______________________________ H III ______________________________ H IV ______________________________ H V ______________________________ classical ballet waltz breakdance disco

10 Read the text quickly. Where is it from? H A newspaper H A traditional encyclopedia ( 百科 全书 ) H A magazine H A CD ROM encyclopedia H Tip: Please look at the layout ( 版面 )!

11 Put the sentences below in the correct gaps in the text. Use the Strategies to help you. H a) In the mid-1980s, breakdancing became popular. H b) They are easy to learn and are usually danced in couples. H c) Other kinds of folk dances are the sword dance and the colourful peacock dance. H d) One of the most famous ballets is called “Swan Lake”.  e) In the 1960s, people danced without touching their partner. Blank 5 Blank 3 Blank 2 Blank 1 Blank 4

12 e.g. Blank (1) --- Sentence d Analysis: H 1. Topic: Para 1 and Sentence d both talk about ballet. H 2. Word connection: “Other… Another…”

13 Blank (2) --- Sentence c Analysis: H 1. Topic: Para 2 and Sentence c both talk about folk dance. H 2. Word connection: “many different types of folk dance… Other kinds of folk dance…”

14 Blank (3) --- Sentence b Analysis: H 1. Pronoun references: “They” = “Popular or social dances” H 2. Picture: “danced in couples”

15 Blank (4) --- Sentence e Analysis: H 1. Time references: “1950s” - “1960s” – “1970s” H 2. Word connection: “danced without touching their partner” – “dancing in couples”

16 Blank (5) --- Sentence a Analysis: H 1. Time references: “1960s” – “1970s” – “mid-1980s” H 2. Word connection: “breakdancing” – “almost like acrobatics”

17 Read again and answer the questions. H 1. Who started folk dance? (Folk Dance) Folk dances come from ordinary people. H 2. What is the main difference between folk and popular dances? (Popular Dance) Popular dances are usually popular for only a short time.

18 3. What is a ballroom dance that came from folk dance? (Para 2 in Popular Dance) Waltz 4. Why did a lot of new dances come from the United States? (Para 3 in Popular Dance) The mixing of immigrant cultures produced new forms of dances. 5. What type of dancing became popular in the mid-1980s? (Para 4 in Popular Dance) In the mid-1980s, breakdancing became popular.

19 Language points Ballet H art form 艺术形式 L3 H “Sleeping Beauty” 《睡美人》 L8 H “The White-haired Girl” 《白毛女》 L12 Folk Dance H from one generation to another 一代又一代 L3 H be famous for 因某物闻名 L4 H the dragon dance, the lion dance L5&6

20 H The sword dance, the peacock dance 剑舞,孔雀舞 L7 H people of all ages 不同年龄的人 L10 H “skipping back and forth to the rhythm…” L12 skip 跳,蹦 back and forth 来回,往返 to the rhythm 跟着节拍 H unique 奇特的,唯一的 Language points

21 Popular Dance H palace 宫殿 noble 贵族的 L7 H ballroom dance 舞厅舞 L10 H immigrant 移民的 L16 H Tap dancing 踢踏舞 L18 H the First World War 第一次世界大战 L18 H Argentine 阿根廷的 L21 H the Second World War H acrobatics 杂技

22 Compound words 合成词 H E.g. African + American = African-American 非洲裔美国人 H ball + = H rock + = H art + = H well + = H mid + = H folk + = knownroom dance1980s formmusic well-known ballroom rock music mid-1980s art form folk dance Adj. known by many people noun. a traditional dance from a specific community noun. a large room for formal social dancing noun. in the middle of the 1980s

23 Speaking: Do you wanna dance? H 1. Do you like dancing? H 2. What kind of dance do you like? H 3. What kind of music do you like dancing to? H 4. How well can you dance? H 5. What special dances can you do? H 6. What dance would you like to learn? = want to

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