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20.01.2016 Seite 1 Future Prospects of Sanitation in Kenya presented by Patrick Onyango.

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Presentation on theme: "20.01.2016 Seite 1 Future Prospects of Sanitation in Kenya presented by Patrick Onyango."— Presentation transcript:

1 20.01.2016 Seite 1 Future Prospects of Sanitation in Kenya presented by Patrick Onyango

2 20.01.2016 Seite 2 The fast growing Urban Crisis  Population growth far exceeds available ability/resources  Population density in low income areas growing  Planned low income areas taking the structure of slums  Provision of services is poor (water and sanitation)  Sewer networks cover only the rich/middle class (19%) of the total population in 43 towns (growth by only 3% in the last 20 years, high investment and operational cost)  Lack of data concerning the urban poor- Hence “Maji Data”

3 20.01.2016 Seite 3 Maji Data Urban Baseline Survey  LIAs covered: 1,800 in 240 towns  Total Population in LIAs: 5-6 million  Approximately 200,000 HH Questionnaires  Method and techniques: Group discussions, household/plot interviews, household/plot counts, GPS reading, geo-referenced pictures  Data on: demography, water supply and sanitation, housing, solid waste and drainage, public health, socio-economic infrastructure, sources of income  Cost: Euro 900,000 with Euro 0.15 / target group  Done in private partnership with Google to create a data base

4 20.01.2016 Seite 4  Kenya Vision 2030  Water Act 2002/ New constitution/New Water Policy 2011  WATER SECTOR REFORMS  Pro-poor focus (offers nation wide biggest overall improvement on living conditions and sanitation coverage)  Promotion of formalised Service Provision and Human Right approaches in low income urban areas (breaking cartels and exploitation of the urban poor)  Water Sector Sanitation concept paper/ UPC-toolkits for implementation Legal Framework for Sustainability

5 20.01.2016 Seite 5 Establishment of Pro-poor Basket Funding for water and sanitation (WSTF)  WSTF  pro-poor basket fund established under the Water Act 2002 (Act of Parliament)  two national concepts / tools for financing urban and rural water and sanitation (Urban Project Concept-UPC, Community Project Cycle-CPC)  finances from EU, SIDA, KfW, World Bank and Government of Kenya  Bill Melinda Gates Foundation coming in to finance CPC (household and plot level sanitation)  Annual sanitation Budget  Euro 300,000 (still low)  Annual additional coverage target for urban sanitation  300,000 people

6 20.01.2016 Seite 6 Concept & Pilot: 2007/08 1 st Call: 2/2009 - 4/2010 2 nd Call: 10/2009 - 9/2010 3 rd Call: 8/2010 - 5/2011 4 th Call: 5/2011 - 3/2012 W: 20,000 W: 170,000 W: 430,000 S: 23,000 W: 675,000 S: 45,000 W: 925,000 S: 70,000 W: 1,4 Mio S: 200,000 5/2013 Up-scaling sanitation by WSTF

7 20.01.2016 Seite 7 A standard Public Sanitation Facility of WSTF

8 20.01.2016 Seite 8 UPC – Calls for Proposals (1) 20.01.2016 1 st Call 2/2009 - 04/2010 2 nd Call 10/2009 - 9/2010 3 rd Call 8/2010 - 5/2011 4 th Call 5/2011 – 3/2012 No. of projects W: 9 /12 W: 27/91W: 30/76W: ?? S: 9/42S: 4/38S: ?? No of WSPs4 21 ?? Financial Volume (Euro) 696,652.69 W: 2,845,180 2,967,640 S: 376,548 261,904 Beneficiaries151,310 W: 259,657 245,686 S: 22,80022,525 Per capita investment costs (Euro) 4.60 W: 11.0 12.0 S: 16.5012.0

9 20.01.2016 Seite 9 Thank you!

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