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Air Pollution By Ahmed Muztuba, 9-A. What is air pollution? Air pollution is a chemical, physical and biological agent which changes the natural characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution By Ahmed Muztuba, 9-A. What is air pollution? Air pollution is a chemical, physical and biological agent which changes the natural characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution By Ahmed Muztuba, 9-A

2 What is air pollution? Air pollution is a chemical, physical and biological agent which changes the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Air pollution is the emission of gases that are harmful to the atmosphere. There are several main types of air pollution, for ex: the release of noxious gases (such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides), the release of particles into the air from the burning fuel for energy.

3 Sources of air pollution Increase of traffic Growing cities Rapid economic development Industrialization development Natural phenomena such as the eruption of a volcano and even someone smoking a cigarette can also cause air-pollution.

4 Global Warming Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades. The primary causes of the human- induced component of warming are the increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases. They are released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing and agriculture, etc. An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes, including a rising sea level and can also increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados

5 Acid Rain Acid rain is a mixture of wet and dry depostion (deposited material) from the atmosphere, which contains nitric and sulfuric acid. Acid rain usually occurs when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are emitted into the atmosphere, which undergoes through chemical transformations and then they are absorbed by water droplets in clouds. Then the droplets falls to the earth as rain or snow. Acid rain can increase the acidity of the soil, and affect the chemical balance of lakes and streams. Acid rain is measured in a scale called pH

6 Prevention Reduce the use of aerosols in houses. Do not burn leaves in the garden, put them in a compost pit. Look after trees in the neighborhood. Use bicycle as your transportation, rather than using a car. Switch off all lights and fans when not required. Share your room when the air-conditioner or fan is on (if possible). As far as possible, cars should be fitted with catalytic converters.

7 Bibliography ming ution-main.html on

8 Hope You Enjoyed The Presentation

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