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1 Session 4.2 Life’s BIG Questions Week 4 Session 2.

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1 1 Session 4.2 Life’s BIG Questions Week 4 Session 2

2 2 Session 4.2 Why Does God Allow Suffering? Part 1

3 3 Session 4.2 Why does God allow suffering? Part 1 Origin of suffering Unappreciated protective system Our responsibilities

4 4 Session 4.2 Root cause of all suffering We live in an imperfect world full of imperfect people Bible tells us the reason for imperfection

5 5 Session 4.2 Suffering from minor injuries Accidental injuries Burns Bruise our hand Strain a muscle Cut a finger Surprisingly this suffering can be a good thing Pain can help prevent further injuries..

6 6 Session 4.2 Unappreciated Protective System Sensors scattered over skin No dedicated pain sensors –Pressure, Touch, Heat, Cold Threshold of touch Threshold of touch absolutely right for purpose Sensitive to:- Tip of tongue2 g/mm 2 Fingers3 g/mm 2 Back of hand12 g/mm 2 Sole of foot250 g/mm 2 Back of forearm 33 g/mm 2

7 7 Session 4.2 The Nervous System Absolute threshold of pain How much pressure applied to a very sharp needle produces painful sensation? Cornea 0.2 gram Forearm20 grams Back of hand100 grams Sole of foot200 grams Fingertip300 grams Pain system – marvellous design – essential for normal life

8 8 Session 4.2 The Nervous System Internal organs don’t respond to needles or heat –Stomach responds to distension Referred pain –Something wrong with internal organ pain occurs elsewhere Pain says “something is wrong”

9 9 Session 4.2 Must it Hurt? In 1937 boy taken to hospital in America He suffered from:- –Partial blindness –Scars on every part of body –Huge scar on buttock – sat on a heater –Foot permanently deformed –Both hands cut so badly couldn’t straighten fingers He couldn’t feel any pain so his body became very badly injured

10 10 Session 4.2 Must it Hurt? Dr Paul Brand –Lifetime studying leprosy –Disease kills cells in skin making it numb Tissue damage results because pain is silent Feet of a man with leprosy

11 11 Session 4.2 Alternative Warning system? Brand attempted to make artificial pain sensors for lepers –Buzzer & flashing light ignored Had to resort to electric shocks in armpits After 5 years research Brand gave up –System too expensive, broke down frequently, inadequate for purpose Man incapable of designing such a failsafe system

12 12 Session 4.2 Other Types of Suffering... Suffering caused by –Our behaviour –Our lifestyle Suffering as a result of war, persecution & pollution Suffering as a result of floods, earthquakes, illness and death Man causes much suffering

13 13 Session 4.2 Suffering Caused by Accidents Do we consider the outcome before we do things? Driving under the influence Driving at excessive speeds Taking excessive risks Other people can suffer as a result of our actions as well as ourselves

14 14 Session 4.2 Suffering Caused by Lifestyle Cigarettes have health warning –Yet many ignore warning Overeating causes obesity –Risk of heart disease & diabetes Alcohol & drug abuse –Injuries & addiction Sexual immorality –Sexually transmitted diseases A lot of suffering could be avoided Suggest that man has a selfish streak

15 15 Session 4.2 Our Choices Most of us choose things that cause suffering –e.g. Pollution can cause asthma If God prevented all suffering –Would affect our lifestyles –Goods, services etc. would be stopped All man-made suffering should make us consider.. The world is not as it should be

16 16 Session 4.2 One Answer Why does God allow... ? Do the same people give credit to God for good things taken for granted? –Health, food, clothing, warmth and sunshine God must be credited for good things too

17 17 Session 4.2 Suffering Caused by Mankind Persecution & War Genocide Murder & violence The results of atrocities in Cambodia God does not cause this suffering Much suffering is a result of man’s inhumanity to man

18 18 Session 4.2 Why Doesn’t God Intervene? Man’s atrocities Some say: “If God cannot stop the suffering then he is not an all powerful God & if He will not stop the suffering then he is not a very caring God.” Please note:- Intervention by God requires miraclesIntervention by God requires miracles Some interventions would not be pleasantSome interventions would not be pleasant

19 19 Session 4.2 Why Doesn’t God Stop It? God has the power to stop atrocities God has given all humans free will –We can choose good or bad – our choices affect others –If punished immediately for bad decisions where would be free will? God wants us to choose good not evil

20 20 Session 4.2 Doesn’t God Care? God does care. He takes no pleasure in suffering –For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live! Ezekiel 18:32 –He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance 2 Peter 3:9

21 21 Session 4.2 God does care God takes no pleasure in suffering For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son John 3:16 The Bible tells us about God’s plan to permanently remove suffering

22 22 Session 4.2 Next Time.. Problem of continual pain Profiting from pain? Teaching of Jesus –Man’s atrocities –Natural disasters A permanent solution to suffering

23 23 Session 4.2 Summary We live in an imperfect world full of imperfect people Pain is an unappreciated protective system Our actions cause suffering –To ourselves and others God gave us free will

24 24 Session 4.2 Conclusion Thank you for being here this week Review the notes from this session We look forward to your company next week - God willing

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