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The Inheritance East of the Jordan Moses gave the land east of the Jordan to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and ½ of Manasseh Eastern holdings are.

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5 The Inheritance East of the Jordan
Moses gave the land east of the Jordan to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and ½ of Manasseh Eastern holdings are not to be considered as SEPARATE from the rest of Israel, even though they are outside of the official boundaries of the land. Thus, the eastern tribes and clans are as much a part of God’s PEOPLE as the western ones.

6 Levities No INHERITANCE was given by Moses or Joshua
Instead of permanent possession of a parcel of land, the Levities were to have a permanent POSITION involved in the worship and sacrifices brought to the LORD. Offerings by fire (13.14) – Most important offering the Levites are to receive. They are also to receive the tithes and firstfruits brought to the Lord. (see Numbers 18:8 – 16) The Lord God was to be their inheritance (13:32-33) They were given cities to dwell in with pasturelands for their livestock and crops. (14:4)

7 Allotments are described first by the BOUNDARIES and then in each CLAN is assigned a particular region Reuben (13:15 – 23) Gad – (13:24 – 28) ½ tribe of Manasseh (13:29 – 31)

8 The Inheritance West of the Jordan
These are the inheritances that the people of Israel received in the land of Canaan, which Eleazar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of the fathers' houses of the tribes of the people of Israel gave them to inherit.2 Their inheritance was by lot, just as the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses for the nine and one-half tribes.3 For Moses had given an inheritance to the two and one-half tribes beyond the Jordan, but to the Levites he gave no inheritance among them. 4 For the people of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim. And no portion was given to the Levites in the land, but only cities to dwell in, with their pasturelands for their livestock and their substance.

9 The Casting of Lots By Lot (14.2) – method to determine God’s will in the DISTRUBITION of lands; exact procedure is not clearly known, but the process required FAITH that God would indeed guide the CHOICE, as well as willingness to bide by the choice as being from God. Such a method would exclude FAVORITISM What decisions in life would be best if we just chose lots?

10 Caleb’s Request (14:6 – 15)

11 Caleb’s Request (14:6 – 15) Caleb was 40 when Moses sent him to spy on Canaan He and Joshua FOLLOWED the Lord and brought back a favorable report. Moses promised Caleb that we would receive a special inheritance for himself and his children 45 years have passed and that day has come! See 14:11 – 12 – He wants the hill country including the city of HEBRON



14 Judah’s Allotment (Joshua 15)
First to receive allotment, as he was given greater prominence than his THREE older brothers, who had committed acts that caused them to lose their inheritance as FIRSTBORN. (see Genesis 49:1-12) Jacob’s prophesies confer a LEADERSHIP role on Judah, but not the double portion of material blessings, which went to Joseph (see Genesis 48:17 -22)

15 The boundaries of Judah’s allotment are first established and they will run South, East, North, West (15:1 – 12) Each tribe is allotted a specific area according their clans (15:20 -63)

16 Caleb and Othniel Caleb receives his allotment (15:13)
He sends troops against the people of Debir (Kiriath-speher) (15:15) He calls for assistance with a promise. Whoever drives out these inhabitants I will give my daughter Achsah as a wife (15:16) So Othniel Caleb’s brother accepts the challenge, defeats the enemy, and takes Achsah as his wife (15:17 – 18) Achsah then asked her father for the “upper and lower springs of the Negeb” (15:19)

17 Ephraim and Manasseh (Joshua 16 - 17)
Not only was Joseph the favorite son of Jacob, but his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh were adopted by Jacob (see Genesis 48:5 -6) Ephraim who was born second receives his territory before his firstborn brother in keeping with Genesis 48:17 – 20. Ephraim biggest mistake was not their failure to take God up on his promise for they did not drive out the Canaanites

18 Ephraim and Manasseh (Joshua 16 - 17)
Chapter 16 outlines the boundaries and clan divisions for Ephraim Chapter 17 outlines the boundaries and clan divisions for Manasseh In Chapter 17 we have an interesting test case for what happens when a Father has NO sons. Zelophehad only had daughters so he approacaed Eleazar and Joshua and the leaders and reminds them of what Moses said… “The Lord commanded Moses to give us an inheritance along with our brothers.”

19 Manasseh and Ephraim

20 ONE LOT (17:14 – 18) The people of Joshua spoke to Joseph, saying, “why have you given me but one lot and one portion as an inheritance, although I am a numerous people, since all along the Lord has blessed me?” Basically we are large and we want more land. According to the second census (Numbers 26), Ephraim and Manasseh together have a population greater than any single tribe, fulfilling the prophecy of (Genesis 48:19 – 20)

21 ONE LOT (17:14 – 18) Joshua’s response: you want more land, then take the HILL COUNTRY and forest, and clear the land. Their response: That’s not enough and BTW the Canaanites dwell their and are heavily armed. Joshua: You are a numerous people and have great power. You shall not have one allotment only, but the hill country shall be yours and you shall drive out the Canaanites.

22 Remaining Land (chapters 18 – 19)
Special meeting at Shilo to divide up the remaining land amongst the SEVEN tribes

23 Allotment Procedures (18:2 – 10)
THREE men from each tribe will go on special assignment They will go up and down the land and write a description of it. They remaining land will be DIVIDED into 7 inheritances. Lots will be CAST for you here before the LORD your God.

24 Benjamin (18:11 – 28) The other son of Jacob’s favorite wife
26 cities are allotted Benjamin, was one of the smallest tribes, situated between the two most powerful tribes. Heartland of the kingdom of Israel.

25 Simeon (19:1 - 9) 17 cities are allotted
Jacob’s curse was the Simeon would be scattered among other tribes thus it means dwelling in Judah. When the North and South split Simeon will remain with Judah

26 Zebulun (19:10 - 16) 12 cities are allotted
This tribe receives so little mention in Scripture that the people are virtually anonymous. Yet, their territory would be the first to hear the Gospel preached from the life of Jesus.

27 Issachar (19:17 - 23) 16 cities are allotted
Issachar receives as inheritance the area west of the Jordan and south of the Sea of Galilee. Ezekiel will have a special word about this little tribe pointing to Jesus (Ezekiel 48:33)

28 Asher (19:24 - 31) 22 cities are allotted
Asher’s allotment runs along the Great Sea north of Mount Carmel, up to the pagan city of Sidon. The Lord gives this tribe a great challenge, which they will not properly meet

29 Naphtali (19:32 - 39) 19 cities are allotted
Naphtali’s portion and inheritance to the North would be hit hard by invading armies but would also be among the first to hear the preaching of Christ

30 Dan (19:40 - 48) 19 cities are allotted
They will lost their allotment by the great sea and therefore sought out other, unclaimed land far to the north. Dan represents the ultimate failure in the trusting in the LORD

31 Joshua (19: ) As a strong leader, Joshua receives his portion last. This is their token of gratitude for his leadership. He receives the city of Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim

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