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More on Using onyx 8/28/13. Program 1 Due a week from today. See website for details.

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Presentation on theme: "More on Using onyx 8/28/13. Program 1 Due a week from today. See website for details."— Presentation transcript:

1 More on Using onyx 8/28/13

2 Program 1 Due a week from today. See website for details.

3 Objectives Review using vim Learn more Linux commands

4 Steps to Run a C++ program Login into onyx Edit the program using vi or vim Compile the program with g++ Execute the program with a.out Logout out of onyx

5 Login from Windows at Remote Site mobaxterm or other ssh See links off 117 webpage.

6 Login from Mac at Remote Site Download mobaxterm to use on your computer.

7 Logout exit In the lab: Right-click and select logout – Select “Logout” button in dialogue box – Don't shutdown the computer Important

8 vi Commands a, i – get into insert mode – back to command mode x– delete a character dd, 10dd– delete a line, delete 10 lines. dw – delete a word u– undo : n – Get to line n :wq– save and quit :q!– quit w.o. saving arrow keys– move around

9 To Print a Program lpr -Pet214 prog.cpp

10 More linux Command Format: command -options argument(s)‏ Commands to know: – ls, cp, rm, mv, – mkdir, mv(to a directory), cd, cd.., rmdir – man, more, cat – passwd – exit

11 Questions How do you save a program in vim? How to you make a copy of your program?

12 Lab Access If you want to use the lab make sure your Bronco ID has a proxy code.  Gold bar near picture, not brown.  If you don't have one, an get an ID with proxy for no charge at the SUB.  Not set up yet.

13 Participation Today Edit and execute a feet to inches program that I will write on the board.

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