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Unleavened Bread .... Buried.

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1 Unleavened Bread .... Buried

2 t Feast # 2 Name: Unleavened Bread Buried MEANING:
On the evening after Passover and for 7 days thereafter God commanded the Hebrew people to consume bread made without yeast [ Leviticus 23: 1, 4-6 ]. This was instituted as the permanent Passover meal, reflective of the original Passover meal, where again unleavened bread was to be consumed (Exodus 12:8). [ Deuteronomy 16:3 ] (The bread has no yeast – remember that yeast is biblically a symbol of sin). The command is not simply because of the need to cook and eat the meal quickly. The command urges the Hebrews to understand the depth of their plight and the need to be freed from slavery. The meaning today is equally urgent: it is the need to flee from sin [ 2 Timothy 2: 19 ] and to live on the holy bread that sustains [ John 6: 48 – 49 ]. Buried

3 t Feast # 2 Name: Unleavened Bread Buried PROPHETIC FULFILMENT:
Leaven (yeast) is a symbol of death and decay. The rise in dough is only possible by a natural process of decay. Yeshua is without sin and accordingly His body saw no decay, in spite of the fact that it was dead and buried [ Acts 2: and Acts 13: 37 ]. Partaking of this bread (Yeshua) means we humbly identify with the sufferings and afflictions that Jesus encountered on our behalf [ Isaiah 53: 4-5 ]. The Hebrew word variously translated as “blow” or “wound” or “stripe” (Isaiah 53:5) comes from the same root as “friend” – it could be read as “by His friendship we are healed”. See John 15: 13 and Proverbs 18:24. Buried

4 t Feast # 2 Name: Unleavened Bread Buried PRESENT JEWISH OBSERVANCE:
Today the feast of Unleavened Bread is subsumed into “Passover” – however Passover is in reality a 24 hour period whereas the Feast of Unleavened Bread lasts for seven days. Today’s “Matzo”, which is supposed to be eaten during these 7 days, has stripes that look like the bruises inflicted by beating, and the Matzo is pierced through with holes. The Rabbinic tradition is to cook quickly (18 minutes) and hence cooking on a griddle and the associated piercings. The Rabbinic tradition, however, unwittingly reflects the reality that Jesus was pierced and bruised for us [ Isaiah 53: 5-6 ]. Today’s commemoration amongst observant Rabbinic Jews reflects the reality of salvation from slavery, but ignores the reality of the spiritual need for salvation from slavery to sin. Buried

5 t Feast # 2 Name: Unleavened Bread Buried Re: JESUS
Yeshua is the Passover lamb [ John 1: 29; John 3: 36; Acts 8: 32-36; 1 Corinthians 5: 7-8; 1 Peter 1: 18-20; ] . Scripture reveals that the offering of the first-fruits is a picture of the resurrection [ 1 Corinthians 15: 20-23; Romans 8: 23; James 1: 18 ]. Although dead and buried, because He is sinless His body can see no decay [ Acts 2: 22; Acts13: 37; Psalm 16: 10 ]. Yeshua was sacrificed for us. Having been killed He was buried, but quite literally the grave could not hold Him. When we become Believers, so we are “buried” with Him [ Romans 6: 4; Colossians 2:12 ] and having been buried with Him, so we shall rise as He did. Like the grain of wheat, Jesus was buried, and like the “dead” grain, He rises with a great harvest. [John 12: 24 ]. Buried

6 God’s Moedim – study materials Slide deck # 4 please join again for Slide deck # 5

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