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NOY TAZA Neutrino Observatory Project in TAZA A. Hoummada University HASSAN II CASABLANCA On behalf of NOY collaboration D. Lebrun & F. Montanet LPSC -

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Presentation on theme: "NOY TAZA Neutrino Observatory Project in TAZA A. Hoummada University HASSAN II CASABLANCA On behalf of NOY collaboration D. Lebrun & F. Montanet LPSC -"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOY TAZA Neutrino Observatory Project in TAZA A. Hoummada University HASSAN II CASABLANCA On behalf of NOY collaboration D. Lebrun & F. Montanet LPSC - Grenoble

2 - Neutrinos from galactic sources - Pulsars, Supernova Remnants - Microquasars – - Intense activity in Galactic centre reported by TeV  -ray telescopes - Neutrinos from extragalactic sources - Active Galactic Nuclei - Gamma Ray Bursts - Dark Matter, supersymetric particles (neutralinos, …) - Possible new Physics Beyond TeV Scale & new Neutrinos Hygh Energy Physics Scientific Objectives Of NOY - Cosmic Rays & Neutrino Astronomy - Neutrinos Oscillations Scheme - NOY : Detector & Site - Simulation results - Conclusion & Progress Outline

3 3 today so we are here

4 23-26/04/2006L. Moscoso - HE Tau_Nu - Beijing 4 High energy messengers neutrino ( e :2  ) Light absorbed Charged particles scattered by magnetic field ( e :  :  ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Neutrinos Protons Photons Log E (GeV) TeV PeVEeV ZeV CMB Abdeslam Hoummada CASABLANCA 14 November 2011

5 Neutrino Astronomy

6 Ultrahigh-energy (UHE) cosmic rays All particle energy spectrum UHE neutrinos Cosmogenic Neutrinos: - progenitors are pions - pion decay  1 x e-type, 2 x  -type - Oscillation: 2 x  -type  1 x  -type + 1 x  -type        e  e  If hadronic origin  high energy neutrinos  p     0 decay (hadronic) ?

7 7 θ 23 ~ 45° → θ 12 ~ 33° → θ 13 <10° → δ/ρ/σ Flavor Mixing

8 100 m NOY : Detector and Site

9 ATLAS Mountain 3000 m asl RIF Mountain 750 m asl Valley 400 m asl Width from 6 to 15 km 2 Km from TAZA NOY : Detector and Site



12 Neutrino Sensitivity for different neutrino enrgies : from 100 MeV to 100 GeV




16 Conclusion UHECR experiments will allow an exciting physics program complementary to UHE astronomy : - One can learn about high enregy process in QCD - One may be able to test new physics ideas in neutrino interactions - One may find dark matter - One may have indication on new Physics beyond the TeV scale - Outreach and Education Progress - September 2011 : Construction of the Cabane - February 2012 : Installation and Commissionning of the first prototype - Summer 2012 : Installation of the 5 stations and Data taking











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