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Lynx Just Your Normal House Cat

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1 Lynx Just Your Normal House Cat
Power Point by: Davis

2 Introduction Lynx’s scientific name is Lynx Canadensis
Lynx are considered mammals

3 Physical Features They have sharp claws to catch their pray
They also have a thick fur coat to protect them from the cold They can be brown, grey, and brownish grey Soft padding on their feet Ears stick up It looks like they have a beard on both sides of their face

4 More Physical Features
They have whiskers Big, sharp feline teeth-cat like teeth Eyes are like cats

5 Babies Lynx babies are born with their eyes closed and their ears down so they can’t hear or see They are smaller than the palm of a human hand They weigh less than a pound Mother Lynx can have one or two kittens at a time

6 Lifespan Lynx can live up to be 15 or 10 years old
They are not endangered

7 Prey Lynx predators are a mountain lion, a fox, and some people kill it for its fur They are predators to mice , voles , squirrels , grouse , snowshoe hares and caribou calves

8 Food They are carnivores
They eat dead deer, mice, voles, baby caribou, squirrels , and grouse They sneak up on prey They have soft padded feet that helps them be quiet They pounce on their prey very quickly

9 Habitat and Climate

10 Behavior The Lynx feel like they are divorced with their wife after awhile They are very secretive They are solitary It is hard to see a Lynx They are as stealthy as a ninja

11 Physical Adaptations They have black tufts on top of their hair that helps them hear very soft sounds They have sharp claws for hunting They also have a thick fur coat of warm fur to protect them from the cold

12 Behavioral Adaptations
The parents split up after two years of age. This means they can hunt alone and get food just for themselves They are quiet so their prey cannot hear them They hide leftover meat so they don’t starve They are nocturnal so they can catch their prey at night

13 Physiological Adaptations
Their weight is spread out for balance They have excellent eye sight to look through bushes They have long legs and bones that help them walk through snow.

14 Fun Facts They are considered an adult when they are two
They divorce when they have their babies-they don’t stay with their mates.

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