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English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 In your notebook, write about the following quote: “An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how.

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Presentation on theme: "English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 In your notebook, write about the following quote: “An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 In your notebook, write about the following quote: “An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.” --Anatole France

2 English 200 Wednesday, 3-25-15 In your notebook, write about the following quote: “A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.” --Horace Mann

3 English 200 Thursday, 3-26-15 In your notebook, write about the following quote: “Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.” --John W. Gardner

4 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Tuesday 3-24-15 Active Reading Day – Use the active reading handout “Serving the Purpose of Education,” Kisautaq Leona Okakok, pp. 76-82 Precis Summary Due at the end of the Period on Thursday!!

5 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Wednesday 4-30-14 Reading Quiz Discuss “Serving the Purpose of Education”

6 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Reading Quiz 1.Who is Kisautaq Leona Okakok? 2.What are the challenges for education in Alaska? 3.According to Okakok, what must happen when two different cultures come together? 4.According to Okakok, what role does the community play in the education process? 5. According to Okakok, what is the connection between education and “child-rearing”?

7 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Wednesday 3-25-15 In 6 groups, do the following: 1) Identify the most important sentence/quote in the passage – Explain why? 2) Develop three questions (higher order – make us think!) from your passage to lead a discussion in the class

8 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Group 1: p. 76, “We, the indigenous…” through “…norm in the Western world.” Group 2: p. 77, “In our communities…” through “each other’s differences.” Group 3: p. 78, “Another example of…” through “…when it doesn’t.” Group 4: p. 78, “To me, educating…” through “…can take place in the classroom.” Group 5: p. 79, “Remember that education…” through “…excellence is pursued naturally.” Group 6: p. 81, “Our concept of education…” through “our child for success.”

9 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Discuss “Serving the Purpose of Education” Education according to Western standards “The worldview of the West, the perspective from which our schoolbooks were written, was totally different from ours” (77). TeacherStudents Content

10 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Discuss “Serving the Purpose of Education” Education according to Western standards And so the Banking Concept, with its prescribed content, presents a problem when cultures interact… while there might be absolutes, our traditional ways of teaching do not work TeacherStudents Content

11 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Discuss “Serving the Purpose of Education” “…members of both cultures have to strive to acknowledge and to understand each other’s differences” (78). TeacherStudents Cross-Cultural Awareness

12 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Discuss “Serving the Purpose of Education” “To me, educating a child means equipping him or her with the capability to succeed in the world he or she will live in” (78). “…we… have defined ‘education’ as a lifelong process, and ‘schooling’ as our specific responsibility” (79). “Remember that education is also the passing down of a society’s values to children” (79).

13 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Discuss “Serving the Purpose of Education” “(The concept ‘to educate’) refers to someone who attends to the child in the formative years and helps him to become a person” (80). “Thus, many adults in the community have a role in the education of our children… education was everybody’s business” (81).

14 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Discuss “Serving the Purpose of Education” Compare and contrast Okakok’s view of education with other’s view of education

15 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Organizing Continuum Student/Teacher-centered Learning Teacher- Centered Student- Centered

16 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Organizing Continuum Values No Values

17 English 200 Tuesday, 3-24-15 through Thursday, 3-26-15 Organizing Continuum Method/Content Prescribed Problem- based

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