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VET teacher education at NCE NCE, Metropolitan University College.

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1 VET teacher education at NCE NCE, Metropolitan University College

2 NCE / Metropol Tekstside Underrubrik i fed tekst. For regular brødtekst klik på "forøge / mindske listeniveau" The overall aim of the diploma education for VET teachers is to develop teachers who is able to reflect upon their own practice before during and after the teacheing 20. januar 2016

3 NCE Susanne Gottlieb Aim of the VET diploma – the teacher student will: Acquire foundations for working in providing vocational education, training and development  Focus on competences  “Applied pedagogy” Develop professionally and personally  The teacher’s competence consists of professional and generic elements (“know that”, “know how”, “know why”, “know when” Acquire foundations for further and continuous pedagogical development  Adequate basis for lifelong learning

4 NCE Susanne Gottlieb Teacher competencies Erling Lars Dale, Norwegian professor of school development Competence level 1: Carry out teaching/education (relation teacher - student) Development-of-performance Competence level 2: Develop local educational plans (relation teacher - teacher) Development-for-performance Competence level 3: construction of new practical theory (relation teacher - theory - practice) – meta Life long learning

5 NCE/TES Tekstside med bullets Niveauer ændres med "forøge / mindske listeniveau" Principles of VET diploma Competence-based Described in learning outcomes Professional and personal development Connecting the VET teachers special domains Substantive domain Pedagogical domain Research domain Organisational domain VET pedagogical programme for all VET teachers and trainers 20. januar 2016 Side 5

6 NCE/TES Tekstside med bullets Niveauer ændres med "forøge / mindske listeniveau" Principles of VET diploma (continued) Students centred learning The needs of the student are in the centre Diffentiated, student activating methods Facilitating learning To develop the teachers as reflective practioners Connecting theoretical knowledge with practical experience Reflection-in-action – reflection-on-action 20. januar 2016 Side 6

7 NCE/TES Tekstside med bullets Niveauer ændres med "forøge / mindske listeniveau" 6 modules – M1: Teaching and learning in VET - obligatory module, 10 ECTS-point – M2: Planning and didactics in VET - obligatory module, 10 ECTS-point – M3: Pedagogical science theory - obligatory module, 5 ECTS-point – Optional module: The participants in VET programmes - optional module, 10 ECTS-point – Optional module: VET development - optional module, 10 ECTS-point – Final thesis: - obligatory module, 15 ECTS-points 20. januar 2016 Side 7

8 NCE/TES Tekstside med bullets Niveauer ændres med "forøge / mindske listeniveau" Learning outcomes (examples) Teaching and learning, - the teacher student: – Is able to develop his/her own VET pedagogical practice in cooperation with participants and colleagues – Is able to reflect on, develop and transform different ways of organising teaching arrangements – Develops his/her own competences for life long learning Planning teaching and didactic – the teacher student: – Is able to develop his/her own VET pedagogical practice in the field of tension between education, VET subjects, the qualification needs of the labour market and the demands of the overall society – Can independently develop teaching sequenses, building on didactical considerations and reflection on own practice – Develops his/her own competences for life long learning 20. januar 2016 Side 8

9 NCE / Metropol Tekstside Underrubrik i fed tekst. For regular brødtekst klik på "forøge / mindske listeniveau" Didactics for teachers in subjects and professions Hilde Hiim and Else Hippe, Norwegian didactic scientists The important thing for a professional is not to learn how to sew, but to become a good tailor The important thing for a teacher student is not to learn all the subject- theoretical stuff by hearth, but to become a good teacher 20. januar 2016 Side 9

10 From content oriented didactics to process oriented didactics Content oriented didactic: Goal content Proces oriented didactic: Goal Content Learning process The learners’ prerequisites Evaluation Learning environment 20. januar 2016Side 10

11 From content orientation to learning process orientation Theory Theories on education, Practice Practical teaching Students prerequisites Learning environment Goal/ aimContentEvaluation Learning process 20. januar 2016Side 11

12 NCE / Metropol Tekstside Underrubrik i fed tekst. For regular brødtekst klik på "forøge / mindske listeniveau" Our basis is a sustainable didactic where knowledge is most valuable when it is translated into practice Relation competenceCompetence in classroom management Vocational didactic competence Cooperation on the task Visualize the pedagogical challenge Sparring with students and colleagues Facilitation Focus on communities of practice Develop the learning environment in the classroom/ the workshop Structures and mutual expectations Develop common norms and ”traffic regulations” Differentiation Starting point in authentic challenges A diversity of methods An interdiciplinary educational plan Close contact school company Innovation in the core of the programme 20. januar 2016 Side 12

13 13 From Ministerial order to teaching in VET The didactical process in a VET context: An analysis of the learning outcomes of subject in the VET programme Choise of contents Organisation of the teaching In consideration of the reason, the tradition and the need of renewal of the subject Subjects and interdiciplinarity When you look at the subject in the view of the profession it is important to have in mind the current themes of the day (i.e. sustainability, competition from Asia) Often it is necessary to look outside the individual subject

14 NCE/TES Tekstside med bullets Niveauer ændres med "forøge / mindske listeniveau" From Ministerial Order to teaching – consideration in the teacher team Inportant with a shared interpretation of the learning outcomes as the teacher team – Gets a shared picture of the teaching in the department – Verbalize the individual teacher’s understanding of the learning oucomes – Realises whether something new in the trade demands a new way of teaching – Gets an opportunity to use all talents in the development of the teaching – Develops a shared view of the most important challenges of the teaching – Gets proud of being VET teachers – Analyses what the team can do – and where they need further development of new colleagues 20. januar 2016 Side 14

15 NCE/TES Tekstside med bullets Niveauer ændres med "forøge / mindske listeniveau" Translation model Shared analysis, understanding and interpretation of the learning outcomes Translation of learning outcomes to learning activities (what the students are supposed to learn) Distribution of the learning outcomes in the school period Contents – which contents are the students going to work with? Taxonomy – at which level are students going to work with the learning outcome? Activities, forms of knowledge (what, why, when how), learning processes – what are the students supposed to do? The teacher’s role – what is the teacher supposed to do? 20. januar 2016 Side 15

16 NCE/TES Tekstside med bullets Niveauer ændres med "forøge / mindske listeniveau" Describing learning outcomes Action verbs Knowledge: List, define, tell, describe, identify, show, label collect, examine, tabulate, quote, name, outline, recognise, state Comprehension: Summarise, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate, differentiate, discuss, extend Application: Apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, show, solve, examine, modify, relate, change, classify, compute Analysis: Analyse, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, infer, arrange, divide, compare, contrast, select, distinguish Synthesis: Combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, compose, formulate, prepare, compile Evaluation: Assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, support, conclude, compare, appraise, evaluate, justify, interpret, critique 20. januar 2016 Side 16

17 Learning processes Input (Ministerial Orders etc.) Learning processes (Learning environment, how the Learning processes are structured) Output (Competences)

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