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2015/11/19. To foster Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters In historical learning, historical.

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Presentation on theme: "2015/11/19. To foster Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters In historical learning, historical."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015/11/19

2 To foster Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters In historical learning, historical thinking skill is important. This thinking is an ability to learn lessons and apply them to the modern problem. Considering why the result is derived is important to foster this skill. Thus, the objective of our study is to foster this skill by making learners consider why the result of historical event is reached. In historical events, there are various relationships to lead the result. In order to grasp reason of the result in the historical event, it is necessary to understand essential relationships for satisfying condition to establish the history. We propose a method to support understanding necessarily relationships by creating a story. In this method, firstly learners learn about relationships in the historical event. Secondly, they create a similar story to the historical events. Finally, they compare the historical event with the story and recognize necessarily relationships. We are developing a system for supporting this method. This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.

3  To foster Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story  Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters  物語作成によるヒス トリカルシンキング スキルの育成  重要な関係と登場人 物の要素

4  To foster Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story  Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters  ← の ”f” は大文字

5 1. To foster Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story 2. Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters  タイトルが二つ  タイトル1とタイトル 2の関連性が低い  1 をスキル育成システ ムの開発、 2 をサブタ イトルにしてしまって はどうでしょう

6 1. To foster Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story 2. Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters Develop System of Fostering Historical Thinking Skill by Creating Story: Necessary Relationships and Elements of Characters

7  In historical learning, historical thinking skill is important. This thinking is an ability to learn lessons and apply them to the modern problem. Considering why the result is derived is important to foster this skill. Thus, the objective of our study is to foster this skill by making learners consider why the result of historical event is reached.  1 ~ 2 文目  歴史学習では、ヒスト リカルシンキングスキ ルが重要である。これ は授業で学んだことを 現代の問題に応用する 能力のことである。

8  In historical learning, historical thinking skill is important. This thinking is an ability to learn lessons and apply them to the modern problem. Considering why the result is derived is important to foster this skill. Thus, the objective of our study is to foster this skill by making learners consider why the result of historical event is reached.  3 ~ 4 文目  歴史の結果が得られた 理由を考察することは ヒストリカルシンキン グスキルの育成に重要 である。よって、我々 の研究の目的はこのス キルを学習者に歴史事 象がなぜその結果至っ たかを考えさせること により育成する事だ。

9  In historical learning, historical thinking skill is important. This thinking is an ability to learn lessons and apply them to the modern problem. Considering why the result is derived is important to foster this skill. Thus, the objective of our study is to foster this skill by making learners consider why the result of historical event is reached.  3 ~ 4 文目  reach  “ 結果 ” 、 ” 結論 ” に達す る reach は他動詞 → 目的語がいる

10  In historical learning, historical thinking skill is important. This thinking is an ability to learn lessons and apply them to the modern problem. Considering why the result is derived is important to foster this skill. Thus, the objective of our study is to foster this skill by making learners consider why the result of historical event is reached.  3 ~ 4 文目  reach  “ 結果 ” 、 ” 結論 ” に達す る reach は他動詞 → 目的語がいる  why the historical event reached its result.

11  In historical events, there are various relationships to lead the result. In order to grasp reason of the result in the historical event, it is necessary to understand essential relationships for satisfying condition to establish the history.  5 文目  歴史事象には、結果へ 至るための様々な関係 がある。

12  In historical events, there are various relationships to lead the result. In order to grasp reason of the result in the historical event, it is necessary to understand essential relationships for satisfying condition to establish the history.  6 文目  歴史事象の結果の理由 を把握するには、歴史 をうち立てる条件に必 要な関係を理解するこ とが必要である。

13  We propose a method to support understanding necessarily relationships by creating a story. In this method, firstly learners learn about relationships in the historical event. Secondly, they create a similar story to the historical events.  7 文目  我々は物語作成によっ て必要な関係を理解す ることの支援方法を提 案する。

14  We propose a method to support understanding necessarily relationships by creating a story. In this method, firstly learners learn about relationships in the historical event. Secondly, they create a similar story to the historical events.  7 文目  necessarily →necessary

15  We propose a method to support understanding necessarily relationships by creating a story. In this method, firstly learners learn about relationships in the historical event. Secondly, they create a similar story to the historical events.  7 文目  その前のパートから含 めて、歴史における重 要な関係は何と何のど んな関係かがわからな い  前の全体ゼミで話した として省略するなら、 5 文目で「様々な関係」 → 「前の我々の論文で記 載したような様々な関 係」とする(?)

16  We propose a method to support understanding necessarily relationships by creating a story. In this method, firstly learners learn about relationships in the historical event. Secondly, they create a similar story to the historical events.  8 ~ 9 文目  この方法では、まず学 習者は歴史事象におけ る関係を学習する。次 に、歴史事象に似た物 語を作る。

17  We propose a method to support understanding necessarily relationships by creating a story. In this method, firstly learners learn about relationships in the historical event. Secondly, they create a similar story to the historical events.  8 ~ 9 文目  create a story similar to the historical events.  similar to で一つの 形容詞のようです

18  Finally, they compare the historical event with the story and recognize necessarily relationships. We are developing a system for supporting this method.  10 ~ 11 文目  最後に、歴史事象と物 語を比較し、重要な関 係を認知する。我々は この方法を支援するシ ステムを開発している ところだ。

19  Finally, they compare the historical event with the story and recognize necessarily relationships. We are developing a system for supporting this method.  10 ~ 11 文目  唐突なシステム  これもタイトルをシス テム作成にしてしまえ ば、少しましになるか も?

20  This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.  12 ~ 13 文目  この方法は登場人物の 状態を抽出することに より学習者の物語作成 を支援します。抽象概 念の作成において、ど のようにプロパティを 設定するかは重要であ る。

21  This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.  12 ~ 13 文目  前にシステムを作ると 書いたので、 method ではなく、サポートす るのは system のほう がよいのでは?

22  This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.  12 ~ 13 文目  leaner→learner

23  This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.  12 ~ 13 文目  What is important in creating the abstraction is how properties are set. (抽象概念の作成にお いて大切なことはどの ようにプロパティを設 定するかです) としたほうが自然らし いと書いてあるところ も。

24  This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.  14 ~ 16 文目  もし資産がプロパティ として設定されたなら、 資産はお金の概念に内 包されているためお金 をプロパティとするこ とはできない。した がって、今後の仕事と して適当なプロパティ を決める必要がある。 加えて、サポートシス テムを開発しなければ ならない。

25  This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.  14 ~ 16 文目  急にプロパティの例が 出てきた感がある  for example とかほし いですかね

26  This method supports leaners creating the story by abstracting character’s state. In creating the abstraction, it is important how properties are set. If asset is set for a property, money cannot be set because of asset includes a concept of money. Therefore, we need to set some appropriate properties for future work. In addition, must develop the support system.  14 ~ 16 文目  主語がない

27  本題 : 副題と書くのが正解  本題 - 副題 -  本題~副題~  これらは ×

28  A is similar to B  A は B と同じ  A is similar to B with C  A は B と C に関して同じ

29  similar  冠詞 the をとることはできず、 a をとる  完全一致でなく ” 似ている ” というニュアンス  same  必ず the をつける  完全一致のときのみ使用可能

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