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Case Study Presentation Lakeisha Billingsley, Karen Brathovde, Mae Scott CMP 555 Stacy Nadeau March 12, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study Presentation Lakeisha Billingsley, Karen Brathovde, Mae Scott CMP 555 Stacy Nadeau March 12, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study Presentation Lakeisha Billingsley, Karen Brathovde, Mae Scott CMP 555 Stacy Nadeau March 12, 2006

2 The ASSURE Model  A – Analyze Learner  S – State Objectives  S – Select Methods, Media, and Materials  U – Utilize Media and Materials  R – Require Learner Participation  E – Evaluate and Revise

3 The Panama Canal

4 Background Info on the Panama Canal  The Panama Canal is a major ship canal that traverses the isthmus of Panama in Central America, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  The construction of the canal was one of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken.  The Panama Canal connects the Gulf of Panama in the Pacific Ocean with the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.  The canal can accommodate vessels from small private yachts up to fairly large commercial ships.  The canal is presently handling more vessel traffic than had ever been envisioned by its builders.  In 1934 it was estimated that the maximum capacity of the canal would be around 80 million tons per year; canal traffic in 2005 consisted of 278.8 million tons of shipping.

5 Analyze Learners  General Characteristics This urban elementary school class is self-contained, with 29 fifth graders (16 girls, 13 boys). The average age is 11 years: the average reading level is fourth grade. The class has an ethnic and racial mixture typical of an urban setting, with socioeconomic status being lower middle class. Seventeen come from single- parent families. Motivation is usually a challenge with this class.

6 Analyze Learners  Entry Competencies  The awareness of the Panama Canal is very low.  In a class discussion of Central America, only Nicaragua and El Salvador were mentioned.  Many students are familiar with an old barge canal on the north side of town.  Many students can identify canals as human-built waterways but were vague about their purposes.

7 Analyze Learners  Learning Styles  Styles are varied  Most students do not like to read and have very low comprehension when they do  Students enjoy viewing videotapes and tend to remember information presented on them.  They have very good human interaction skills and enjoy discussions.

8 State Objectives  Locate the Panama Canal on a wall map of North and South America.  Explain the main advantage of the Panama Canal as a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.  Visually recognize a canal, distinguishing it from other waterways.  Discuss the Panama Canal’s historic importance, citing at least its commercial and military advantages and the achievement of overcoming the obstacles to its construction.  Demonstrate that they value the cooperative effort represented by the building of the Panama Canal by participating actively in a group project.

9 Select Methods, Media, & Materials Mr. Stucker has a four-step plan: 1. Large group discussion 2. Show a video 3. Small-group discussions 4. Projects

10 Select Methods, Media, & Materials: The Video The video is previewed by Mr. Strucker beforehand. He looks and notes…  Content  Vocabulary that meets students’ comprehension  The need to update political description of Panama

11 Utilize Media and Materials  Wall map of North & South America to stimulate conversation of how a traveler would get from New York to San Francisco  The instructor shows video that explains the solution developed in the early 20 th Century.

12 Require Learner Participation  Mr. Strucker divides the students into groups of three to discuss the questions.  Each group elects a recorder to write the answers agreed to by the group.  Mr. Strucker reassembles the class to create a discussion on the answers to the questions from each group.

13 Evaluate and Revise  Mr. Strucker collects the written notes and checks the accuracy of the answers.  He makes note of test items linked to the objectives on the standardized test at the end of the year.  During the display project:  He will check the accuracy of the information on their displays  To assess the affective objective(s), he will circulate throughout the work groups assessing the enthusiasm exhibited in their work.

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