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CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Paragraphs. CPN 100 — Writing Studies I a paragraph ought to focus on a single topic must have a topic sentence (one sentence.

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1 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Paragraphs

2 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I a paragraph ought to focus on a single topic must have a topic sentence (one sentence that gives the main idea of the whole paragraph) should have unity, coherence and development

3 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I The topic sentence can come at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a paragraph, or it can be implied (but I don’t recommend doing this), or it can be followed by a “limiting sentence” which clarifies the general topic sentence (I also don’t recommend doing it this way).

4 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Paragraph unity means that a paragraph’s supporting sentences must support the main idea of the paragraph as given in the topic sentence; they should have no other purpose.

5 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I  Sentences can support the main idea of a paragraph through RENNS. Rreasons Eexamples Nnumbers Nnames (any specific nouns, e.g. of people or things or types of these) Ssenses (words or information that evoke specific sights, sounds, smells, etc.)

6 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I  A paragraph can use more than one of these “RENNS”devices.

7 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Paragraph coherence means that all the sentences of a paragraph relate to each other in some way.  coherence in a paragraph can be achieved by transitional expressions (a.k.a. “transitions”), e.g. and, in addition to, moreover, thus, therefore, in contrast to, but, however, although, even though, for example

8 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I pronouns, e.g. he, she, it, they, this, that, these, those deliberate repetition parallel structure (similar phrasing but with different words)

9 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Paragraph development: paragraphs should show a certain pattern and arrangement of ideas: by time by location from general to specific from specific to general from most important to least important from least important to most important from problem to solution

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