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Walk in work Get out your reading section of your notebook. Title page 17A and B Central idea.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk in work Get out your reading section of your notebook. Title page 17A and B Central idea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk in work Get out your reading section of your notebook. Title page 17A and B Central idea

2 Determining Central Ideas Nonfiction

3 Determining Central Ideas in Nonfiction Nonfiction works develop central ideas through the use of supporting details. A central idea is a key point the author wants to make. (author’s purpose + topic/subject = CI) All the details in the text develop and support the central idea by: Proving it (to argue or persuade) Explaining it (to argue, inform or entertain) Illustrating it (to argue, inform or entertain) Giving further details (to argue, inform or entertain)

4 Finding Central Ideas near the beginning of the text. Sometimes the central idea is stated in the title. Sometimes, the complete more complex version of the central idea is not stated until the end. We readers can infer the central idea by determining what point all of the details combine to support. Directly stated Central ideas Implied Central ideas

5 Central Idea How a text’s central idea is developed is directly related to the author’s purpose, or reason for writing. Example Purposes: To inform, to persuade, to entertain

6 The Role of the Paragraph Each paragraph or section in nonfiction develops its own main idea. This main idea is used to support the main idea of the whole text. The main idea of a paragraph is often stated in a topic sentence. The topic sentence is then supported by reasons, examples, and other details in the paragraph.

7 Rock climbing is dangerous. Purpose To inform To persuade To entertain Angle  Include facts about accidents.  Add arguments about the need for safety.  Include comical details about a rock climbing experience.

8 Central Idea: Our town should build a skate park for skateboarders. Reason #1: A park would keep skateboarders out of the street. Reason #2: Skateboarders would no longer damage public property, such as curbs. Reason #3: A park would inspire skateboarders to take pride in our town.

9 Types of Evidence

10 Annotations Symbol to Use Type of Evidence F  Facts #  Numbers and statistics “  Quotes from experts  Anecdotes (personal stories) Ex  Examples

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