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AB 070 Worksheets BT 075 Arbeitsblätter 1 Sensoren/ Aktoren

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1 AB 070 Worksheets BT 075 Arbeitsblätter 1 Sensoren/ Aktoren
CAN Systeme / Gateway Diebstahlwarnanlage - Innenraumüberw. Elektrische Fensterheber Zentralverriegelung 1 Inhalt Arbeitsblätter WoB Vers mz

2 Group work Relay circuits Task 1
Terminal Terminal Production control number Time : min. Terminal Terminal Please complete the relay circuit Enter the terminal designations. Rating Note: Use colored pens to do this ( red for plus and braun for minus) 2 Contenu

3 -- ANSWER Task 1-- Relay circuits
Terminal Terminal 86 Production control number 30 Terminal Terminal 87 85 Please complete the relay circuit Enter the terminal designations. Rating Note: Use colored pens to do this ( red for plus and braun for minus) 3 Contenu

4 Group work Switch positions Task 2
A.At rest Task 2 B. Key in ignition Time : min. D. Starting C. Ignition on 4 Contenu

5 -- ANSWER Task 2 -- Switch positions
A.At rest B. Key in ignition D. Starting C. Ignition on 5 Contenu

6 Group work Systematic procedure Task 3
1. 2. 3. Time : 10 min. 4. 5. 6 Contenu

7 -- ANSWER Task 3 -- Systematic procedure
1. Funtional test 2. Visual check 3. Consumer tests 4. Determining the circuit 5. Circuit-phase distribution 7 Contenu

8 Group work Voltage loss Task 4
Time : 5 min. Permitted voltage drop in circuit: % (standard value) 8 Contenu

9 -- ANSWER Task 4 -- Voltage loss
Permitted voltage drop in circuit: % (standard value) 10 9 Contenu

10 Group work Current/Resistance Task 5
The ampmeter is connected- to the circuit Time : 5 min. The ohmmeter is connected - to the disconnected component which is to be measured. The component must not be energized! 10 Contenu

11 -- ANSWER Task 5 -- Current/Resistance Task 5
The ampmeter is connected- to the circuit in line Time : 5 min. parallel The ohmmeter is connected - to the disconnected component which is to be measured. The component must not be energized! 11 Contenu

12 Group work Task 6 Which control units belong to the Passat convenience CAN ? ? ? Time : min ? ? ? ? ? 12

13 -- ANSWER Task 6 -- 13 J xx J 533 Jxx Jxx Jxx Jxx Jxx K wire Gateway
Convenience CU K wire A121 J xx J 533 x T 32b/19 x T 32b/20 A122 Jxx Jxx Jxx Jxx Jxx Gateway Door CU driver Door CU front passenger Memory CU Door CU rear left Door CU rear right 13

14 Group work Task 7 Determine the actual CAN values on the training model and on a test vehicle. Time : min Training model : H : Volt L : V 0 V Vehicle : H : Volt L : V 5 V

15 -- ANSWER Task 7 -- Determine the actual CAN values on the training model and on a test vehicle. Training model : H : Volt L : V 0 V Vehicle : H : Volt L : V 5 V

16 Practical work on vehicle
Group work Task 8 Testing with VAS 5051 DSO  CAN High DSO  CAN Low Time : min for example 1. CAN bus open circuit 2. CAN bus short circuit between wires 3. CAN bus short circuit to + Practical work on vehicle 4. CAN bus short circuit to -

17 -- ANSWER Task 8 -- Illustrate the various fault characteristics on a pin board and have participants explain individual screenshots.

18 Which control units are present in the CAN ?
Group work Task 9 Which control units are present in the CAN ? Coding 6 Dealership number 1317 6 Read measured value block ? 1 Time : 15 min ? ? 1 Display group 125 Basic setting K VK-36mz

19 -- ANSWER Task 9 -- 125 Engine 1 Gearbox ABS 1 K VK-36mz
Vehicle self-diagnosis 08 - Read measured value block Coding 6 Dealership number 1317 Read measured value block Engine 1 08 - Read measured value block Gearbox ABS 1 Display group 125 Basic setting K VK-36mz

20 Which control units belong to the drivetrain CAN ?
Group work Task 10 Which control units belong to the drivetrain CAN ? ? ? Time : min ? ? ? ? ? K VK-36mz

21 Gateway 19 -- ANSWER Task 10 -- J 220 J 533 J104 G 85 J248 J217 J234
K wire A121 J 220 J 533 64 T 32b/19 66 T 32b/20 A122 J104 G 85 J248 J217 J234 K VK-36mz

22 Group work Task 11 What fault will the VAS 5051 read in the fault memory in the event of an open circuit in the CAN High wire ? Time : 15 min Data bus

23 -- ANSWER Task What fault will the VAS 5051 read in the fault memory in the event of an open circuit in the CAN High wire ? Data bus.... “X Y” no communication CAN Bus in one-wire mode....

24 Window regulator switches
Group work Task 12 Enter the corresponding  value of each switch in the table open closed Time : min 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V not operated Window regulator switches operated

25 Window regulator switches
-- ANSWER Task auf zu 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V not operated Window regulator switches operated 160  15  1.8 k 550 

26 Notes 26

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