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Vince Vaughn and Dyslexia. So what is Dyslexia? It is the difficulty to learn how to read fluently and comprehend what is being said despite normal intelligence.

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Presentation on theme: "Vince Vaughn and Dyslexia. So what is Dyslexia? It is the difficulty to learn how to read fluently and comprehend what is being said despite normal intelligence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vince Vaughn and Dyslexia

2 So what is Dyslexia? It is the difficulty to learn how to read fluently and comprehend what is being said despite normal intelligence. Dyslexia is the most common of the reading disorders. Dyslexia also has no one single definition and there are more than 70 names used to describe it across the world

3 Signs in Children Delays in speech, writing letters backwards, and being easily distracted by background noises. School age dyslexic children commonly misspell words, difficulty in understanding rhyming words, blending sounds together to make words, and have a tendency to omit or add words when writing

4 About 5-10 percent of the population suffer from dyslexia Even though there are different definitions of dyslexia across the world and different writing systems across the world, Italian, German and English all suffer from similar forms of dyslexia. Chinese dyslexics have problems extracting shapes of Chinese symbols into meanings

5 Dyslexia also includes:

6 What dyslexic people see

7 Vince Vaughn Early on in life, Vince Vaughn had problems reading He was embarrassed by his struggles and to fit in, stopped caring about school work. Because of this, his teachers thought he was a wild child. They eventually found out he had dyslexia and started sending him to alternative classrooms which frustrated him.

8 Vince Vaughn about school "Then you kind of act like you don't care because it's embarrassing to care and not do well. Sometimes it's not even learning disabilities, it's more emotional situations where I had to go to a special class once a day, which was really embarrassing when you're younger.”- Vince Vaughn

9 The doctors actually wanted to put Mr. Vaughn on medicine but his father said no. He was grateful his father said no because he was afraid he would become a “doped out zombie” Mr. Vaughn learned to deal with his disability and even wrestled, played baseball and football in high school.

10 "When I was in school, I wasn't a very good student - I had a form of dyslexia and short attention span.But when you have these setbacks, you develop a really good work ethic, because you have to try harder.” – Vince Vaughn He credits his learning disability for making him a star because he learned how to work hard for what he wanted.

11 Becoming an actor A year before he graduated high school in 1987, he decided he wanted to be an actor. He had always loved musical theater and thought being an actor would be the best career choice for him. He was cast in a Chevrolet commercial and right after moved to Hollywood.

12 Once moving to Hollywood, his acting career did not take off like he had hoped. Finally though, he got his big break It was hard for him to memorize lines because of his dyslexia, but it never hindered him from getting jobs. He was use to working harder than others so it was never a problem for him taking more time than others to memorize lines.

13 The internship

14 Vince Vaughn was actually asked to come to Washington D.C. to speak to a school that specializes in teaching kids with disabilities. He talked about people who have disabilities who are able to overcome them, become CEO’S of companies and do other amazing things.

15 In conclusion Vince Vaughn is a famous actor and does have a disorder called dyslexia But he overcame it without the use of pills and because of that has become a better person.

16 Work cited "The Power of Dyslexia.". MinBOX Productions, n.d. Web. 14 Nov 2013.. "Optimum learning." Famous Dyslexics. World Press, 30 August 2012. Web. 14 Nov 2013.. University of Michigan. Web. 12 Nov 2013..

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