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Published byAnnabel Peters Modified over 9 years ago
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20091 LHCb Physics Program On behalf of LHCb collaboration M.N Minard (LAPP) Status LHCb ( R.Jacobson) Single arm spectrometer B- physics dedicated
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20092 Improve precision on CKM parameters Impressive results from B factories & K sector Good agreement with SM Bs emerging Tevatron results Belle LHCb will contribute Strong constraints from SM on KM sector Direct measurement :LHCb Indirect Direct measurement
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20093 LHCb hints for NP Hints for NP contribution in loop processes as tree and box / penguin diagrams. NP from CPV domain precision measurements : Observe deviations from SM expectations Confront measurements between channels expecting different NP interference s, mixing phase of the Bs system measurements NP from rare decays high precision measurements : -Branching ratio -Time asymmetry measurements Oscillation box Strong penguinEW penguinRadiative penguin
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20094 LHCb apparatus characteristics High statistics on all b and c species : – 2fb -1 : 10 12 bb pairs –Heavy flavor precision experiment Lepton and hadron trigger (HLT) Efficient particle ID Decay time resolution Flavour tagging ε(K K) : 97% ε(π K) : 5% proper time resolution ~ 40 fs Bs Ds(KKπ)K b tag BsBs KK KK K DsDs Primary vertex Bs→ Ds K Bs →Ds B0-> J/ K0s Sensitivity: 236k events/2 fb -1 (sin ) = 0.020 [B factories: 0.025 (850 fb1)]
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20095 B s mixing phase s
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20096 B s phase s NP may modify the mixing phase s can be extracted from CP time-dependent asymmetry decay rates : with n f = ±1 CP eigenstate +NP? B0sB0s W s b c c s s B0sB0s B0sB0s tt W W b s b s Bs J/Ψ η, Bs J/Ψ η’, Bs ηc Φ Bd Ds+ Ds- CP eigenstate Bs -> J/Ψ , mixing +-1 CP eigenstate Lifetime B 0 s, B 0 s distributions give oscillation pattern of frequency ms and amplitude ~ sin s trough the phase in the mixing box diagram. s =-2 s
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20097 B s phase s (2) Use of pure CP eigenstates statistic limited B s -> J/Ψ large yield, low background mixture of CP = +1 and CP = -1 states angular analysis to disentangle the two states Current results from Tevatron: D0 s = 0.57 + 0.24 -0.30 with 2.8 fb -1 CDF s = [0.28,1.28] @ 68%CL with 2.8 fb -1 ( Δ s / s ) = 0.0092 With 10 fb-1 stat ( s ) 0.009 > 3 for non-zero s of SM SM S (B s -> J/Ψ ) = -2 s = -0.0368 ± 0.0017
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20098 The effects of New Physics in the oscillation can be parameterized as: arXiv:0810.3139 Room for NP in B s mixing
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 20099 b sss hadronic penguin decays B s In SM CP violation < 1% due to cancellation of the mixing and penguin phase: Bs SM 2 arg(V ts * V tb ) – arg(V ts V tb * ) = 0 In presence of NP expect different contributions in boxes and in penguins : Bs NP = Mixing NP - Decay NP + NP? Mixing CP asymmetry angular analysis & time dependance of flavour tagged events For 2 fb –1 stat ( SM ) = 0.11 B d related quark penguin B d K S & B d J/ K S expected precision: (sin(2 eff )) ≈0.23 ChannelYield (2 fb -1 )B/S (90%CL) B s 3100< 0.8 B d K S 920< 1.1 + NP? V tb Mixing box V ts
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200910 related measurements
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200911 s + from B s D s K 2 Trees : b->c & b->u interfere through B s mixing Measure s + Ratio extracted from data Include B s D s to constrain m s Fit time-dependent rates of B s →D s K and B s →D s s + 9 -12 msms 0.007 ps -1 Sensitivity with 2fb –1 : ChannelYield (2 fb -1 )B/S (90%CL) B s D s K6200< 0.2 Bs Ds Bs Ds 140 k0.4 B s → D s - B s → D s - K + -K id
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200912 from trees: B DK Two tree amplitudes (b c & b u) interfere in decays to a common D 0 and D 0 state f D Exploit interference according the decay mode ( analysis from B-factories). GLW : CP eigenstate f D (*)0 D0-> K + K - / + -, Ks 0 ADS : Use common flavor state - doubly cabbibo supressed D 0- > K+ - Lower event rate / large asymmetry - Favoured mode: Large event rate / tiny asymmetry Dalitz for 3 body decays f D(K+ -) K – D0K–D0K– D0K–D0K– bcbc bubu B–B– f D(CP) K – f D(K- +) K – _ For each mode parameters ,(r b, b )
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200913 from loops: B 0 d/s h + h - Interference of b u tree & b d(s) penguin diagrams leads to CP violation depending on (Sensitive to NP) A dir & A mix depend on mixing phase 2 , , and ratio of penguin to tree amplitudes = d e i B 0 and B s 0 K + K - (d->s) diagrams U-spin symmetry. 4observables: (A dir & A mix ) A dir & A mix ) kk – Parameters : penguin to tree amplitudes (d e i kk decayYield (2fb -1 ) B/S B0 B0 36k0.5 B s 0 K + K - 36k1.5 Compare to from trees to get hints of NP in penguins NP
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200914 from trees: B DK B modeD modeMethodYield (2fb-1) sensitivityParamete r B s →D s KKK tagged, A CP (t) 6.2K +2 s B + →D K + favo KK ADS56K 8.2 9.6 ° Strong phases B + →D K + suppr KK ADS* B + →D K + KK/ counting, GLW8.6k B ± D 0 K ± K3 ADS61K B ± D 0 *K ± D 0 0 /D 0 GLW +ADS42K B ± D 0 K ± K+K-K+K- GLW Dalitz1.718° B 0 D 0 K* 0 K KK, ADS+GLW5K6-25 B→ ,KK tagged, A CP (t)36K10 d s HLT trigger K- PID Mass resolution Global fit from ADS/GLW under B °assumption =35° R b Combine tree – 2fb -1 ( ) : 4° tree
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200915 Rare decays
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200916 Rare decays seeking for NP BR(SM)BR exp @ LHCb Z, NP? in B s polarization (57 +18 -12 +12 -11 ) 10 -6 Belle’08 C7 Bs+-Bs+- (3.35±0.32)·10 -9 helicity suppressed TeVatron @ 90% CL (2 fb -1 ) < 45 10 -9 BR S-P coupling B 0 K* + - (1.22 +0.38 -0.32 )·10 - 6 B factories angular distributions C7, C9 Large Theory Error On br «
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200917 B s Helicity suppressed – NP sensitivity in SM: BR(B s → ) (3.35 ± 0.32) x 10-9 Enhancement from SUSY model : BR(B s → ) tan 6 /M H 2 Sensitive to new physics coupling with Scalar & pseudo scalar SM Ex: NUHM1 Ex : Possible enhancement BR(Bs + -)~20x10 -9 J.Ellis et al. arXiv:0709.0098v1 [hep-ph] (2007)
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200918 B s Analysis relies on : Geometry Likelihood (GL) : geometrical properties ( muon IPS, B lifetime, isolation, IP) Good mass resolution Particle ID : DLL ( - ) & DLL( -K) - Sensitive Region: GL > 0.5 - Statistical method applied to separate signal from background SM BR, in 2fb -1 21 signal events 172 background events (arbitrary normalization) Major uncertainty on BR from relative B s,B hadronization fractions 14%. Bs branching ratio determination useful (arbitrary normalization)
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200919 Within SM BR: 2 fb –1 3 evidence 10 fb –1 5 observation Expected CDF+D0 limit 8fb-1 B s 90% exclusion Main uncertainty hadronization fraction
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200920, Z 0 B0K0*+-B0K0*+- Suppressed Loop FCNC process (EW penguins) Several observables to test the dynamics –Afb (s=mll2) –Angular distributions: l, , K* –Invariant mass + - s =(m ) 2 =q 2 NP can affect: –Forward-backward asymmetry A FB (s) in l distribution –Dependence on s (predicted by several models) Zero of A FB (s) SM s 0 =4.36 +0.33 -0.31 GeV 2 /c 4 NP M mm 2 (GeV 2 ) Afb Example 2 fb -1 experiment (LHCb @ 10 fb -1 (s0)=0.28)
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200921 polarization in B s B s FCNC radiative penguin Time dependent CP asymmetry probe SM/NP –SM= A dir 0, A mix sin2 sin2 , A cos 2 cos fraction of wrongly polarized photon tan = |b→s R | / | b→s L |~0 cos 1 Sensitivity ; (Adir, Amix ) = 0.11 A ) =0.22 for 2fb-1 SM extensions (left-right-symmetric, unconstrained MSSM) predict large tan while no change on inclusive BR (b s )
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200922 Conclusions LHCb is looking forward for the 1st collisions Interesting results can comme early ( 0.5 fb -1 ) –Bs→ J/ s measurement with 0.05 precision –Bs -> BR limit close SM value –Direct measurement ( ) 10° LHCb able to provide strong improvement in B s sector Channels variety allows field for indirect NP discovery
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200923 Backup
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200924 Physics from (very) first data 10 8 minimum bias @ 2kHz Exploit minimum bias data (almost no trigger) S= σ mb σ∙εσ∙ε ∙N mb Number of selected signal events:
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200925 Sensitivities for 100 fb -1 Also studying Lepton Flavour Violation in
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200926 Upgrade Increase L0 hadron bandwidth Manage a factor 110 in luminosity –Go from 1Mhz to 40 Mhz data flow Implications : –Electronics and detector upgrade is being investigated –Change Vertex Locator to pixels 3D device
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200927 Rare decays In the SM, b s only through loops (FCNC) implies: –Processes are rare –Powerful to find/constraint NP! Operator Product Expansion parametrize new physics effects through # b s observables : Observables are functions ofC’s. –Branching ratios (BR) Cs –Polarizations (C9) –Angular distributions (C7/C9) Three examples for LHCb: B s K K B 0 K* K + - Bs +-Bs +-
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200928 Full 3D Angular Analysis
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200929
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200930 Charm Physics Sensitivity to NP : loop diagrams involves d quarks Mixing Mixing observed in Babar & Belle x = 0.89± 0.26% y = 0.75± 0.17%. Time-dependent D0 mixing with wrong-sign D0 K+ – decays. Direct CP violation in D0 K+K–
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200931 With luminosity increase level of interest emerge: 0.5 fb-1 Bs→ J/ precision on s Bs -> improved limit 2 fb -1 (1year) CPV from tree : 5 from penguins 10 Bs mixing phase : 0.023 s eff from penguins : 0.11 Rare decays s 0 0.5 GeV 2 from B K * Bs -> 6 10 -9 at 5 10fb-1 CPV from tree & loop : 4 from penguins : 6 Bs mixing phase : 0.009 MS level Rare decays s0 0.3 GeV 2 from B K* Bs -> SM at 5 Bs-> (A ) =0.09
M.N MinardAspen Winter Meeting 200932 Room for NP in B s mixing 2006 including m s measurement With s from B s J/ LHCb 2fb -1 Ligeti, Paucci,Perez, hep-ph/0604112 New Physics in B s mixing amplitude M 12 parameterized with h s and s : Additional constraints can come from semileptonic Asymmetry. In SM: A SL s 10 -5:. B s D s hshs ss LHCb expects 10 9 events/ 2fb -1 (A SL s ) stat 2x10 -3 in 2fb -1 A SL s hshs
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