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Published bySharleen Jacobs Modified over 9 years ago
Structured / Unstructured Market Trials Weekly Update – Friday Meeting July 26, 2013
Call Reminders Please help to minimize disruptions: Mute your phones Do not dial-in from a recorded line Do not put the call on hold, even if you are on mute 2
Agenda TCR and ECT Update (30 min) 9:00-9:30A Review of Events (10 min) 9:30-9:40A Analysis July 15 – 21 (25 min) 9:40-10:05A Includes Settlements Analysis Look-Ahead July 29 – Aug 4 (20 min) 10:05-10:25A True-Up (15 min) 10:25-10:40A Updates (15 min) 10:40-10:55A Release Scorecard Migration and Maintenance Report Known Issues Log Questions (5 min) 10:55-11:00A 3
TCR Market Trials TCR Survey sent July 26 th requesting MP input in order to: –Gauge MP comfort level with moving forward (recommending ‘Go’) with financially-binding TCRs in the Integrated Marketplace –Analyze MP concerns regarding the ARR/TCR process and Market Trials progress –Solicit suggestions to better position SPP’s TCR Market for Go-Live success Please respond to the TCR Survey by Friday, August 2 nd 4 Brett Crane
TCR Phase 2: Monthly August Allocation / Auction Allocation Process Auction Process Revenue Next Steps 5 Brett Crane
Allocation Percentage Allocated MW lower than Annual –Due to Baseloading TCRs & Model Changes 6 Brett Crane
Auction Participation 7 Brett Crane
Revenue by AO: August On-peak 8 Net Revenue -$2.5 M Charges Credits Brett Crane
Participation / Model Changes Drive Revenue 9 Brett Crane
Participation Self Converts (MW) 1,500 MW On-Peak 1,180 MW Off-Peak Buy Bid & Sell Offers (#) 139 On-Peak 118 Off-Peak ARRS with no set Price (%) 56% in On-Peak 62% in Off-Peak 10 Brett Crane
Nomination Window Run ARR Post ARR Bid Window Run TCR Post TCR Model Posting August SuMoTuWeThFrSa 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 September SuMoTuWeThFrSa 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930 Next Steps Phase II Monthly Processes Remaining Brett Crane 11
Extended Connectivity Testing 12 Brett Crane ECT Preparation (complete no later than 8/2): Complete Connectivity Test Checklists and return to SPP LSA User Role Setup OATI and CROW System Access Requests (if applicable) XML Notification Listeners (if applicable) ECT Test Execution (occurs between 8/5 and 8/30): MPs will be assigned a week during test execution time frame to perform their testing. Assignments to be provided July 26 th. Tests are performed independently during the assigned week. No appointment is necessary. Issues with test execution handled via RMS.RMS
Extended Connectivity Testing 13 Applicable Market Participants: Active Power Investments Denver Energy, LLC Merrill Lynch Commodities Tennessee Valley Authority APEX DTE Energy Trading Midwest Energy Trading East Trademark Merchant Energy APX, Inc. Durable Electric Power Monterey SW, LLCTwin Eagle Resource Mgmt BJ Energy, LLC EDF Trading North America Monterey SWF, LLC Union Electric Company dba Ameren Missouri Blue Canyon V EDP Renewable North America Northpoint Energy SolutionsUnion Power Partners L P Buffalo Dunes Wind ProjectENEL Green PowerNSP Energy MarketingUtilities Plus Citigroup EnergyEntegra Power ServicesNSP Energy TradingVitol, Inc. City of FremontETC Endure EnergyPowerex CorpXO ENERGY SW, LP Conoco Phillips CoFranklin Power, LLCPSCO Energy TradingXO ENERGY SW2, LP DB Energy TradingInfinity Wind HoldingsPSCO Energy Marketing DC Energy Midwest, LLCJ Aron & CoSaracen Energy West Denver Energy 2, LLC JP Morgan Ventures Energy Sustaining Power Solutions Brett Crane
Review of Events SPP disabled Market XML Notifications Wed July 24 SPP found a defect with XML notifications that appears to send Regulation selection results to MPs for Resources they were not responsible. The install of Release was not successful Releases and successfully installed Release addresses database issues that do not impact the quality of market solutions SPP continues to work with the vendor to diagnose and address the issues encountered SPP will inform MPs of progress and future installation plans 14 Casey Cathey
8/1 Model Issues 15 Gary Cate/Jarrett Friddle Known Issues with Model Uploads: Seeding of Resource Offers Requires SPP to enter an initial offer before a Market Participant can begin to update their offer using the Markets UI or Markets API Markets UI/API does not allow data to be submitted for the Operating Day until the Resource/Settlement Location becomes effective This is actually a larger issue. We have workarounds for issue number one, but there are not any workarounds for issue 2. This does not affect just new resources. The architecture of the MDB is such that most of the attributes of an asset (ControlZone, ReserveZone, AssetOwner etc) are held on the MktResourceAssetDef table. This means that (especially during this influx of registration changes) there will most likely be a more than a few resources that terminate/re-start for this upload. If an Offer is already in place for that Asset, everything continues to work. They cannot see/update the offer, however it will be there and included in the solution.
8/1 Model Issues continued 16 Gary Cate/Jarrett Friddle SPP course of action We will upload Production on Monday, 7/29 at Noon. The Effective Date will be 7/31. The resources that are not technically effective till 8/1 will not be able to enter offers and will be ignored in 7/31 DA case and the 7/31 RTBM cases The resources which are already effective and are only changing effective dates internal to MDB will need to submit both DA and RTBM’s offers (if they want to update and not use roll forward) for 7/31 before the 7/29 upload to PROD.
Analysis: July 15-21 17 Alan Adams Structured Market Trials Statistics posted the day after each OD Structured Market Trials Statistics > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings Analysis of July 17 and July 18 Operating Days posted Tues to Analysis > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings
Look-Ahead: July 15-21 18 July 29 – Aug 4 Daily Calendar July 29 – Aug 4 > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Now includes some initial Settlements Dates.. For all Settlements Calendar details please reference the Settlements Calendar > Public > Settlements > Calendars Settlements Calendar Scheduled Scenarios 20.0 – CRD Event 14.1 – Low Load High Wind 14.2 – Low Load High Wind Financial Only Training – SMT Call Fri Aug 2 Official Operating Days – Weds July 31 & Thurs Aug 1 3 ODs in August (e.g. Tues Aug 6, Weds Aug 7, Thurs Aug 8) Friday Maintenance & Saturday - Reserved for MP Testing Leann Poteet
20.0 CRD Event 1.1 Scenario Description Contingency Reserve Deployment (CRD) is required whenever there is a loss of significant generation within the SPP footprint. The CRD application will: 1. Manage deployments of reserves 2. Monitor the compliance of resources during contingency events 1.2 Expected Result If a significant loss of resources occurs, a CRD event will be created by an operator; the operator will then acknowledge and deploy the event. CRD will calculate the total amount of reserves that will be deployed and split it between the RTGEN managed deployments and the CRD managed deployments. RTGEN manages deployments for Spinn and Online Supp. Reserves only RTGEN deployments made by RTGEN communicated via ICCP CRD manages deployments for recallable transactions, Offline Supp, BDR Spinn & Supp CRD triggered deployments communicated via XML 19 Alan Adams
20.0 CRD Event 2.0 MP Activities Offer units in as available for Contingency Reserve clearing (Spin, Supp, Offline Supp). Observe Units as they get deployed for Contingency Reserve Events. Only one resource from each MP should offer a spin qualified resource with an Operating Reserve Dispatch Status of “Fixed” for 5 MW. All other spin qualified resources should have an OR Dispatch Status of “Market” 20 Alan Adams
14.1 Low Load High Wind 1.1 Scenario Description Run the Day Ahead Market with bids and offers submitted by MPs that represent the activity they would expect on a low load/high wind day. Outages will also be present to mimic the expected maintenance conditions during the period. 1.2 Expected Result DA Market solution should reflect reasonable results during the representative day (April 5, 2013). The solution should honor any outages and constraints that were present on the representative day. 2.0 MP Activities Submit Virtual bids and offers as desired for expected business strategies. MPs with Load Submit Demand bids similar to what would be expected during the reference day (April 5, 2013). Demand bids should include Fixed and Price-Sensitive and reflect expected production activity. Demand bids should be based on the Load Forecast supplied by SPP for the representative day (April 5, 2013). MPs with Resources Submit Resource Offers similar to what would be expected during the reference day (April 5, 2013). OR Offers should reflect OR obligation as posted by SPP. Offers should reflect Outages that were in place on the reference day 21 Alan Adams
14.2 Low Load High Wind 1.1 Scenario Description Run the Day Ahead Reliability Commitment with offers submitted by MPs that represent the activity they would expect on a low load/high wind day. The load forecast used by DARUC will be from a selected representative day. Outages will also be present to mimic the expected maintenance conditions during the period. 1.2 Expected Result DARUC Market solution should reflect reasonable results during the representative day (April 5, 2013). The solution should honor any outages and constraints that were present on the representative day (April 5, 2013). 2.0 MP Activities MPs with Resources Submit Resource Offers similar to what would be expected during the reference day (April 5, 2013). OR Offers should reflect OR obligation as posted by SPP. 22 Alan Adams
Overview: Scenario Tracker 23 MP ACTIVITYDATE Execute Scheduled ScenariosOD Receive Scenario Email(s)OD +1 Respond to all Scenario Email(s) before deadline Following Mon 12PM CST View Scenario Tracker on iDashboard / metrics in Analysis Deck Following Tues 5PM CST Review Scenario Tracker on SMT Call for Scenarios executed one week in arrears Following Fri 9AM CST Scenario Tracker to track/report MP completion of Scenarios weekly Updated based on MP Responses to Scenario Emails Casey Cathey
Scenario Emails – MP Response Required Emails sent only to MT Primary Liaison MPs can change email recipient by submitting an RMS Ticketsubmitting an RMS Ticket If SPP receives an auto-reply, email forwarded to MT Secondary Liaison Roll-Forward Email sent each month Will you intentionally roll-forward DA/RTBM offers the following month? Response Required: Use Voting Button “Yes” / “No” August Email sent Mon 7/29; response required Mon 8/5 by 12P CST 24 Casey Cathey
Scenario Emails – MP Response Required Catch-Up Scenario Email sent one time (Mon June 29) Have you completed applicable Scenarios executed June 3 – June 29? Response Required: Complete Table with “Pass” / “Fail” Catch-Up Email sent Mon 7/29; response required Mon 8/5 by 12P CST Scenario “X” Email sent for each Scenario every OD+1 Did you execute Scenario X on OD? Response Required: Use Voting Button “Yes” / “No” If “No”, submit an RMS Ticket and include RMS Ticket # in Voting Responsesubmit an RMS Ticket Email(s) sent each OD+1; response required following Mon by 12P CST No emails for Base Scenarios 25 Casey Cathey
August Roll-Forward Email 26 DRAFT Casey Cathey
Catch-Up Email 27 Casey Cathey
Sample Scenario Email 28 Casey Cathey
Scenario Tracker Updated weekly based on MP responses to Scenario Emails Reviews Scenarios executed one week in arrears MPs who wish to update Scenario Tracker status after Email deadline can submit an RMS Ticketsubmit an RMS Ticket Posted to iDashboard & in Analysis by 5P Tuesday Presented with Analysis in SMT Calls Friday Analysis includes “Roll-Up” Metrics # of MPs who received Scenario Email # of MPS who responded to Scenario Email # of MPs who reported passed # of MPs who reported failed 29 Casey Cathey
Sample Scenario Tracker_iDashboard 30 Casey Cathey DRAFT Tracked by Scenario:
Sample Scenario Tracker_iDashboard 31 Casey Cathey DRAFT Tracked by Market Participant:
MP Activities: July 29 – Aug 9 32 MP ACTIVITYDATE Receive Scenario “Catch-Up” Email & Aug Roll-Forward EmailMon 7/29 Execute Scenario 20.0OD Wed 7/31 Receive Scenario 20.0 EmailOD +1 Thurs 8/1 Execute Scenario 14.1 & 14.2OD Thurs 8/1 Receive Scenario 14.1 & 14.2 EmailsOD +1 Fri 8/2 Respond to all Scenario EmailsMon 8/5 by 5P Review Scenario Tracker* on iDashboard/in Analysis DeckTues 8/6 by 5P Execute Scenario 12.0 and receive Scenario 12.0 Email the following day (OD+1) if applicable Tues 8/6 – Fri 8/9 Review Scenario Tracker* during SMT CallFri 8/9 at 9A *The Scenario Tracker posted Tues 8/6 will have results for Scenarios executed from June 3 rd through August 1 st * Casey Cathey
True-Up: Reasons and Impacts New RTBM (though similar to the EIS Market) has several items that need to be thoroughly tested by both SPP &MPs: Operating Reserves aspect New deployments: Contingency and Regulation Reserve Control Modes coming from ICCP SPP Calculating and tracking its ACE, etc. To test functionality, SPP needs to operate with the same ICCP and SCADA that matches Resources’: real output of the units same net schedules same net actual interchange dispatchability of the Resources (must be similar) If a Resource is not in the Current Operating Plan as committed, it is not dispatchable by the Marketplace RTBM. 33 Jarrett Friddle
True-Up Reasons and Impacts Without the COP True-up and NSI True-up to try and match Real-time, the results of RTBM would be inadequate Results would not provide useful information or confidence in the RTBM solutions With 5-minute dispatch, the threshold for net deviations from real initial conditions is relatively small: Without True-up there is increased risk of ramp rate violations, reserve shortage conditions and breached constraints. Other Risk factors SPP can’t control: Resources not following dispatch Resources often operating outside their submitted Max and Min ranges for Marketplace 0% Ramp sharing 34 Jarrett Friddle
COP True-up Allows the RTBM to dispatch resources based on real-time (EIS) operating conditions If Resources are online in EIS and not in the COP, they are unable to be dispatched economically by RTBM Output will be echoed Not eligible to clear reserves After the DA RUC run, SPP checks the EIS Resource Plan statuses for the OD to identify Resources with conflicting status with the COP. SPP uses the ID-RUC to commit or decommit resources that have a conflicting EIS status with the COP. If the resource has a EIS status of “Unavailable” and is committed in the COP, it will be decomitted by ID-RUC. Process repeats at least 2 hrs a day from 8A-4P during supported ODs. During unsupported days, the COP True-Up runs once a day. 35 Jarrett Friddle
Other Adjustments for RTBM: NSI True-up Utilized to make sure the Target MW for RTBM is not too far to reach given the available Resources on-line SPP ports over the interchange schedules from the EIS Market (no internal schedules) in order to serve as a “NSI True-Up” EIS schedules are used to calculate SPP NSI used by RTBM and the SPP NSI used by RTGEN which is managing ACE. Process is being used until RTOSS with new Web Mirroring feature is integrated with MOS 36 Jarrett Friddle
Other Adjustments for RTBM When RTOSS is integrated, adjustment schedules will be created to continue this “NSI True-Up” function SPP expects MPs to start submitting test schedules via RTOSS SPP expects MPS will want to see impacts through Settlements. SPP does not think MPs will have the Resources to dual submit schedules to the EIS Market and to Marketplace for SMT. Web Mirror feature (RTOSS): will allow all schedules submitted to the EIS to also be submitted as tagged “RTBM Only” schedules into the Marketplace RTOSS. After the DA Market Clears, SPP will determine the net deviation in schedules for each hour the next day 37 Jarrett Friddle
Adjustments for RTOSS during SMT cont’d When RTOSS is integrated, adjustment schedules will be created to continue this “NSI True-Up” function After DA Market Clears, SPP will determine net deviation in schedules for each hour the next day for the AC system & each DC Tie This deviation will include DA Dispatchable, Up to TUC and DA Fixed that were and cleared. will also include any RTBM Only Fixed schedules submitted as Test schedules into the Marketplace RTOSS by 4pm day prior A schedule will be submitted for the next day with an external area in the AC system as well as one for each DC Tie. Profiles will be equal and opposite the deviation calculated at 4 pm Schedules will look like Emergency Schedules for the SPP BA and will not be settled to any Asset Owner. 38 Jarrett Friddle
DA Market and DA RUC results MP concern about the volumes of changes in the commitments from DA Market vs. DA RUC vs. changes made in the COP True-up SPP acknowledges that by separating the RTBM process away from the commitments in RUC that DA Market/RTBM Market comparisons can be challenging To this point in SMT, there are several factors that could contribute to deviations between DA Market / DA RUC results and EIS Market Commitments (beyond Centralized Unit Commitment) 39 Jarrett Friddle
DA Market and DA RUC results 40 SPP has identified ways to improve results as well as factors that MPs can consider while performing analysis: DA Market is dependent on COP commitments, and DA RUC is directly impacted by DA Market clearing. COP True-Up influences the DA Market initial conditions calculations (min run, min down, max run, etc.) Compounding the problem, unsupported weekend days have had DA Market and DA RUC run on Fridays and not in normal order. Initial conditions for the Sunday and Monday have nothing in the COP which is contributing to “strange” commitments/decommitments by DA Market SPP plans to start running DA Market/DA RUC process on the weekends to correct this issue. Jarrett Friddle
DA Market and DA RUC results 41 Factors to Consider: Not sure how consistent MPs offering between their EIS and Marketplace. Varying participation on unsupported days (especially in the DA Market) Do not have Wind Forecast application integrated Wind output is using test data Several MPs not updating Wind Resource Offers from test levels Just started using outages in DA Market and DA RUC last week 5 of the supported ODs in July for specific test day scenarios that do not reflect the real-time forecasts Jarrett Friddle
DA Market and DA RUC results 42 Factors to Consider: DA Market and RUC still not including SFT constraints May be local constraints committed for by MPs in EIS that are not being captured without including SFT unless the Resources are self-committed. Market UI and API start/stop defects still exist so “reason” code cannot be relied on for accuracy Still seeing some unit physical parameters that are preventing commitment (Max Energy and Min/Max runtimes) SPP hopes to see more consistency in DA Market and DA RUC after fixing weekend problems and improving systems integrations after this week Reference this COP True-Up Presentation on spp.orgCOP True-Up Presentation > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Reference Documents Jarrett Friddle
Release Scorecard 43 Release ScorecardRelease Scorecard posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Leann Poteet
Migration and Maintenance Report 44 Migration and Maintenance Report Migration and Maintenance Report posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder RTOSS to MOS interface installation Friday July 26 Extended change window: 8A – 5P Schedules from RTOSS to MOS will be out of synch Could impact RTBM solutions SPP asks that MPs not enter any tags in this environment until Monday July 29. Starting Monday use these links: ITE WebTrans URL is https://demo.oati.spp.com OATI users tagging URL: https://demo1.spp.tag.oati.com Other Market UIs and APIS available for use until regular 3-5P change window Please verify access to Tag Agent software MT Tagged Transactions MT Tagged Transactions documentation posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Reference Documents Wendy Reynolds
Known Issues Log 45 Market Trials Known Issues Log Market Trials Known Issues Log posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Resolved Defects in the MUI 3.3 Release Friday July 26th: 206: Commitment notifications not always correct 238: VRL displays not populated 377: Ownership % can be modified for dates less than OD and > +8 378: JOU Share % cot calculated correctly 382: PostEnergyJOUShareResourceOfferSet does not accept Ramp Rates for multiple hours 383: JOU Ownership Percent Validations -- should not allow sum to exceed 100% 397: MDB not saving data entered in MT or ST NC Load Forecast 433: Publish “Manual” to members ONLY when start/stop changed through a manual process 459: System reserve requirement overrides not displayed correctly in UI or API 464: OR Ramp Rates not displayed correctly in UI and API 468: Commitment updates made to COP not triggering notifications to participants 469: Validations for Max Daily Starts & Max Weekly Starts to prevent value greater than 999 192: Reselecting current page from Navigation tree results in blank page 473: Markets API Performance issue – PostReserveOfferSet 446: System Reserve Requirements are not correct in Markets UI Leann Poteet
Known Issues Log 46 Resolved Defects in the MUI 3.3 Release Friday July 26 th - Continued: 201: Emergency Limit notification not visible on MUI 203: Unable to see Regulation Selection results on MUI 316: WS: GetLoadForecastSEtByDay does not return data for ST Non-Conforming Load 320: WS: GET EDR Resource Offer methods should return results in date order 329: START/STOP notifications in MUI show all historical messages causing duplicate records 367: PostEnergyJOUOwnershipShareSet allows data to be posted outside operating window 386: WS: GetReserveRampRateCurveSetByDay ramp rate error 387: GetEnergyDispatchSetByDay errors when using valid AOs and times 418: PostReserveMitigatedOfferSet returns Internal System Error 419: PostEnergyOperatingLimitSet does not save MQSRLimit to Market system 431: Submitting OR Mitigated Offers results in Internal System Error in UI and API 443: Remove validaiton to verify Min Emer Runtime < Max Emer Runtime 444: Maximum Energy Limit should require MW to be greater than zero 452: Markets UI - Energy Day Ahead Results not showing properly 474: Markets API allowing update to no load cost by JOU Share owners 480: UI does not consistently display the Day Ahead Cleared offers results Resource level 412: Commitment status of 'OUTAGE' for EDR not allowed for PostEnergyCommitmentStatus Leann Poteet
Scheduled Scenarios 47 July 29 – Aug 4 20.0 – CRD Event 14.1 – Low Load High Wind 14.2 – Low Load High Wind Aug 5 – Aug 11 0.5 – Settlements Base Scenario 12.0 – OOME Retesting Leann Poteet
Market Trials Useful Resources SMT Hotline: 501-482-2222 for critical & high issues Mon-Fri 8A – 5P Please submit all other inquiries via the Request Management System (RMS)Request Management System (RMS) Settlements Calendar > Public > Settlements > Calendars Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Market Trials Daily Calendar Release Scorecard Migration Report Market Participant Guide Market Trials Known Issues Log SMT Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings Folder SMT Reference Documents Folder SMT Tips and Guidelines Unstructured Tips COP True-Up Presentation SMT Scenarios Folder Change TrackerChange Tracker > Integrated Marketplace > Marketplace Documents 48
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