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L4 Menstrual cycle Starter What are the changes you expect in a girl

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Presentation on theme: "L4 Menstrual cycle Starter What are the changes you expect in a girl"— Presentation transcript:

1 L4 Menstrual cycle Starter What are the changes you expect in a girl
at puberty ? When does puberty start ? What controls puberty ? Have you heard the word menstruation what does it mean to you ?

2 Lesson 4 – Menstrual cycle
Learning objective : we will learn Why the menstrual cycle occurs The stages in the menstrual cycle

3 Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson we will be able to:
State what controls the menstrual cycle Describe the stages in the menstrual cycle.

4 The Female Reproductive System

5 Note H/W in your planner now
Title ‘ write a story on the life of an unfertilised egg’

6 Ovulation and Fertilisation
In the female one of the ovaries produces an egg every 28 days. This is called ovulation. During sexual intercourse sperm is ejaculated into the vagina. If the sperm and egg meet the sperms nucleus will join with the eggs nucleus. This is called fertilisation.

7 Fertilisation and Implantation

8 Menstruation One change that happens to girls at puberty is that they start to undergo a monthly cycle called the menstrual cycle. This cycle is a process where the uterus lining builds up to receive a fertilised egg. If an egg is not fertilised then the lining of the uterus breaks down and is lost from the body. This is called menstruation or a period.

9 The Menstrual Cycle

10 What is it like for girls to start their periods http://www. bbc. co
What is it like for girls to start their periods menstruation

11 Plenary – what have we learned?
Write down 9 of these words/numbers In a bingo grid. Your teacher will ask 9 questions The winner is the first one to find the 9 answers on their grid. Menstruation. Menopause. Ovulation. 14. Fertilisation . Puberty. 5. lining. Fallopian tube. Periods. Dead egg. Hormones. Uterus. 28.

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