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What can a Map Tell us? Mrs. Rida. Definitions Area Distortion: When the size of things on the map is misrepresented. Shape Distortion: When the shape.

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Presentation on theme: "What can a Map Tell us? Mrs. Rida. Definitions Area Distortion: When the size of things on the map is misrepresented. Shape Distortion: When the shape."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can a Map Tell us? Mrs. Rida


3 Definitions Area Distortion: When the size of things on the map is misrepresented. Shape Distortion: When the shape of things on the map is misrepresented.

4 Different Map Projections Mercator Robinson Interrupted

5 Map Projections PositivesNegatives Mercator Robinson Interrupted

6 Mercator Projection

7 Correct shapes of land Lines of latitude are straight Lines help show true directions: N,S,E,W ≠Size is distorted ≠North and South Poles are huge ≠Lines of Longitude are also straight (curvy)

8 Robinson Projection

9 Correct size of land and water Lines of latitude are straight Lines of longitude are curvy Good for measuring distances and sizes ≠Shape is distorted ≠Places look longer than they are— stretched

10 Interrupted Projection

11 Looks like an orange peel Correct size and shapes of land and water ≠Distance hard to determine because its broken up

12 MacArthur Projection

13 Mercator Handout pg. 18 Complete the handout given to you on the Mercator Projection!

14 your answers Robinson Interrupted Robinson Mercator Interrupted


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