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Environmental Problems. Potential to damage the Earth’s diverse habitats which can lead to the extinction of species.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Problems. Potential to damage the Earth’s diverse habitats which can lead to the extinction of species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Problems

2 Potential to damage the Earth’s diverse habitats which can lead to the extinction of species

3 Pollution  Presence of dangerous levels of substances in the environment

4 Types of Pollution  Solid waste (garbage) especially hazardous waste  Chemical waste – pesticides, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), PCBs used in appliances and paints  Radioactive wastes – nuclear power plants

5 Resource Depletion  Using up or depleting natural resources -Renewable: used over and over (fresh water, solar energy, some trees) -Non-renewable – cannot be replaced or takes a long time to renew (oil, coal, minerals

6 Renewable can become nonrenewable  Tropical rain forest – loss of habitat  Rich soil – takes thousand of year per centimeter to form, washed away in less than year.  Ground water – more drawn out than replaced naturally

7 Depletion due to Alien Species  Introduction of species not native to area  Drive out native species

8 Depletion due to overpopulation  Human population doubling every few decades  5.2 billion in 1900 – project 14 billion by 2100

9 Habitat Destruction  Impacts biodiversity (variety of life)  Deforestation – clearing of forests which leads to habitat loss.  Wetland destruction – loss of flooding control and habitat  Marine habitat – man-made disasters such as oil spills, pollution

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