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Electricity supply companies and bird protection in the Czech Republic and a role of the Czech Society for Ornithology/BirdLife Czech Lukáš Viktora Czech.

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity supply companies and bird protection in the Czech Republic and a role of the Czech Society for Ornithology/BirdLife Czech Lukáš Viktora Czech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity supply companies and bird protection in the Czech Republic and a role of the Czech Society for Ornithology/BirdLife Czech Lukáš Viktora Czech Society for Ornithology BirdLife Czech

2 Regulations - overview of existing laws Act nr. 114/1992, about nature and landscape protection, § 5, par. 3 electrocution, collisions with wires Act nr. 428/2000, „energetic“ law Amendment nr. 158/2009, § 25, par. 12g, par. 4 – protection of all high voltage pilons until the end of July 2024 electrocution, collisions with wires

3 Electricity Supply Companies (voltage range: 22 to 35 kV, partially 110 kV) ČEZ Distribuce, a. s. – west, north E.ON Distribuce, a. s. – south, south-east PREdistribuce, a. s. - Prague

4 Voltage range: 110, 220, 400 kV: ČEPS, a. s. - whole country, state owned

5 Electric transmission network about 750 000 high voltage pylons mainly from concrete, steel less than 10 % safety ones the most dangerous – crossarm structures („Pylons of the Death“)


7 also dangerous: pylons with steel construction (incl. some 110 kV structures)

8 Concrete pylons with vertical cavity Jackdaw Little Owl

9 Solutions? Raised perch, but…

10 Plastic ridges, but….

11 Plastic insulation of insulators and parts of phase conductors … inappropriet, foreign models Plastic crossarms covers … lax installation, less durability

12 „Claw“ type „high hopes" construction, based on „discourager“ strategy But: bracing needed when angular or forking pole!

13 White Tailed Eagle, Osprey have died

14 Additional perch, different birds have use it (Buzzards, Kestrels, Eagle Owl, even Goshawk)

15 Insulators and phase conductor insulation, using aproppriate devices Combination of insulation and perch discouragers

16 Experts group of the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (since 2013) Main iisue: animal safety for transport and energetics (set up of safety standards, development or/and assesment of distribution elements, expert´s opinions, methology for state administration) Interdepartmental working group of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (since 2015) Main issue: preparation of the methodological instructions for bird safety in energetics (electrocution - 2015, collisions with wires - 2016) Working groups

17 Role of the Czech Society for Ornithology providing experts for working groups safety measures efficiency monitoring avian mortality records (online database

18 Cooperation with E.ON Distribuce, a. s. Previous good opinion with White Stork nests conservation! To achieve „Target 2024“: list of safety measures (based on expert´s opinions) list of birds at risk (17 sp.) time schedule – to secure power lines according to bird species priorities (3 levels), by the most economic and most efficient way

19 Thank you for your attention!

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