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Kevin Murphy Images and Web Pages Masters Project CS 490.

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin Murphy Images and Web Pages Masters Project CS 490."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin Murphy Images and Web Pages Masters Project CS 490

2 Kevin Murphy Two Major Types n Inline images -Automatically appear on the Web page -Graphic file name is part of HTML code n External images -Not directly displayed on the Web page -Downloaded file viewed in an image editor or viewer

3 Kevin Murphy File Formats n GIF -Graphics Interchange Format n JPG or JPEG -Joint Photographic Expert Group n PNG -Portable Network Graphic

4 Kevin Murphy.GIF n Recommended for small images with few colors and blocks of the same color n Developed by CompuServe n Uses LZW compression -Compresses large blocks of the same color n Indexed color -Custom palette of <256 colors n Interlaced Format Option

5 Kevin Murphy.JPG n The best format for photographs and images with subtle tones of color n Compresses by combining some subtle shades into one shade n Lousy compression

6 Kevin Murphy.PNG n Developed in 1995 with the intention of replacing GIF files n Based on a public-domain version of LZW that results in 10-30% file size reduction

7 Kevin Murphy The Tag n One-sided tag (no closing tag) n SRC attribute specifies the filename (and path) of the image n Other attributes: HEIGHT, WIDTH, ALT, (deprecated) ALIGN, HSPACE, VSPACE n For spacing place the tag within and tags

8 Kevin Murphy Sample

9 Kevin Murphy Other Attributes n ALT=“(Text shown when graphics turned off)” n WIDTH=(pixels), HEIGHT=(pixels) -specify size of graphic n HSPACE=(pixels), VSPACE=(pixels) -specify space open on each side, top/bottom of graphic n ALIGN=(position of graphic on page) Left or right ALIGN=(position of graphic on line)

10 Kevin Murphy Syntax For a graphic in a line of text:

11 Kevin Murphy Syntax To wrap text next to a graphic:

12 Kevin Murphy Images & Links n Images can be click able links: - n A small thumbnail can link to the full size graphic: -

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