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Visual 1: Working with Visual Analysis 2014. Agenda Overview of the Preview Panel –Breakdown of its components and how to use Visual Analysis –Text and.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual 1: Working with Visual Analysis 2014. Agenda Overview of the Preview Panel –Breakdown of its components and how to use Visual Analysis –Text and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual 1: Working with Visual Analysis 2014

2 Agenda Overview of the Preview Panel –Breakdown of its components and how to use Visual Analysis –Text and Image Key Parameters –Ensuring a successful search Working with application commands –Introduction into native application (part of this lesson’s assignment)

3 Getting started with a sample

4 The Preview Panel 1. Prompt to enter values for parameters at run-time 2. Display advanced parameters 3. Function parameters window 4. Haystack 5. Needle 6. Enable search results 7. Snapshot mode 8. Handset mode 9. Visual relationship 10. Refresh screenshot 11. Haystack zoom out 12. Haystack fit to screen 13. Haystack zoom in 14. Use screenshot as needle 15. Load needle from repository 16. Crop needle area 17. Save needle with logical name 18. Needle zoom out 19. Needle fit to screen 20. Needle zoom in 21. View Help

5 Working with Images The text commands all have an equivalent command that searches for an image as a needle Image can be provided from the repository or taken from the device via the Preview Panel –System expects to find an exact match of the image –To support different screens, it is possible to “forgive” slight changes that can result from different screens (match-mode parameter)

6 Click Clicking Button.Click(text) & Select text –Both commands search for needle and click on it –Button.Click(text) uses custom OCR settings per platform and is the recommended command

7 Commands - Edit.Set(text) Sets a value inside an input field Works by searching for a label (the needle) Finds the field in relation to the label Direction Distance (in percentage of screen) Clicks on the field, removing previous text and entering the value

8 Commands - Validations Validations use same mechanism as click commands, but do not perform any action Useful for making tests pass/fail (e.g. did login succeed? ) Sync and Check –They are the same command, sync has a default timeout of 60 seconds and check does not –Timeout is the duration in which the system searches continually for the needle

9 Scrolling In some cases the needle is not on the visible screen and it is necessary to scroll in order to find it The “Scroll and Search” parameter turns on this functionality Switched off by default Available in all visual analysis commands How it works: –Needle is not found –System Performs scroll operation and then searches again for the needle (repeated for 5 times) –Scroll cannot be used together with a positive Timeout, because they dictate a different behavior when the needle is not found

10 Sleep() Suspends test for a specified number of milliseconds before performing the next step Part of the MobileCloud project template For example: sleep(3000); /* * Suspend test for a specified number of milliseconds. */ private static void sleep(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }

11 Part of this lesson assignment Working with application commands

12 Application Commands When working on application best practice is: –Upload… –Install & Start the App at beginning of test –Close & Uninstall at end of test The app identifier is the application name

13 Uploading Applications Two approaches of installing a single application on the device 1.Upload an application to the media repository and install it. 2.Install an application located in a local file. /* * Upload an application to the media repository and install it. */ String repositoryKey = "PUBLIC:PMIOSDemoInstrumented.ipa"; File file = new File("C:\\test\\applications\\PMIOSDemoInstrumented.ipa"); driver.uploadMedia(repositoryKey, file); device.installApplication(repositoryKey); /* * Install an application located in a local file. */ device.installApplication("C:\\test\\applications\\PMIOSDemoInstrumented.ipa");

14 Uploading Media Two approaches uploading media into the MobileCloud Repository: 1.Extract the image with the preview panel and save it with a logical name 2.Upload the image from a local file to the repository (code upload) /* * Upload a local file to the MobileCloud media repository. * If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. */ String repositoryKey = "PRIVATE:myImage.jpg"; File file = new File("C:\\test\\images\\myImage.jpg"); driver.uploadMedia(repositoryKey, file);

15 Resources Javadoc – Sample script – 73148 73148 Code snippets – 18680-mobilecloud-webdriver-code-snippets 18680-mobilecloud-webdriver-code-snippets GitHub repository –

16 Thank You

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