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Welcome and Introduction Seyhan Fırat Project Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome and Introduction Seyhan Fırat Project Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome and Introduction Seyhan Fırat Project Coordinator

2 Meeting with the head of Provincial and District National Education Directorates To discuss future vocational training applications for people with disabilities.

3 Vocational Education Centre and Open High Schools They are mainly involved with people with disability and disadvantaged people who are left their education uncompleted. These centres give different vocational education and training day and night.

4 Activities Since Last IPM Valorisation in Ankara The valorisation activity is organized by Turkish National Agency for all over Turkey at Hotel İçkale in Ankara. Around 150 participants were attended. Seyhan Firat joined the event as one of the seven panellist on 24-25 December 2008. I talked about the innovation perspective of TOI projects and gave information about the INEMDIP project.

5 VALUE OF DISSEMINATION EVENT People with disability and disadvantaged groups are discussed on a panel on 24 September at Okalip Centre in Istanbul. There were around 50 people representing four different project partners, governmental bodies and NGO’s for the Dissemination event. Representatives from United Kingdom, Turkey, Belgium, Greece, Bulgaria, Malta and Romania joined the DE.

6 Workshop for University Disability Support Systems Mahmut Hiziroglu and Gulbasak Diktas attended to the workshop for representing Sakarya University and INEMDIP project on 6 March, 2009 in Istanbul University. Main themes are; Increasing for awareness of public about people with disabilities Increasing for awareness of trainers/lecturers in universities about how to make best teaching methods for people with disabilities Training of nondisabled people in universities about how to approach to people with disabilities Increasing for awareness of Rectors, Deans and other managers of units about how to improve physical and social environment of universities for people with disabilities.

7 Tutors Note Contents of tutors notes have been preparing by project members.

8 Communication with different Disability organizations and foundations about to get their opinion for our project. Especially there are some good examples. For instance in Kocaeli city there is a village called as “our village”. In this village people with disabilities make so many textile products such as bag, hat, clothes etc. This village is also supported by EU project.

9 Comments of the Participants “I had great satisfaction being a participant in the Meeting. Most useful and highly satisfactory” Gülşah Akkın Sabancı Foundation

10 “A very satisfactory and informative meeting. One of the best in recent years. Extremely glad that issues regarding people with mental disabilities were discussed as well. We would like to be an active partner in future projects” Bilal Kızartıcı Federation of People with Mental Disabilities

11 “Very fruitful meeting. It has encouraged us to develop our own ideas and lead/participate in new EU projects.” Mehmet Kızıltaş

12 Questionnaire The questionnaire is distributed to SME’s to get their opinion and suggestions about Increasing Employability of Disabled People. 390 questionnaire are received from SME’s from different parts of Turkey. These questionnaires processed in the SPSS program. Mahmut Hiziroglu is going to give detailed informations about results.

13 Internal report is written and sent to National Agency. The second payment will be in our account very soon (as NA promised).


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