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1 Sexuality. 2 Why study sexuality sociologically? Important and controversial People do not understand sexuality very well Part of many areas of social.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sexuality. 2 Why study sexuality sociologically? Important and controversial People do not understand sexuality very well Part of many areas of social."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sexuality

2 2 Why study sexuality sociologically? Important and controversial People do not understand sexuality very well Part of many areas of social life

3 3 Sexual variations Hermaphrodites Combination of female and male genitalia Transsexuals “Trapped in the wrong body”

4 4 Homosexuality Kinsey’s continuum Most evidence indicates sexual orientation is rooted in human biology Biological explanations Simon LeVay Hormones Chromosomes (Twins studies) Social Explanations (Society plays some role)

5 5 Research Comparative research shows sex varies from culture to culture & place to place - positions, frequency, taboos, etc.. Kinsey 1940’s - 1950’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Sexual Behavior in the Human Female Set the stage for the sexual revolution

6 6 Kinsey Defined sexuality as a proper focus of scientific study Showed people were less conventional than assumed Created a new openness toward sexuality

7 7 Research Cont. Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response National Health and Social Life Survey Frequency of sexual activity Married people have sex more often than single people

8 8 Pornography Critics argue it may contribute to: Moral breakdown Violence against women Unfairly depicting women as the playthings of men

9 9 Obscenity criteria Appeal to “purient” interest Without social, artistic, literary, or scientific value Violates contemporary community standards

10 10 Prostitution Common in low-income countries where women have fewer economic opportunities Hierarchy of prostitution Elite (top) = call girls Bottom = Streetwalkers Against the law everywhere in US except for some parts of Nevada Legalizing prostitution

11 11 Prostitution Often not simply a personal choice between adults Women subjected to violence Increases spread of STD’s Many poor women become trapped into selling sex Legalizing prostitution

12 12 Rape Often not reported to police Official statistics include only women victims Most men who rape men are not homosexual

13 13 Rape Myths Committed between strangers Victim provoked their attackers Motive is simply a desire for sex

14 14 Birth control and social norms As society gains birth control, social norms regarding sexuality become more permissive.

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