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18/11/2015 Technology-enhanced assessment. Overview 18/11/2015 › Assessment and feedback challenges › Technology enhanced practice, some examples › From.

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1 18/11/2015 Technology-enhanced assessment

2 Overview 18/11/2015 › Assessment and feedback challenges › Technology enhanced practice, some examples › From challenge to change › Resources

3 Background and context » 2011-2014: A 3 year programme exploring technology-enhanced assessment and feedback » 2012: Baseline reviews of the institutional landscape » 2013: Case studies, videos and briefings » 2014: EMA landscape review » 2015: FE and skills e-Assessment survey 18/11/2015


5 Assessment and feedback challenges » highly devolved responsibility & inconsistent practices » lack of developmental focus » traditional practices dominate » timeliness, quality and consistency of feedback » learner in passive role » lack of relevance to world of work 18/11/2015 CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Whirling Phoenix

6 Electronic management of assessment » Localised initiatives but beginning to scale up - e-submission, e-marking, e- feedback » System integration is a key problem area » EMA exposes variability in business processes Challenges exposed 18/11/2015 “The use of technology is now a fundamental part of the support for assessment and feedback practice across the sector, but there are few examples of fully integrated approaches to supporting the whole assessment and feedback lifecycle” Jisc, 2014

7 Top 20 EMA challenges 18/11/2015

8 Findings from FE and skills survey › Lack of funding (51%) › Staff resistance (42%) › Technology difficult to implement (38%) › Issues with scaling up (35%) › Lack of direction by Government/Ofqal/Ofsted (26%) Barriers to e-assessment: » Lack of appropriate IT support (73%) » Infrastructure/wifi (67%) » Capacity issues e.g. e-testing (over 50%) Operational: 18/11/2015 Growth in the use of e-portfolios, associated tracking systems and new approaches to collecting and storing evidence is probably the key aspect of the development of e-assessment over the next 5 years. Jisc e-Assessment Survey Final Report

9 Activity What areas are uppermost in your mind as challenges relating to assessment and feedback in your context? ›5 mins in pairs and add postits to the poster ›5 mins feedback A challenging landscape 18/11/2015

10 Moving from challenge to change » Principle-led approaches to change › Moving to an ‘assessment for learning’ approach » The assessment and feedback lifecycle › Supporting the electronic management of assessment Useful tools and approaches 18/11/2015

11 Rethinking assessment practices » Evidence that assessment, rather than teaching, has a major influence on students’ learning » Increasing consensus of the importance of developing judgement and self-regulation in learners as critical skills for life and employment » But existing assessment practices often focus on the demonstration of knowledge and memory recall rather than the processes of learning » So…… are we best preparing learners for a lifetime of learning and employment? 18/11/2015

12 A starting point for change: a principled approach » Importance of defining the purpose of assessment and feedback » Need to articulate that underpinning vision before embarking on change » Principles are a good way to articulate and operationalise this › Provide a synthesis of the research › Action oriented › Evaluation device 18/11/2015 Resources Why principles? Overview of principles: feedback-principles feedback-principles CC BY 2.0 Mind_scratch

13 REAP principles › Clarify what good performance is (goals, criteria, standards) › Facilitate the development of reflection and self-assessment in learning › Deliver high quality feedback to students: that enables them to self-correct › Encourage peer and student-teacher dialogue around learning › Encourage positive motivational beliefs & self esteem through assessment › Provide opportunities to act on feedback › Provide information to teachers that can be used to help shape their teaching (making learning visible) Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick (2006) Good assessment and feedback should: support the development of learner self-regulation 18/11/2015

14 Putting principles into practice – Viewpoints 18/11/2015

15 Putting principles into practice – Viewpoints 18/11/2015

16 Putting principles into practice, QUB 18/11/2015

17 Putting principles into practice, QUB 18/11/2015

18 Aligning technology with principles University of Exeter ‘Tech Trump’ cards 18/11/2015

19 Examples in practice » More formative opportunities » Feed forward » Ipsative approaches » Access to feedback » Assessment scheduling Supporting longitudinal development » Feedback is a ‘black box’ » Teaching teams don’t discuss feedback » Useful analytical tools available The role of feedback 18/11/2015

20 Examples in practice Peer review › Most significant shift towards assessment for learning › Students need to be convinced of benefits › Open source tools e.g. Peerwise 18/11/2015

21 Case studies » Students as partners » Enhancing employability skills » Embedding EMA » Using technology to promote feedback dialogue » Viewpoints as a catalyst for change 18/11/2015 Video case studies: Reconceptualising feedback Reconceptualising feedback and Embedding employability skills

22 Moving from challenge to change » Principle-led approaches to change › Moving to an ‘assessment for learning’ approach » The assessment and feedback lifecycle › Supporting the electronic management of assessment Useful tools and approaches 18/11/2015

23 Why is EMA important? » Increased control and agency » Reduced anxiety » Improved privacy and security » Increased efficiency and convenience » Feedback which is clearer and easier to engage with, understand and store for later use 18/11/2015 “Amongst students there is very strong evidence to suggest that not only is electronic assessment management their preference, but that those who come to appreciate its attendant benefits then begin to see electronic assessment as their entitlement.” EBEAM final report

24 The assessment and feedback lifecycle 18/11/2015

25 Case studies » Bedford College » Walsall College » Queen’s University, Belfast » Institute of Education (now part of UCL) » University of Hertfordshire » Keele University » Manchester Metropolitan University 18/11/2015 EMA

26 Walsall College » Drivers: › To address student passivity in relation to the assessment and feedback process » Solution: › Using an integrated suite of technologies to support the whole of its assessment and feedback lifecycle End-to-end EMA: › Increased learner control › Rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted and praised for the change in the learner voice › Enhanced quality of data › Enhanced feedback › Tens of thousands of hours of staff time saved Benefits: 18/11/2015

27 Bedford College » Drivers: › Different processes for tracking student progress › Lack of transparency to students › Technology gap » Solution: Moodle Grade Tracker tool › Enables the tracking of progress against BTEC, C&G, A/AS level in a single system integrated with Moodle Moodle GradeTracker: › Increased student satisfaction › Favourable OFSTED view informed by student feedback › Students have greater awareness of deadlines › Enhances the personal tutoring process – students see what staff see Benefits: 18/11/2015

28 Resources » Now available › New online guide ‘Transforming assessment and feedback with technology’ now available › Please share your feedback - » Coming soon – March 16 › Further clarity on EMA processes and system specification › An institutional self-assessment tool linking through to the guidance 18/11/2015

29 Find out more 18/11/2015 » New guide: assessment-and-feedback » Guides, case studies, videos and other resources on assessment and feedback: » Baseline review eReportMay2012.pdf eReportMay2012.pdf » Landscape report available from: » Join the conversation on the blog: » and on twitter #jiscassess » Join the mailing list:

30 18/11/2015 Any questions?

31 Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND Find out more… Contact Lisa Gray Senior Co-Design Manager, Student Experience 18/11/2015

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