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Current System: The translation on the spine is locked in model space to set values from code, this removes the inherited translational noise that looks.

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2 Current System: The translation on the spine is locked in model space to set values from code, this removes the inherited translational noise that looks & feels bad in first person Goal: To reflect the animated torso position from the first person animations directly in game Justification: Ensures that the animator’s scene in Maya fully matches the in-game view Removes hard-coded translation pinning positions Allows translational animation of the torso for run cycles & actions 2

3 Build a complete pose from the torso animations and overlay it onto the locomotion, maintaining the torso model-space position & feathering between the two Issues: Extra expense of doing full body animation rather than the current torso only o Memory impact will be minimal assuming that the legs don’t move o The memory & concatenation cost could be trimmed by cutting out both legs at conversion time o There is potential for sharing the matrix buffers from the third person animations to reduce cost Assuming that the locomotion could be shared between 1 st & 3rd Extra buffer & logic required to merge the two complete animations together Would require additional stance specific base poses o These are a likely requirement anyway 3

4 Have an additional joint in the 3 rd person animations to attach to that smoothes out the motion. Issues: Additional work & maintenance on the many 3 rd person animations o This could be mitigated to defaulting to a hard-coded offset if node is not present Less WYSIWYG: the 1 st person animations would not be the full picture 4

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