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Reading The perfect copy (II) Language points Module 5 Unit 3 Science and nature Designed by Mu Jinjing Sheyang High School.

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1 Reading The perfect copy (II) Language points Module 5 Unit 3 Science and nature Designed by Mu Jinjing Sheyang High School

2 Objectives 1. Review the contents we’ve learned about the passage. 2. Master some new words and phrases and the usage of them. 3. Do some exercises for consolidation. 4. Write a short passage using the words and phrases we learn today.

3 Fill in the blanks according to the text. People hold different opinions about cloning. It’s good news for Faye Wilson, who was _________ to have a baby of her own but doesn’t want to _________a child. Colin is also in complete __________ with human cloning, because he wants to clone his daughter who died of heart failure. Actually Ian has created Dolly without the ___________of copying humans. He thinks research efforts should focus on creating new ___________ and organs that can be used to cure diseases like cancer. agreement anxious adopt intention tissues

4 Pauline believes human cloning is against nature. One of its ___________ may be that human life would just become a crop to be _________ or a product for sale. In the opinion of Wang Lin, the whole _______ of cloning is not moral. If people ____with life, problems might be created. The idea behind cloning sounds good, but there are many _________ problems with cloning. Mankind is not ready for it. harvested consequences toy concept real-life

5 Phrases: 1. 一方面...... 另一方面 2. 干涉自然 3. 即将做某事...... 4. 总体来说 5. 不尊重 6. 努力推进 7. 集中精力在...... 8. 成功做某事 on one hand … on the other hand toy with nature on one’s way to doing in general show no respect for push ahead with focus efforts on succeed in doing...

6 Translation: 1.with the intention of 2.cause anxiety 3.adopt a child with consequences 5.comment on complete agreement with 7.on a personal note 8.transform my life 带有..... 目的 引起焦虑 领养一个小孩 处理后果 评论 完全赞同 在我个人看来 改变我的生活


8 1.Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create copies of humans. (L16) However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life. (L18-20) intention (n.)_________________ 意图,目的;企图

9 * They have no intention of getting married at present. * Sorry, I didn’t intend to hurt you; I just wanted to tell you the truth. * The old man intended her daughter to marry that rich man. * The book is intended for children. * PSAs are intended to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.

10 have the intention of /to do… with intend to do… sb. to do … be intended for … to do… 带有 … 目的;打算 打算做 … 打算使某人做某事 打算为 … 所用的 Summary: 旨在 …

11 Guide dogs are intended for the blind.

12 2. Even though human cloning is causing a lot of anxiety, it is good news… (L21) anxiety n. ________________ adj. _______________ adv. ____________ 焦虑, 担心 ; 渴望 anxious 担忧的 ; 渴望的 anxiously

13 Fill in the blanks using the right form. * The doctor’s report removed all their _______________. * He seemed ________ about the meeting. anxious anxiety / anxieties * Everyone is __________waiting for the result after the examination. anxiously

14 3. I don’t want to adopt someone else’s child…(L23) adopt vt. (1) __________ He is their adopted son. _____________ (2)___________ 采纳一个计划 ___________ n. the adoption of the plan 采纳,采用 他是他们的养子。 领养,收养 ad o pt a plan The new tax would force companies to _____ energy-saving measures. A. adopt B. adjust C. admit D. accept [ 即学即练 ]

15 4. If we toy with nature, we will have to deal with the consequences. (L34-L35) consequence n. 结果,后果 * in consequence = as a consequence = consequently adv. 结果 / 因此 * in consequence of = as a consequence of 由于 [ 巧学活用 ] Make sentences.

16 5. Human life would just become a crop to be harvested or a product for sale. ( L35-36 ) 待售 ______ 减价出售;出售,上市 ________ * The sign on the house says “__________”. * The new model goes _______ next month. on sale For sale for sale on sale

17 6. On a personal note, cloning would totally transform my life. (L48) 就我个人而言,克隆将彻底改变我的生活。 A tadpole (蝌蚪) ________________ a frog. is transformed into transform vt. transform...into...

18 Test yourself : 1.The ________ of new technology solved the problem. 2.We all know parents are often _______ about their children. 3.The new plan will ________ the British film industry completely. 4. The campaign is ________ to raise people’s environmental awareness. adoption anxious transform intended

19 Important sentences: 1.______cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby. While 2. If I ____ (have) the chance, I___________ (have) a cloned baby right now. hadwould have

20 GUESS and SAY choose and answer GAME

21 Who is the best?  Level 1 1  Level 2 2  Level 3 3 LevelsPoints Exercises A A A B B B

22 语境填词 3 ′ toy with push ahead with deal with 1.If the problem is not __________, the situation will become more serious. 2.Lost in thought, Jack _________ the pencil between his fingers. 3.China is _________________its curriculum reform( 课程改革 ), which will have good consequences. dealt with toyed with pushing ahead with

23 Fill in the blanks: 2 ′ If your are worried about your health, _____ _____ ________ ( 把你的忧虑告诉 ) with your doctor. share your anxieties

24 Multiple choices: 1 ′ I got the news that some winter clothes are ______. Will you go with me ? A. for sale B. on sale C. at discount D. in sale

25 Translation: 3 ′ 因为堵车, 我上班迟到了。 (in two ways) * I was caught in a traffic jam. As a consequence / In consequence/Consequently, I was late for work. * I was late for work as a consequence of/in consequence of the traffic jam.

26 Change the sentences: 2 ′ Mary agreed with her husband’s proposal completely that they should find a new house. Mary was___ ________ _________ with her husband’s proposal that they should find a new house. in complete agreement

27 Word spelling: 1 ′ 1. The government has already a________ effective measures against pollution. 2. It’s common knowledge that energy can be t__________ from one form into another. adopted transformed

28 Make up a story or write a short passage, using the words and expressions on the Bb. One phrase----One point

29 on one hand … on the other hand toy with lead to in general show (no) respect for push ahead with focus efforts on in complete agreement with with the intention of on one’s way to doing deal with comment on on a personal note succeed in doing... use up Useful expressions:


31 Today is September 17th. The Mid-autumn Festival is on its way. In consequence, I intend to buy some mooncakes which are on sale in many supermarkets. On the one hand, we can eat them while enjoying the full moon in the yard. On the other hand, I will send some to my parents to show respect and gratitude for them who are devoted to bringing us up. On a personal note, it’s a good chance to tell our parents we love them while getting together. Are you in agreement with me ?


33 Homework: Keep these words and usage in mind; Improve and present your writing.

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