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GBT in the Hills National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank, WV.

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Presentation on theme: "GBT in the Hills National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank, WV."— Presentation transcript:


2 GBT in the Hills National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank, WV

3 Measuring the Size and Age of the Universe Introduction

4 You are an astronomer who has just made this image of the sky. As you study this image, what questions do you ask?

5 Introduction What are these “fuzzy” objects? Are they moving? Are they part of a system? How far away are they? What are they made of? How were they formed?

6 galaxy data 1

7 Gas Spectra Neon Sodium Hydrogen

8 Radio Spectral Line Hydrogen NGC 628 Radio Spectra

9 Galaxy data 2

10 Doppler Shifts Doppler Shift

11 The Expanding Universe Expansion

12 If we assume: All spiral galaxies are similar in size to the Milky Way. Spiral galaxies are 10 kpc in radius. Then we can estimate the distance to these galaxies. Assumption s

13 TAN angle = Opposite Adjacent R Angular size Distance Galaxy distance Distance = Radius TAN angle = Radius Distance

14 Our dv graph

15 Hubble Constant 1/T = H 1/H = Time!!! Age of Univers e Slope = V/D T = 1 x D D

16 Hubble’s Data Hubble’s DV Graph

17 Calculating H and T

18 So, What is the Age of the Universe? About 11 BY answer

19 August, 1999 October, 1999 Sky&Tele 2

20 Distance Ladder

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